About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
Read More »Ecoinometrics: Der beste Substack-Newsletter für Krypto- und Makro-Analysen
About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
Read More »Reich mit Aktien! Was Finanz-Influencer Tim Schäfer besser macht als die meisten
Tim Schäfer: Ständiger Konsum oder lieber Millionär? Tim Schäfer hat sich als Finanzjournalist und Influencer einen Namen gemacht und ist heute einer der bekanntesten Finanzexperten im deutschsprachigen Raum. Mit klaren Analysen, Einblicken in seine persönlichen Investments und praxisnahen Tipps begeistert er eine stetig wachsende Anhängerschaft – und zeigt, dass finanzielle Freiheit kein unerreichbarer Traum ist. Seine Reise in die Welt der...
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