Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 782. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Willkommen in 2020, von Trump über Brexit, Halvening, McAfee und vielem mehr – Es wird ein wildes Jahr. 1.) Welcome to 2020: From Trump to Brexit, Halvening to Dickening, It’s Going to be Wildhttps://coinspice.io/news/welcome-to-2020-from-trump-to-brexit-halvening-to-dickening-its-going-to-be-wild/ 2.) BITCOIN HASH RATE NOW 7X THE SIZE IT WAS DURING 2017...
Read More »Corda: So funktioniert die Blockchain der Zentralbanken
Corda: Die "Blockchain" für Unternehmen. Die grosse Frage ist ja nicht, ob sich die Blockchain-Technologie durchsetzen wird. Die spannende Frage lautet ja, welche Blockhain-Plattform wird sich durchsetzen. Ethereum, Stellar, Tron und wie sie alle heissen. Sie alle sind eine Weiterentwicklung der Bitcoin-Technologie und bieten Smart Contrats, den Abgleich von Token und oft auch eine komplette API an. Nur, welche wird sich durchsetzen?...
Read More »Schweizer Konjunktur 2020: Wachstum dank Blockchain-Branche, Olympia und Fusball
2019 ist die Schweizer Wirtschaft knapp 1 Prozent gewachsen. Für 2020 wird etwas mehr, nämlich ein Wachstum von 1.5 Prozent prognostiziert. Allerdings ist dieses Wachstum nicht solide und beruht unter anderem darauf, dass nächstes Jahr die Olympischen Spiele und die Fussball-Europameisterschaft stattfinden. Ansonsten sorgen lediglich die Pharma- sowie die Blockchain-Branche und der Privatkonsum für klingende Kassen. Fussball-Europameisterschaft und Olympia Das nächste Jahr ist...
Read More »Ethereum Railroad Aligns with the Anticipated Hard Fork
The Ethereum team will activate Muir Glacial hard fork on January 1 or 2. An update is important to defer the purported difficulty bomb by another 4 million blocks, and this will occur in block 9,200,000.Ethereum (ETH), the second-biggest computerized asset with a continuous market estimation of $14.5 billion, totally changed its benefit toward the end of the week and added up to $130.50 at the hour of composing. ETH/USD has lost over 2.5% over the most recent 24 hours and has stayed...
Read More »2019 Bitcoin Wrap: How Fundamental Factors Dictate Market Sentiment
At the time of writing, BTC/USD was changing hands for $7,230.01, down about 2% in the last 24 hours and not changing since the start of the day. The cryptocurrency of the first choice is closed in the range with a moderate bearish bias before the New Year.Brokers and financial specialists will, in general, leave the space during significant occasions. Accordingly, low, slow action prompts low volumes and low liquidity. While the generally merry season in the business sectors is exhausting,...
Read More »VPLedger: an All-In-One Blockchain Platform
Place/Date: Copenhagen, Denmark - December 31st, 2019 at 10:47 am UTC · 4 min read Source: VPLedger Photo: VPLedgerSince the moment the Bitcoin (BTC) network went live over 10 years ago, developers have been working in the creation of new technologies that focus on bringing real use to the functionalities that the BTC network had within. Blockchain technology can be defined as a growing list of records, called blocks, that are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic...
Read More »#781 Bitcoin – Jahresanfangsrally und BTC Dump von 2016 – 2020
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 781. Heute sprechen wir kurz über das Verhalten vom Bitcoin Kurs zu Beginn der letzten 4 Jahre von 2016 bis 2020 01.01.16 – 08.01.16 (+9,2%)01.01.17 – 05.01.17 (+21,81%)01.01.18 – 06.01.18 (+34,89%)01.01.19 – 08.01.19 (+11,28%) 08.01.16 – 16.01.16 (-24,04%)05.01.17 – 12.01.17 (-37,25%)07.01.18 – 06.02.18 (-65,02%)08.01.19 – 06.02.19 (-19,19%) Ich wünsche allen einen guten Rutsch und einen perfekten Start ins...
Read More »Virgil Griffith Is Going Home as His Father Paid 1 Million Dollars Bond
Judge Vernon Broderick of New York has released Virgil Griffith, the Ethereum developer, on bail. The decision issued by the U.S. District Court. When the hearings took place, the judge said that the law in America is not something that can be identified as a suggestion. Matthew Russell Lee, Inner City Press CEO, was in the room during the new hearings and sent some information to Twitter.OK- here for Virgil Griffith's appeal of his Dec 26 bail denial for alleged crypto violation of...
Read More »TRX Holders Will Enter 2020 with ‘Fingers Crossed’ as 33B Tokens to Be Released
Analysts already predict TRX prices will fall if the Tron Foundation won’t burn them or use coins for some kind of very substantial development. The current supply and demand proportion on the TRX market shows that the unlocking a new portion of tokens may serve a surprise to the loyal TRX holders.The TRON community was celebrating independence from the Ethereum blockchain back in 2018. As a symbol of the powerful event, the great coin burn happened. TRON had destroyed 1 billion tokens,...
Read More »DLive and Lino Network Join BitTorrent and Tron Ecosystem
DLive is a social platform for sharing content using blockchain, and now they want to extend by seriously migrating to the TRON ecosystem supported by Tron Foundation. The platforms will make sure that the customers are getting the service of content sharing, video streaming and more. The BitTorrent network will show advertisements of DLive, and serve as the file storage for the company.Justin Sun Buying Companies: Plans a Business Empire?DLIve is in development for the last 15 months....
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