Das in der PayPal-App hinterlegte Logo für den PayPal Coin. Quelle: PayPal iPhone app Auf Basis von Aussagen eines Entwicklers, welcher innerhalb der PayPal-App Informationen auf einen möglichen Stablecoin des Dienstleisters gefunden hat, gab es bereits Gerüchte um die Entwicklung. Nunmehr hat der Zahlungsdienstleister die Pläne bestätigt. Bei dem grossen amerikanischen Dienstleister PayPal wurde angeblich die geplante Einführung des...
Read More »Court Ruling Gives Ripple Access to SEC Emails about Ethereum Speech
Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network...
Read More »Studie: Bitcoin Betrüger haben Hochkonkunkutur
Kryptowährungen, allen voran der Bitcoin, haben Hochkonjunktur. Sie sind in aller Munde und jeder, der sich nur ein bisschen mit Investitionen beschäftigt, stösst auf irgend ein Inserat, Google Ad oder Nachricht auf Social Media. Durch die hohen Gewinne und Kurssteigerungen der letzten Jahre, will niemand die Chance verpassen, an diesem Hype teilzuhaben. Viele haben jedoch wenig Ahnung vom Kryptomarkt und der Funktionsweise der verschiedenen...
Read More »Bitcoin And Ethereum Futures ETF To Arrive In India
Through a memo of understanding, Torus King Blockchain IFSC recently partnered with India INX to launch India’s first Bitcoin and Ethereum ETF product. This is the first Bitcoin futures ETF to premier outside of the United States. An Indian Crypto ETF As reported by The Economic Times, the ETF will launch under the International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA)’s sandbox structure. Torus will be responsible for providing liquidity to India INX using smart order...
Read More »Harbor Custom Development Says “Yes” to Crypto Payments
If you’re looking to purchase your first house and you’ve got some crypto saved up, your portfolio could provide you with the down payment you’ll need thanks to a new property development company that’s saying “yes” to assets like BTC, ETH, and Doge. The company is Harbor Custom Development, Inc., and the company is opening its doors to crypto payments for real estate. Harbor Custom Seems to Love Crypto Based in Gig Harbor, Washington, Harbor Custom lists a wide array of...
Read More »Kim Kardashian and Floyd Mayweather Sued for Promoting EthereumMax Token
The reality TV star, Kim Kardashian and the boxing legend, Floyd Mayweather, are among the targets of a recent lawsuit. Filed in a Los Angeles federal court on January 7, the suit alleges that the duo and other celebrities misled investors by promoting a digital currency known as EthereumMax (EMAX). Misrepresentation of Facts to Pump EMAX Token Price The plaintiff, according to court documents, represents investors who invested in “the Ethereum Max scheme” from May 14 through...
Read More »Polygon (MATIC) Schedules Long-Awaited EIP-1559 Upgrade for Next Week
Leading Ethereum layer-2 scaling solution, Polygon, announced today that the much-awaited Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 1559 upgrade will go live on the mainnet next week. Polygon’s London HardFork Set to go Live In an official announcement on Wednesday, the India-based project noted that the upgrade, which will initiate the burning of MATIC, is scheduled to go live on the mainnet on January 18, 2022 at about 8 a.m. UTC. The EIP-1559 upgrade, commonly known as the...
Read More »Billionaire Investor Mark Cuban Seeks Crypto Utility Over Trading
Speaking to CNBC on Jan. 11, the billionaire investor said he looks for utility when researching crypto investments. He followed up with “tokens trading are the least important part of crypto” in a Tuesday tweet. Decentralized platforms leveraging smart contract technology and DAOs are his preferred choices, he stated. Tokens trading are the least important part of crypto. Being able to create businesses on decentralized platforms leveraging smart contracts, validators,...
Read More »Everyone Is Using Tesla Vehicles to Extract Crypto
In 2018, Siraj Raval purchased a Tesla Model 3 electric vehicle. Today, he doesn’t just use it to get from point A to point B… He uses it to mine cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Ethereum. You Can’t Buy a Tesla with Crypto, but You Can Use it for Mining Raval has run bitcoin mining software on the Apple Mac mini M1 computer located within the car. He has also plugged an inverter into the 12-volt power socket located within the vehicle’s center. While engaging in this...
Read More »Nasdaq-Listed Real Estate Company to Embrace Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, and Shiba Inu Payments
Washington-based real estate firm – Harbor Custom Development, Inc. – will reportedly start accepting digital currencies as payment for its residential homes, apartments, condominiums, and other properties as of January 24th. Crypto Making its Way in the Retail Estate Industry According to a recent coverage, Harbor Custom Development, Inc. (Nasdaq ticker: HCDI) will embrace numerous digital assets as a means of settlement. Some of the assets include Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum...
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