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Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum Transaktionsgebühren übersteigen 30 US-Dollar

Das Ethereum Netzwerk ist weiterhin davon entfernt, sich als alltagstaugliche Alternative zu präsentieren. Die Transaktionskapazität sinkt weiter, während gleichzeitig der Wettbewerb um die Mining-Blöcke gestiegen ist. Zwischenzeitlich berichteten Nutzer von Gebühren im Bereich von über 30 US-Dollar mit dem ETH.Ethereum News: Ethereum Transaktionsgebühren übersteigen 30 US-DollarDas ETH-Netzwerk hat seit Mai dieses Jahrs zirka 10 Prozent an Transaktionskapazität eingebüßt. Währenddessen ist...

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Crypto Black Friday Blowout Comes Early, But Who’s Buying ETH, XRP, and LTC?

Black Friday seems to have arrived earlier in the cryptocurrency market. But, unlike the real Black Friday, nobody seems to be rushing in to buy cryptos at the current discount rate.According to the Crypto Fear and Greed Index (CFGI), the overall market sentiment turned into “extreme fear” as investors expect a further downturn. However, historical data reveals that every time the CFGI goes into “extreme fear,” a buying opportunity is presented.The following technical analysis will evaluate...

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Merged TD Ameritrade and Charles Schwab Could Balance Fidelity’s Crypto Domination

There are rumors that the bank and stock brokerage company The Charles Schwab Corp. is negotiating a purchase of online broker TD Ameritrade. The two companies are the largest publicly-traded discount brokers in the United States but it is interesting to see what would this merger mean for the cryptocurrency trading.But, let’s start from the beginning. Nebraskan TD Ameritrade has been crypto-friendly for a longer time now – meaning, its clients had the possibility to trade Bitcoin futures...

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Long-Term Optimism May Contain Ethereum’s Downside Vulnerability

Cryptocurrency markets have been losing ground in recent weeks due to the lack of a positive catalyst. And Ethereum is also under this trend.While most other cryptocurrencies are struggling to maintain their support levels, the ETHUSD pair has not given up much ground. Therefore, during the next upward movement, it is likely that the pair is leading the rally. Therefore, we do not recommend participants to close their long positions yet. They may add a stop loss on the price level at $...

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Kraken Exchange Released Mobile Trading App for Kraken Futures

Kraken, one of the world’s leading crypto exchanges based in San Francisco, has introduced a mobile version of its Kraken Futures trading app.Futures Trading in the palm of your hand. Hot on the heels of our Kraken Pro app, The new Kraken Futures mobile app is now live!— Kraken Exchange (@krakenfx) November 21, 2019Kraken Futures is a professional platform for trading derivatives on digital assets. Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Kraken Futures allows...

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As Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP and Litecoin Slump, Chainlink Soars

While major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and Litecoin have seen significant drops in value and have taken most of the press attention, one smaller token Chainlink has actually doubled in value in recent times.The cryptocurrency market saw its highest recorded values for the year in the month of June 2019 but since then, has struggled to maintain this momentum. Following reports of Binance’s Shanghai office being closed down by the authorities which were later debunked, the...

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FOX: Shapeshift mit neuem Token

Bitcoin-Börse ShapeShift bringt Token FOX heraus ShapeShift hat einen neuen Treue-Token namens FOX herausgebracht. Die Schweizer Krypto-Börse bietet mit diesem nun einen gebührenfreien Handel an. Erik Voorhees, Gründer und Chairman von ShapeShift, gab dies in einem Twitter-Post vom 20. November bekannt. In diesem erläuterte er, dass der Handel über die Plattform durch den neuen FOX-Token in gebührenfreier Form ermöglicht wird. FOX-Token...

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DappRadar Discovers $3.8 Billion Worth of Hidden Activity on Ethereum

Market analytics site DappRadar made a big disclosure earlier this week on Tuesday, November 19. DappRadar, which ranks and tracks decentralized apps recently discover $3.8 billion worth “hidden activity” on the Ethereum blockchain network.Besides this, DappRadar also uncovered $73 million trading volumes in the last seven days, within Ethereum Dapps. Thus, after this finding, the Ethereum Dapps volume has reportedly surged from $27 million to above $100 million. Surprisingly, this finding...

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Ethereum: Mehr als eine halbe Milliarde US-Dollar sind aktuell in dApps investiert

Treibt Microsofts Ethereum-Plattform bald die ETH-Preise in die Höhe? Dezentrale Finanzdienstleistungen befinden sich nach wie vor auf dem Vormarsch. Das Gesamtvolumen der Krypto-Währungen, die als Sicherheit hinterlegt werden, beträgt aktuell etwa 670 Millionen USD. Der Begriff der dezentralen Finanzierung wird dabei durch „DeFi“ abgekürzt. Generell meint die Bezeichnung...

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Monetary Authority of Singapore Considering Bitcoin and Ethereum Derivatives Trading

According to the recently revealed information the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is allegedly looking into allowing cryptocurrency-based derivatives to be traded on regulated platforms within the city-state.This development may seem to be related to the fact that the crypto trading on mainstream platforms has become more of a reality in the last few years as cryptocurrencies have made appearances on stock exchanges around the world and there is a constant push within the industry to...

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