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Tag Archives: craig wright

Did Bitcoin Claimant Craig Wright Try to Kill Himself? Court Docs Reveal

Court documents reveal the self-proclaimed creator of Bitcoin, Craig Wright, may have subjected himself to a suicide attempt in May 2016.That’s according to the deposition of Bitcoin developer Gavin Andresen, who recounted the story during the ongoing trial between Craig Wright and the estate of Dave Kleiman.Context: Craig Wright’s Failed Attempt to Move Satoshi’s BitcoinCraig Wright promised to move coins from Bitcoin’s ninth block in 2016 – something only Satoshi could so.In a deposition...

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Satoshi Claimant Craig Wright: Bitcoin In Grips of Communist Takeover

The man who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto, Craig Wright, took to his blog this week to warn Bitcoin and cryptocurrency developers that “his” invention is not for communists.Wright bemoaned the current trend in the cryptocurrency space, which sees many coins launch with built-in developers funds or pre-mines. According to Wright, this is tantamount to a communist takeover, and simply places all of the risks on the purchaser of such coins – not the development teams themselves.Craig Wright: Dev...

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Was Craig Wright Behind the Mt. Gox Hack In 2014?

According to Samson Mow, Chief Strategy Officer of Blockstream, Craig Wright’s lawyers have been sending out letters regarding Craig Wright’s Tulip Trading Limited revealing that access to two of Wright’s Bitcoin addresses has been compromised.This puzzling assertion comes amid a legal battle between Wright and the Kleiman estate, during which Wright has claimed that he is Satoshi Nakamoto, inventor of Bitcoin, but will not pay the Kleiman estate the 1.1 million Bitcoin which they feel they...

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Bitcoin Lies Continue as Craig Wright Testifies Using His iPhone Before It Was Released In 2007

Recently released court documents from the ongoing Ira Kleiman vs. Craig Wright trial reveal the self-proclaimed inventor of Bitcoin may also have invented an early prototype of the iPhone.In Craig Wright’s legal deposition from March 16, 2020 – released June 2 – the self-titled Satoshi Nakamoto told the opposition counsel he had used an iPhone as early as 2006. The trouble is, the first iPhone wasn’t released until June 2007.The line of questioning related to email correspondence between...

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#897 Craig Wright Tulip Trust, Bullenmarkt trotz weltweitem Chaos & Keine Konzerte ohne Impfung

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 897. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Craig Wright Tulip Trust Erfindung, Warum steigen die Märkte trotz weltweitem Chaos & Keine Konzerte ohne Impfung. 1.) ‘No Message Was Signed’: Craig Wright Refutes Tulip Trust Fabrication 2.) Pomp Explains Why Mainstream Markets Are Up Amid...

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#890 Rekord bei Internetgeschwindigkeit, Krypto nutzen statt hodln & Craig Wright Betrug

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 890. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Forscher brechen Rekord bei Internetgeschwindigkeit, Krypto nutzen statt hodln & 145 Bitcoin Adressen wurden signiert – Craig Wright Betrug 1.) Forscher brechen Rekord bei Internetgeschwindigkeit 2.) Benutzen statt hodln: Bitcoin in Afrika 3.) Early...

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Craig Wright Is A Liar: The Signed Message In Bitcoin Addresses He Claims To Own

An unknown person has tampered with some of the Bitcoin addresses that Craig Wright has previously claimed to own in his ongoing legal case against the Kleiman estate.The person has used the private keys for the addresses to sign a message in which he called Wright a liar and a fraud.CSW Is A Liar And A FraudThe message in the 145 wallet addresses, containing bitcoins mined during the asset’s early years, was initially brought up earlier today by a cryptocurrency proponent and it reads:“Craig...

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#887 Craig Wright Statement, Private Keys Satoshi File & Iran nationale Krypto Mining Strategie

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 887. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Craig Wright Statement Satoshi Coins, Private Keys Satoshi File & Iranischer Präsident will nationale Bitcoin Mining Strategie.  Die heutige Show wird gesponsert von: 1.) Craig Wright Statement about Moving Satoshi Coins 2.) Craig Wright Already Has Key to...

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#886 Wilde Spekulationen – 50 BTC aus der Satoshi Ära wurden bewegt & Ist Satoshi Nakamoto zurück?

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 886. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Wilde Spekulationen – 50 BTC aus der Satoshi Ära wurden bewegt & Ist Satoshi Nakamoto zurück? Die heutige Show wird gesponsert von: 1.) 500.000 Dollar in Bitcoin aus der Satoshi-Ära wurden bewegt 2.) Craig Wright Denies Transferring ‘Satoshi’...

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Satoshi Nakamoto Probably Did Not Send 50 Bitcoins Today, But Maybe Craig Wright Did?

The recently moved 50 bitcoins, which were mined in February 2009, rattled the cryptocurrency community as many members are arguing if Satoshi Nakamoto himself transferred the coins.While these rumors are speculative at best, the address that sent the bitcoins can actually be located in a court document from the notorious Kleiman vs. Craig Wright legal case.Not Satoshi’s 50 BitcoinsAs CryptoPotato reported earlier today, 50 bitcoins mined in 2009 were transferred to an unknown address. The...

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