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Tag Archives: google

Google-Suchanfragen für Bitcoin sind in den letzten Wochen um 27% gestiegen

Google Trends ist ein kostenloses Tool von Google, mit dem man die Beliebtheit von Suchanfragen im Laufe der Zeit und in verschiedenen Regionen analysieren kann. Es zeigt grafisch, wie oft bestimmte Begriffe bei Google gesucht wurden. Obwohl der Bitcoin-Preis in den letzten Tagen ziemlich unter Durck geriet, scheint das Interesse an Bitcoin ununterbrochen hoch zu sein: Google-Suchanfragen für bitcoin sind in den letzten Wochen um 27% gestiegen....

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Google Searches For ‘Bitcoin Halving’ Reach Highest Level Ever

Public interest in the ‘Bitcoin halving’ is gaining steam as Google searches for the term have now risen to their highest level in history. According to Google Trends data, interest in the term began steadily ramping up at the start of 2024. Beginning with a score of 9 in January, interest in the “bitcoin halving’ keyphrase is now at 100, meaning it has never been higher. The Bitcoin Halving Approaches The last time the Bitcoin halving became a popular search term was at the...

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Google Sues 2 Individuals for Alleged Crypto Investment Fraud Using its Play Store

American tech giant Google recently filed a lawsuit against two developers for uploading almost 90 fraudulent crypto investment applications on its online store, Google Play, which they used to defraud unsuspecting victims. Despite the company’s previous attempts to take down fraudulent apps from its Play Store, the alleged scammers found a way to upload more of such bogus apps, with Google stating that their fraud scheme affected around 100,000 users. Victims Promised...

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Google Search Now Displays Wallet Balances for Ethereum Name Services (ENS) Domains

Google has expanded its native support for Ethereum wallet balances to include Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains. This development was revealed by former ENS core team member Brantly Millegan through a post on X. Google Expands Functionality to ENS Domains The Ethereum Name Service, commonly known as ENS, provides human-readable domains such as example.eth, which can be linked to Ethereum wallets. This simplifies crypto holders’ process of sending and receiving funds by...

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