Bitcoin, the world’s largest and most popular cryptocurrency by market cap, has once again surged into the high $50,000 range. At the time of writing, one unit of BTC is trading for well above $59,000, suggesting that another attempt at $60,000 could be just around the corner. Bitcoin Has Surged Back Into the High $50,000s The asset reached its all-time high of more than $61,000 just a few weeks into the month of March, though this newfound stamina ultimately didn’t last...
Read More »People Constantly Say Bitcoin Is Dead; They’re Clearly Wrong
The journey bitcoin has taken has featured both ups and downs. Right now, the currency has been doing better than it ever has, having hit a new all-time high of roughly $57,000 per unit on February 21. This clearly outdoes the $19,000+ it reached in December more than three years ago. Bitcoin Is Stronger Than Ever However, it would be wrong to say that the currency isn’t still suffering a bit at the time of writing, as the asset is now trading for a mere $48,000, which...
Read More »Survey: Most Bitcoin Investors Know Zilch About the Currency
Uh oh. It looks like many of the people who invest in bitcoin know little or nothing about it. What does that say about the industry? Bitcoin Investors Don’t Always Seem to Know What They’re Doing Bitcoin is shaping up to be one of the biggest and most popular assets in history. The currency is reaching unprecedented levels, and recently shot beyond the $50,000 mark for the umpteenth time, though it has since incurred a small dip that has brought it back down into the...
Read More »Analysts Differ on Where Bitcoin Will Go in the Coming Weeks
It looks like the trouble bitcoin has been experiencing as of late is coming to an end. The world’s number one digital currency by market cap has been traversing the doldrums as of late, falling even further into the mid-$40,000 range, though at the time of writing, things have improved somewhat. The currency is back above the $50,000 line and trading more in the range that investors have become used to these past few weeks. Bitcoin Is Starting to Improve The present...
Read More »Survey Participants Think Its 2018 All Over Again for Bitcoin
Bitcoin, despite a few ups and downs over the past week, appears to be doing quite well when compared with where it’s been in the past. No doubt the asset has proven itself in the past 12 months, and the currency is turning out to be one of the top assets a person can invest in. Sadly, not everyone is convinced, as according to a new survey, many of the world’s financial traders view BTC as being trapped in another bubble and feel its recent surges have nothing to do...
Read More »As the Dollar Begins to Rebound, Bitcoin Is Struggling to Remain Solid
At the time of writing, bitcoin – the world’s number one digital currency by market cap – isn’t doing so hot. The currency has fallen to about $46,000 per unit at press time, meaning it is now about $10,000 lower than where it stood during the early portion of last week. Things are not looking good for the asset, but how much of this is just part of a healthy correction? Bitcoin Has Taken an Ugly Dip As it turns out, things may be a little more extreme than normal. While...
Read More »Coinbase Let’s You Trade Crypto… And Engages in It as Well
Coinbase is known for storing cryptocurrency and allowing its many customers to trade digital assets. However, what we didn’t know was that the company also did its own investing in crypto as well. We’re Learning a Lot About Coinbase As it turns out, the company has become of the first major cryptocurrency exchanges to file for a public listing. In doing so, a lot of information has come out about the firm that many traders were unaware of prior, a big one being that...
Read More »Bitcoin Experienced Heavy FUD During the Week
It’s certainly been a crazy week for bitcoin. The currency – which was trading for about $56,000 per unit during the early portion of the week – later fell to about $47,000, thereby losing roughly $9,000 from its price. Since then, it has spiked back to $49,000 at the time of writing, gaining $2,000. However, it still isn’t anywhere near where it was previously, and data suggests that many investors and traders as of late have been selling their coins for a profit and...
Read More »Bitcoin Is Surging, but Analysts Differ On Whether the Asset Has a Legitimate Future
Bitcoin has been doing extremely well as of late. The currency recently spiked as high as $56,000 per unit, and the world’s number one digital currency is now enjoying a total market cap exceeding $1 trillion. The asset has been on a serious momentum hike, and it doesn’t look like things are set to die down anytime soon.Bitcoin Is Seen Differently By AllBut the asset isn’t seen in a positive light by everyone. In fact, Eric Rosengren – president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston – is...
Read More »Bitcoin Hits $1 Trillion Market Cap; How Much Further Will It Go?
Bitcoin has been doing extremely well as of late. At the time of writing, the world’s number one digital currency by market cap has shot beyond the $56,000 mark, and it looks like the currency isn’t set to slow its momentum anytime soon.Bitcoin Is Continuing to ExplodeRecently, bitcoin moved beyond a $1 trillion market cap, making it more comparable to gold. This is more than double the $500 billion it was at during the early portions of 2021. It has also shot up in price by more than five...
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