A gold coin with a denomination of approximately 1,000 bitcoins was purchased in 2011. This is when bitcoin wasn’t trading for anywhere near the price it is at today. At the time, the coin was worth about $4,900. It stayed in a desk drawer for many years, ultimately forgotten about and lost to time. A Gold Coin and Bitcoin Fused Into a Special Asset However, now its owner – who wishes to remain anonymous – has pulled it out of that desk drawer and has had the currency...
Read More »Börsencrash am Freitag?
Stock Market Crash: Steht uns ein heisser Oktober bevor? Steht uns ein heisser Oktober bevor? Erstmalig seit der Finanzkrise im Jahr 2008 stehen die Zeichen wieder auf Sturm. Kracht es noch diesen Herbst? Ein sogenannt schwarzer Freitag, mit Kursabschlägen im zweistelligen Prozentbereich, ist nicht unwahrscheinlich. Die Frage ist nicht ob und wann es wieder einmal kracht auf dem Börsenparkett, sondern vor allem wie heftig. Auch der Börsenexperte...
Read More »Bitcoin Is Anti-Fragile, Says Morgan Stanley Executive
The Head of Counterpoint Global at Morgan Stanley Investment Management – Dennis Lynch – believes bitcoin has the ability to gain in times of economic disruption and he referred to the asset as “anti-fragile.” ‘Bitcoin Is Like Kenny from South Park’ In a recent conference, the American businessman and executive at Morgan Stanley – Dennis Lynch, revealed his positive stance on bitcoin. He sees it as “anti-fragile,” meaning that it could resist market disorders and even prosper...
Read More »Investor Leon Cooperman Believes “Old” People Can’t Comprehend BTC
Leon Cooperman – a billionaire investor and the chairman of the Omega Investors – stated in a recent interview that anyone who doesn’t understand bitcoin is likely to be “old,” and that those who don’t trust it may take solace in gold, the world’s number one precious metal. Leon Cooperman – BTC May Not Be as Strong as Gold There has been an argument brewing for some time regarding which asset is better: bitcoin or gold. Many people often compare bitcoin with gold and...
Read More »Robert Kiyosaki Is Building His BTC Portfolio as He Prepares for Possible Market Plunge
Robert Kiyosaki – the author of the bestselling book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” – has said in a recent tweet that he is hoarding bitcoin, gold, and silver in anticipation of a major market crash that he predicts could come as early as the end of the year. Robert Kiyosaki On Why He’s Hoarding BTC Kiyosaki has established himself as a major financial guru over the past few years given his growing list of books which began with the “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” franchise. The first book...
Read More »Ray Dalio Likes BTC, But He Likes Gold Even More
Billionaire investor Ray Dalio clearly has a soft spot in his heart for bitcoin, but when it comes to gold, it looks like that soft spot gets even bigger. In a recent interview, Dalio was quick to claim that bitcoin is like a digital version of gold, but he still values the real thing over its digital counterpart. Ray Dalio: Gold Is a Better Choice In the interview, Dalio explains jokingly: If you would put a gun to my head and you said, ‘I can only have one,’ I would...
Read More »Pavan Sukhdev Says Bitcoin Is an “Asset” and “Not a Currency”
We have constantly been hearing arguments in the past that bitcoin is “digital gold.” Both bitcoin and the precious metal the entire world has grown to love are consistently being compared, though according to one expert – Pavan Sukhdev – there is still too much speculation involved. Pavan Sukhdev – Bitcoin Is Not a Currency Sukhdev is the president of environmental advocacy group WWF International. In a recent interview, he commented that both bitcoin and gold remain...
Read More »Holding Bitcoin Right Now is Dangerous, Fund Manager David Tice Says
Bitcoin’s fall to the perilous support of $30K has made investors increasingly cautious, and warnings of a bearish force are already beginning to emerge even if the markets have already lost almost 50% of their total capitalization since the ATH just 3 months ago. Among the bearish voices is David Tice, a seasoned investor known for managing the Prudent Bear fund until he sold it in the midst of the 2008 crisis – coincidentally, the crisis that gave rise to Bitcoin. Hodling...
Read More »Kommt jetzt die grosse Inflation?
In den USA steigen die Preise seit einigen Monaten rasant. Alles wird teurer, nur die Einkommen und Löhnr stagnieren. Der Corona-Lockdown neigt sich endlich dem Ende zu. Es kann endlich wieder flächendeckend eingekauft werden. Doch kaum ist die erste Vorfreude über diese neugewonnene Freiheit verflogen, folgt das böse Erwachen, denn die Preise sind für viele Güter regelrecht in die Höhe geschossen. Viele Verbraucher fürchten sich bereits...
Read More »Kursanstieg wie bei Bitcoin? Elektroautos sorgen für Silberboom!
Zusätzliche 40'000 Stück: Grosses Interesse an Roger-Federer-Münze Als Anleger sind wir immer auf der Suche nach dem nächsten Megatrend. Kursanstiege von mehreren 1000% haben wir in der Vergangenheit beispielsweise bei der Kryptowährung Bitcoin beobachten können. Es muss aber nicht immer zwingend eine komplizierte und neuartige Kryptowährung sein, die den Markt aufmischt. Der...
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