Today January 3, 2020, marks the completion of 11 years since Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto created the Genesis Block on the Bitcoin network. Also called ‘Block 0’, the Genesis Block was the first-ever block available on the Bitcoin blockchain.Six days later on January 9, 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto released the first Bitcoin software client. Thus, the crypto community often celebrates January 9 as the birthday of Bitcoin when Block 1 was mined.Although the usual block time on the Bitcoin...
Read More »Bitcoin Price Surges $500 Following Iranian Quds Force’s Leader Assassination
Bitcoin’s price went on yet another quick rollercoaster throughout the past 24 hours. It dropped down to about $6,850 yesterday, only to get back up above $7,300 today. Interestingly enough, the move comes following a US airstrike, which had the leader of Iran’s Quds Force’s leader killed.Bitcoin Price Surges $500 In HoursYesterday, the price of Bitcoin dropped down to a low of around $6,850 in a violent red candle. Naturally, it had the overall sentiment in a mixed state because it dropped...
Read More »Telegram Founders Refuse to Report to SEC on How They Spent $1.7B Raised in ICO
On Thursday, TON founders received an order to open their TON ICO documents to the investigators. The order came via a court filing by the U.S. regulator. Per the document:“Plaintiff respectfully moves to compel Defendants to answer questions and provide documents regarding the amounts, sources, and use of funds raised from investors in connection with the unregistered sale of securities at issue in this case.The requested bank records are highly relevant to the issues in dispute in this...
Read More »#783 Passwort Gesetz China, Bitcoin Halving eingepreist & Geld verdienen als Influnecer mit Appics
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 783. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Neues Passwort-Gesetz ebnet Weg für Chinas Zentralbank-Kryptowährung, Bitcoin Halving 2020 bereits eingepreist & Geld verdienen als Influencer mit Appics. 1.) Neues Passwort-Gesetz ebnet Weg für Chinas Zentralbank-Kryptowährung 2.) Analyse: Bitcoin Halving-Event 2020 ist...
Read More »Telegram Refuses To Share Financial Records With SEC
The case between the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the encrypted messaging platform Telegram takes another turn. The latter has reportedly refused to hand over financial details regarding its ICO from two years ago, which was recently requested by the market regulator.Telegram Does Not Want To ShareAfter raising over a billion dollars in two token sales in 2018 for the development of its Telegram Open Network (TON) blockchain, the company attracted a lot of attention to...
Read More »MetaMask is Back on the Google Play Store as the Tech Giant Lifts Ban
Popular Ethereum browser extension and wallet service MetaMask is back on the Google Play Store after going through a weeklong ban. On January 1, 2020, MetaMask shared this good news on Twitter by thanking the entire community.MetaMask is a very popular Google Chrome browser extension that hosts a built-in crypto wallet running Ethereum-based decentralized applications (DApps). Moreover, its unique feature is that it allows Ethereum DApps to run without requiring a full Ethereum node.MetaMask...
Read More »Bitcoin Hash Rate mit neuem Höchstwert
Der BTC Kurs konnte zum Jahresende nicht mehr anziehen, der Höchststand aus 2017 blieb im letzten Jahr unerreicht. Die Hash Rate jedoch stieg am 1. Januar 2020 auf ungefähr 119 Quintillion Hashes per Second und damit auf einen neuen Rekordwert.Bitcoin News: Bitcoin Hash Rate mit neuem HöchstwertEine ungeschriebene Regel des Marktes lautet:Der Preis folgt der Hash Rate.Und so wartet der Markt aktuell darauf, dass der neue Rekordwert der Hash Rate auch den BTC-Kurs anschiebt – allerdings bisher...
Read More »Scalability, Hard Fork, General Crypto Bias Lay Constraint on Ether
Ethereum, the decentralized computing platform behind the token, has been trying to extend its network for years with a series of upgrades that may eventually transform its Proof-of-work protocol into a staking network. The improvements took longer than expected, and some analysts doubt that this difficult technical achievement can be achieved. Besides, several new entrants to the sector have put pressure on Ethereum as an increasing number of developers are moving towards newer options.The...
Read More »Ripple: Wird XRP zum Überflieger 2020?
XRP vs. Bitcoin: Ripple hat im Jahr 2020 gegenüber Bitcoin 70% Verlust gemacht. Ein Geheimtipp fürs Jahr 2020? Laut dem bekannten Twitter User @CryptoWels hat Ripples digitale Währung XRP fürs 2020 am meisten Potential: Ripple ist mit seinem digitalen Asset XRP seit Jahren auf dem dritten Platz der Kryptowährungen – gemessen an der Marktkapitalisierung. Voraus liegen Bitcoin und Ethereum. Die Ripple-Community glaubt aber nach wie vor an...
Read More »Blockchain als Revolution der Gaming-Industrie
Mit einem erwarteten globalen Umsatz von 143 Milliarden US-Dollar im Jahr 2020 ist die Gaming-Industrie ein stetig wachsender Sektor in der Weltwirtschaft. Da es in dieser Branche vergleichsweise stark auf spielerfreundliche Entwicklung und Anpassungsfähigkeit ankommt, findet eine Technologie immer wieder das Gehör der Verantwortlichen: die Blockchain. Was in Kryptowährungen seinen Ursprung nahm, kann im Gaming entscheidenden Einfluss ausüben. Zahlungen sind ein immer...
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