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Samsung Adds Support For 3 New TRON dApps

TRON network’s partnership with the technological giant Samsung appears to be expanding. Just two months after announcing on the initial deal to be integrated on the latter’s Blockchain Keystore, Samsung adds support for three new TRON-based dApps for its Galaxy S10 phone.Samsung To Support 3 New TRON dAppsAccording to a recent Korean report, three of TRON-based decentralized applications will be available on of the bestselling smartphones launched by the tech giant, such as the flagship...

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Swiss President Says ‘No’ to Libra Project

Swiss outgoing President and Finance Minister Ueli Maurer said on Friday that Facebook’s Libra project “failed in its current form and needs reworking to be approved.”He said:“I don’t think Libra has a chance in its current form, because central banks will not accept the basket of currencies underpinning it. The project, in this form, has thus failed.”Regulators all over the world have been worried that Libra would possibly increment the risk of money laundering and criminal actions through...

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Decade to Remember: Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett and Other Best Performers

This year was pretty good for one of the most famous world’s billionaires. However, the whole decade seems to finish even better. Take Warren Buffett for example. He is ending the year with a net worth of approximately $89 billion, up around $42 billion since 2010 and making him the seventh-biggest billionaire gainer of the past 10 years. Let it also be known that the Oracle of Omaha never sold any Berkshire Hathaway, and about 98% of his fortune is made up only of the company’s shares.But,...

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UEFA, AlphaWallet to Power Up EURO 2020 Tickets with Ethereum Blockchain

AlphaWallet is a tokenization firm providing companies with exclusive services of launching their coins. Boosted by the Ethereum network, AW allows users to take advantage of DeFi, DAOs, stable coins and ERC-20 smart contracts.Together with the UEFA, AW plans to bring the crypto fans together with football fans. This will happen through an Ethereum integration, with over 20,000 tokens put on the custom blockchain to back up the tickets.Victor Zhang, AlphaWallet CEO, noted:“If we can convert...

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Amazon Sits Atop S&P 500 With Record Holiday Season Sales

As far as the S&P 500 index is concerned, Amazon seems to have hit a new record this holiday season. According to a Bloomberg report, the e-commerce giant’s sale of “tens of millions” of Amazon products, cemented a “record-breaking” end of the year.Amazon S&P 500 RecordAmazon’s low-volume trading, shortly after Christmas, ensured its top spot on the S&P 500 as it jumped by 3.4%. As holiday shopping continued to increase, other stores including J.C. Penney Co., Macy’s Inc. and...

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#779 Krieg gegen Krypto-Youtuber, Ethereum Co-Founder Exit & 7000 Bitcoin Asics beschlagnahmt

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 779. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Youtube sperrt Krypto Videos und Kanäle & Ethereum Co-Founder Exit & 7.000 Bitcoin-Asics in China beschlagnahmt. 1.) YouTube Reinstates More Crypto-Related Content, Admits To Mistake Via Twitter 2.) Ethereum Co-Founder Exit? Whale versendet 92.000 ETH an...

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Smart Contracts: So funktionieren Verträge auf der Blockchain

Smart Contracts sind digitale Vereinbarungen, deren Ergebnisse dezentral in der Blockchain gespeichert werden. Wer bereits schon mal ein Auto oder ein Haus gekauft hat, kennt den hohen Aufwand, der bei dieser Art von komplexen Transaktionen einzigartig ist. Eine Lösung zur Reduktion der Komplexität sind sogenannte Smart Contracts auf der Blockchain. Smart Contracts sind Zeilen in Computercode, die auf einer Blockchain gespeichert sind....

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Smart Contracts: So funktionieren Verträge auf der Blockchain

Smart Contracts sind digitale Vereinbarungen, deren Ergebnisse dezentral in der Blockchain gespeichert werden. Wer bereits schon mal ein Auto oder ein Haus gekauft hat, kennt den hohen Aufwand, der bei dieser Art von komplexen Transaktionen einzigartig ist. Eine Lösung zur Reduktion der Komplexität sind sogenannte Smart Contracts auf der Blockchain. Smart Contracts sind Zeilen in Computercode, die auf einer Blockchain gespeichert sind....

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Uncertain Optimism about the Anticipated Ethereum Hard Fork

In general, the crypto sphere was not encouraging for most of this week, as Bitcoin merged in the low range of $7000, but Ethereum continues to weaken.After the particularly harsh end of 2019, it may seem that shortly the fate of Ethereum financial speculators will not change. The second-largest crypto asset in the world will have a bearish end in 2019. The price of Ethereum continues to crumble and now the network is getting progressively exasperated due to planning the next network...

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Binance.US Beta Service Now Available for Android Users as Well

Just in time, before the new year has started, Binance said that its crypto exchange for United States-based users, Binance.US, is now available for beta testing on Android devices.In a tweet published on Christmas, the U.S. subsidiary encouraged its users to engage in the beta test of the crypto trading application on Android devices. Through this test phase, users will be able to ease some issues for Binance.US.For example, users will be able to help in identifying eventual bugs and...

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