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Tag Archives: digital euro

European Commission Publishes Proposals to Preserve Cash and Create Digital Euro Framework

The European Commission’s proposals for the use of cash and the digital Euro contain similar content as a draft bill leaked earlier in June. The European Union has published proposals that seek to preserve the use of cash in the region, while simultaneously setting a framework for the possible issuance of a digital euro. According to proposals by the European Commission, the aim is to ensure that banknotes and coins are still as accessible as ever while digital options are also supported....

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Leaked Digital Euro Bill Supports Offline Usability, Shuns Interests

The potential issuance of fiat currency in digital form has garnered global attention, with various jurisdictions exploring the concept. The EU, the US, and the UK are among those actively considering the implementation of a CBDC.  A leaked draft of the proposed Digital Euro Bill, set to be proposed by the European Commission on June 28, reveals several significant provisions that aim to shape the future of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The draft bill, seen by CoinDesk,...

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European Central Bank (ECB) Finalizes Digital Euro Prototype Ahead of Potential CBDC Launch

The ECB has finalized its digital euro prototype scheme as it mulls whether to roll out the government-backed token.  The European Central Bank (ECB) has finalized a digital euro prototype ahead of a development decision. Later this year, the leading central bank would decide whether to develop the fiat euro as a digital variant. According to a Friday report, the ECB examined distributed ledger technology and smart contracts as prime components of a potential digital euro. However, the...

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EZB: Der digitale Euro kommt, aber es wird noch Jahre dauern!

Bekommt Bitcoin bald Konkurrenz? Der Verein Digital Euro Association plant den digitalen Euro. Während der Bitcoin und weitere Kryptowährung von einem Allzeithoch zum nächsten Allzeithoch eilen, schreitet die Planung der Europäische Zentralbank bezüglich eines digitalen Euros weiter voran. Christin Lagarde, Präsidentin der EZB, gab jedoch bekannt, dass bis zur Einführung des digitalen Euros noch reichlich Zeit vergeht. Umfassender...

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The ECB Announces Plans to Digitize the Euro

The European Central Bank (ECB) says that it’s potentially looking to release a digital version of the euro fiat currency. The firm is about to hold a two-day annual forum, where plans and structural ideas revolving around the currency will be introduced to the world.The ECB Is Moving Forward with a Digital EuroWe are consistently hearing about the world’s banks looking to digitize fiat currencies. China has already done so and is now preparing to release a digital version of the yuan, while...

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Central Bank of South Korea Introduces Pilot Program for Testing Digital Won

Digital won will pass extensive testing by the Bank of Korea staff. Per the official announcement, the program will last until December 2021.South Korean businesses and officials were talking about the government-backed stablecoins since December 2018. The Central Bank was hiring different industry experts. The experts prepare research on the CBDC related progress in other countries. Also, they propose own legal initiatives to improve the project. Now the Central Bank seems to be working...

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