Bitcoin, einst der unbestrittene König der Kryptowährungen, steht vor einer ernüchternden Realität. Seine Revolution hatte ein großes Versprechen: eine grenzenlose, schnelle und dezentrale Alternative zu traditionellen Finanzsystemen. Doch genau diese Vision wird zunehmend in Frage gestellt. Warum? Weil Bitcoin schlichtweg zu teuer und zu langsam geworden ist. Transaktionsgebühren explodieren, besonders bei hoher Netzwerkauslastung. Was als „elektronisches Peer-to-Peer-Bargeld“ begann, hat...
Read More »Von Bitcoin zu CBDCs: Die Evolution von digitalen Währungen und ihre Auswirkungen auf den globalen Finanzmarkt
Seit der Einführung von Bitcoin im Jahr 2009 hat sich die Welt der digitalen Währungen rasant entwickelt. Die Entstehung und Akzeptanz von Kryptowährungen, gefolgt von der aktuellen Welle der Zentralbank-Digitalwährungen (CBDCs), zeigt, wie tiefgreifend die digitale Revolution den Finanzsektor verändert hat. In diesem Artikel werden wir die Evolution von digitalen Währungen und ihre Auswirkungen auf den globalen Finanzmarkt untersuchen. 1. Bitcoin:...
Read More »Ron DeSantis Signs Anti-CBDC Crypto Bill into Law
Earn Your First Bitcoin Sign up and get $12 Bonus Referral bonus up to $3,000 Sign up Ron DeSantis – the republican governor of Florida – has signed a new bill into law preventing the issuance and use of centralized bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in his state. Ron DeSantis Says “No” to CBDCs Just over a week ago, DeSantis issued his thoughts on CBDCs and made his dislike of these assets clear....
Read More »Janet Yellen Really Wants to Regulate Crypto
Janet Yellen – the Treasury Secretary – is all up in arms about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and is super eager to get them regulated. Janet Yellen Issues Her Stance on Crypto Her words come at a time when many of the world’s leading digital currencies are in the red. Bitcoin, for example, is down 15 percent from its March highs, while BNB is down nearly four percent. Ethereum is down nearly eight percent, and Solana and Cardarno are down about 14 and 13 percent...
Read More »Edward Snowden Is Not a Fan of CBDCs
Edward Snowden – a former National Security Agency (NSA) employee that’s been hiding out in Russia for the past several years – recently emerged to state his opposition to the idea of central bank digital currencies or CBDCs. He stated that these assets pervert everything that cryptocurrency stands for, and that individuals would be foolish to get involved in these currencies. Edward Snowden Says His Piece on Crypto In an interview, he mentioned: A CBDC is a perversion...
Read More »The ECB Announces Plans to Digitize the Euro
The European Central Bank (ECB) says that it’s potentially looking to release a digital version of the euro fiat currency. The firm is about to hold a two-day annual forum, where plans and structural ideas revolving around the currency will be introduced to the world.The ECB Is Moving Forward with a Digital EuroWe are consistently hearing about the world’s banks looking to digitize fiat currencies. China has already done so and is now preparing to release a digital version of the yuan, while...
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