Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 843. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Bitcoin & Ethereum bald das neue Dreamteam, Bitmain: Antminer S19 innerhalb von 24 Stunden ausverkauft & BTC Mining Difficulty fällt 16% 1.) Bitcoin & Ethereum bald das neue Dreamteam? – Buterin will eine Verbindung ohne Dienstleisterhttps://cryptomonday.de/bitcoin-ethereum-bald-das-neue-dreamteam-buterin-will-eine-verbindung-ohne-dienstleister/...
Read More »Crypto Price Analysis March 25: BTC, ETH, LTC, EOS, BCH
A senior analyst at RoboForex shares his insights into the future scenarios for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, EOS and Bitcoin Cash price movement.Dmitriy Gurkovskiy, a senior analyst at foreign exchange broker RoboForex, provides his vision of the possible tendencies in price changes for Bitcoin as well as for other major cryptos.The cryptocurrency market is actively correcting but the current movement is looking more like a rebound before a new wave to the downside. However, in the chart of...
Read More »Ethereum Co-Founder Vitalik Buterin Wants Easy Bitcoin to Ethereum Swaps
Ethereum network co-founder and the brilliant mind Vitalik Buterin claims it’s a shame that the community still has to rely on ‘trusted’ parties to send Bitcoin value to Ethereum and back. He offers to change this using the Uniswap-alike decentralized solution.In a series of pretty interesting Twitter posts, Vitalik Buterin outlines presumable Ethereum future steps. Those steps needed to investigate the paranormal fact: Bitcoin and Ethereum still have no cheap and reliable means of...
Read More »#842 Sechs Billionen Stimulus Paket USA, China CBDC & XRP – Nach dem Dump ist vor dem Dump
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 842. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: 6 Billionen Stimulus Paket in den USA, China einen Schritt näher an digitaler Währung dank der Krise & XRP – Nach dem Dump ist vor dem Dump. 1.) The White House’s $6 trillion stimulus package is astronomically bullish for Bitcoin; here’s whyhttps://cryptoslate.com/the-white-houses-6-trillion-stimulus-package-is-astronomically-bullish-for-bitcoin/ 2.) Turning A...
Read More »Bitcoin Price Analysis: BTC Aiming A Crucial Break above $7K
Bitcoin price is trading nicely above the $6,400 and $6,220 support levels against the US Dollar.It is facing a major hurdle on the upside near the $6,840 and $7,000 levels.There is a major contracting triangle forming with resistance near $6,820 on the 4-hours chart of the BTC/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase).The pair could correct a few points, but it is likely to remain well supported near $6,400 and $6,300.Bitcoin price is trading in a positive zone above the $6,400 level against the US...
Read More »Brave and Binance Join Forces to Offer People New Built-In Trading Applet
Brave, Binance unite their passion for cryptocurrencies. The new application which is built into the Brave browser will allow Binancians to log in to the account, send, receive, swap cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and so on.If you don’t have Binance account, the applet can be deleted and re-added on each new tab via browser’s Settings. Brave browser partners with Binance to allow users to send and receive coins via exchange in each new Browser tab.With the new update, Brave...
Read More »Bybit Announces Sweeping Changes with New USDT Contracts
The rollout of USDT contracts introduces some major flexibility improvements to margin accounts. USDT will be the single currency for all user account balances, profits, and losses.March has been an extremely challenging month for the crypto markets, but at least some exchanges are keeping calm and carrying on with their roadmaps. Bybit has confirmed it’s rolling out some significantly enhanced functionality to its trading platform with the introduction of USDT contracts. The changes will...
Read More »Bitcoin könnte eine der letzten Anlagen sein, die noch gehandelt wird
Bitcoin Trading Foto CC0 Gemeinfrei via Unsplash Bitcoin ist einzigartig. Sie ist eine digitale, dezentrale Währung, die man jederzeit überall handeln kann. Der Bitcoin-Markt steht jedem offen und es gibt eine weltweite Nachfrage für den Handel von Bitcoin und andere Kryptowährungen. Der Bitcoin-Handel wird nicht gestoppt; der Handel findet seit 11 Jahren 24h Stunden am Tag...
Read More »#841 Der ultimative Bitcoin Pump wird kommen, digitaler Dollar im Gespräch & Lage ist ernst
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 841. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Der ultimative Bitcoin Pump wird kommen, Kommt der digitale Dollar jetzt & Die Lage an den Finanzmärkten ist ernst. 1.) Bitcoin entkoppelt: „Der ultimative Pump wird kommen“https://www.btc-echo.de/bitcoin-entkoppelt-der-ultimative-pump-wird-kommen/ 2.) New Coronavirus Legislation May Introduce a Digital...
Read More »Bank of China Disqualifies Claims that Bitcoin Can Be Safe Haven
The Bank of China went to the WeChat platform to highlight its concerns about Bitcoin. In a long post titled “3.15 protection of financial consumption rights and interest”, the bank warns the public on the risks of investing in Bitcoin.In a series of posts on WeChat, the Bank of China vehemently disqualified claims that Bitcoin can be classified as a safe haven, due to its high volatility especially in this period of coronavirus outbreak. The post which was titled, ‘3.15 protection of...
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