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Ethereum (ETH)

#878 CME Ethereum Futures, Coinbase Ausfall Bitcoin Crash & 1 Million aktive BTC Wallets

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 878. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: CME könnte bald Ethereum Futures veröffentlichen, Coinbase Ausfall während Bitcoin Crash & 1 Million aktive Bitcoin Wallets. 1.) CME könnte bald Ethereum Futures veröffentlichen 2.) Coinbase Kunden verärgert: Ausfall während des Bitcoin...

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Céline Gasperini, Psychologue en ligne

Nouvel ajout à la liste des établissements français qui acceptent les paiements en bitcoins : Céline Gasperini, psychologue clinicienne, diplômée d’un master en psychologie clinique et recherche, spécialité thérapies émotionnelles, cognitives et comportementales (TCC), université Lille 3. « Installée en libéral à Dunkerque et spécialisée en TCC, les consultations se déroulent en ligne et/ou en cabinet. Consultations en ligne sécurisées...

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Halving Nightmares: Bitcoin Price Tumbles Below $8000 Just Two Days Before The 2020 Halving Event

Bitcoin crashed 10% in 30 minutes, and almost 20% over the past hours, plunging below $8000 on some exchanges. Just two days before the anticipated Bitcoin halving event and no more than 48 hours after touching the $10K mark, a classic “sell the news” dump had initiated.As of writing these lines, the price of Bitcoin corrected a bit and currently trading around $8500, which is a 12% drop over the past 24 hours. While Bitcoin’s current daily low on Bitstamp was $8117, Binance Futures platform...

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MyEtherWallet MEW App: Beginner’s Guide To The Mobile Wallet App

MyEtherWallet is among the most popular and veteran wallets for storing ETH and ERC-20 tokens, which are Ethereum blockchain-based. Besides the well-known web wallet, MyEther had recently launched a mobile app, available for both Android and iOS devices.MyEtherWallet or MEW Wallet app allows users to buy and send cryptocurrencies quickly and on-the-go. Users can get the app on the Apple AppStore, Google Play, or Samsung’s Galaxy Store, create their wallet, and buy Ethereum (ETH) using the new...

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Loom Network streicht die Segel

Das Loom Network hat seinen Tiefpunkt erreicht. Das Projekt war Ethereum-Centric und damit eines, welches auf Altcoins setzte. Zum Start 2018 erlebte Loom Network einen großen Hype, der die Marktkapitalisierung auf ungefähr 400 Millionen US-Dollar stiegen lies. Nun ist alles vorbei!Crypto News: Loom Network streicht die SegelOffiziell wird Loom Network noch mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von 16 Millionen US-Dollar geführt – also mit einem Drop von mehr als 95% gegenüber dem Höchststand. Doch...

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0x (ZRX) Skyrockets 150% Following Weekly Stake Payouts and Name-check By Vitalik

0x (ZRX) gained 143% against the dollar leading into Friday, May 8. The price surge comes after announcing weekly staking payouts, and potentially getting a fortuitous ‘Ethereum rub’ from Vitalik Buterin.Notably, on May 7, the 0x community voted in favor of a proposal that would cut the regularity of staking payouts from 10 days to 7 days. 0x users who opt to become liquidity providers will now receive payouts weekly.Meanwhile, Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin mentioned 0x as “one of the...

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Ethereum Price Pumps Along with Bitcoin as BTC Halving Only 3 Days Away

Bitcoin price is moving up as the halving is just 3 days away. But will Ethereum follow the trend and rise along with Bitcoin?Bitcoin’s third halving is only four days away. Unsurprisingly, the price of Bitcoin has been climbing and is expected to explode after the event. Usually, Bitcoin carries the rest of the crypto market on its shoulder and pulls other assets up as it rises. Ethereum seems to be following Bitcoin’s trajectory and is also on the rise. As a result, many are currently...

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Crypto Price Analysis & Overview May 8th: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Monero, and Tron

BitcoinBitcoin saw an impressive 11.5% price surge over the past 7 days of trading as the cryptocurrency manages to reach as high as $10,000 again. During the week, the coin managed to break above the previous resistance at $9,000 and continued above further resistance at $9,426 and $9,815 to reach the $10,000 level.Looking ahead, if the buyers break above $10,000, resistance is located at $10,226 (1.618 Fib Extension) and $10,430 (2020 high). Above this, resistance is located at $10,810,...

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Bitcoin kaufen? Erst diese Tipps lesen!

Es kann sein, dass in der Bitcoin-Welt bald wieder FOMO herrscht. FOMO steht als Abkürzung für „Fear of missing out“. Zu Deutsch ist damit die Angst, etwas zu verpassen, gemeint. Vor allem wenn der Bitcoin-Preis wieder mal durch die Decke geht, kann dies zu FOMO-Entscheidungen führen. FOMO kann allerdings gerade bei Investitionen in Kryptowährungen zu impulsiven, unüberlegten Entscheidungen führen. Lassen Sie sich nicht von FOMO leiten. Lesen Sie vor einer Investiton folgende...

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Ethereum Price Tries to Go Higher after ETH Tested the Area of Lows

On Thursday, May 7th, the ETH rate resumes growth after a row of days “in the red”. Now Ethereum is generally trading at $207, having lost around 3% within the last 24 hours.By Dmitriy Gurkovskiy, Chief Analyst at RoboForex.ETH price forecastThe Ethereum solving the scalability problemA blockchain must be efficient and flexible – ButerinOn W1, the Ethereum demonstrates a wave of mid-term growth after testing the area of the lows. The quotations are rising to the resistance line of the...

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