Iran crypto market faces new regulations by the CBI. Expert Alhosseini suggests private sector involvement to balance compliance and growth. Iran is seeing increased scrutiny of its cryptocurrency market as the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) prepares to implement new regulations. Economic expert Mohammad Sadegh Alhosseini shared key insights on the current market. He continues to note that there are estimates that Iranians hold crypto assets of between $30 billion to $50 billion. This amount is...
Read More »Peter Schiff Takes a Dig at Bitcoin as BTC Price Tumbles Amid Rising Iran-Israel Tension
While the past several weekends went quite calmly for Bitcoin and the entire crypto market, this time, things are significantly different. Whether propelled by yesterday’s announcements by a few presidents of the US Federal Reserve or today’s reports of Iran preparing an attack against Israel, the reality is that BTC’s price has tumbled hard, and the altcoins have shed even more value. This seems like the perfect opportunity for a perma-bear like Peter Schiff to open up...
Read More »Das ist die Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
Als Schweizer kennt man die Europäische Unio, bestenfalls die UNO und die NATO und dann vielleicht noch die GRU, die Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten. Die grösste grösste aller Regionalorganisationen, die SOZ, kenn noch fast niemand hierzulande. Die SOZ vertritt circa 40 Prozent der Weltbevölkerung und stellt damit die weltweit grösste Regionalorganisation dar. SOZ steht für Shanghaier Organisation für Zusammenarbeit und sie beschäftigt sich der sicherheitspolitischen Zusammenarbeit der...
Read More »BRICS-Staaten mächtiger als G7 und neue Weltwährung?
Die BRICS-Staaten – Brasilien, Russland, Indien, China und Südafrika – haben in den letzten Jahren eine beeindruckende wirtschaftliche Entwicklung gezeigt. Mit einer wachsenden globalen Präsenz und einem steigenden Einfluss auf den Weltmarkt werden diese aufstrebenden Volkswirtschaften zunehmend als eine ernsthafte Alternative zur traditionellen wirtschaftlichen Macht der G7-Staaten betrachtet. In diesem Artikel werfen wir einen Blick auf die Möglichkeit, dass die BRICS-Staaten bald mächtiger...
Read More »Russia and Iran Are Building a New Gold-Backed Cryptocurrency
Iran and Russia are reportedly working together to establish a new gold-backed digital currency that will help each nation avoid sanctions imposed by the United States. Many experts are saying this is easier said than done, and that building such a currency – much less living and breathing by it – will be very difficult to do. Russia and Iran Have Formed a Crypto Bond Russia has allegedly reported that it wants to utilize the cryptocurrency to engage in bilateral trades...
Read More »Russia Partners With Iran to Release a Stablecoin Backed by Gold (Report)
The Russian government and the Central Bank of Iran are reportedly mulling a partnership to create a new stablecoin that can facilitate cross-border settlements. The token will be pegged to the valuation of gold. The Mutual Operation According to a report by the Russian media outlet Vedomosti, the local authorities could collaborate with Iran’s central bank to launch a new crypto asset called “the token of the Persian Gulf region.” Assuming it sees the light of day, it will...
Read More »Iran Hacks U.S. Servers So It Can Mine Cryptocurrency
Hackers from the sanctioned nation of Iran have allegedly hacked several servers of the United States government as a means of installing software to mine digital currencies. These hackers also allegedly sought to steal various network passwords and compromise the nation’s systems. Iran May Have Compromised the U.S. It is believed that hacking attempts by Iran may have started back in February of this year. This means that U.S. networks have been in danger for ten...
Read More »Did Binance Help Iran Avoid Financial Sanctions?
Iran is a sanctioned country. It’s not allowed to engage in certain activities unless the United States says so. Despite all this, popular digital currency exchange Binance still enabled the country to engage in crypto trades nearing $8 billion at press time. Binance Is Alleged to Have Aided Iran Almost all the trades occurred between Binance and Nobitex, a crypto exchange based in the Middle Eastern country. This data comes directly from blockchain analysis firm...
Read More »Iran Formally Approves The Use of Digital Assets for Imports
Iranian trade minister revealed on Monday that regulations and logistics have been finalized to facilitate the use of crypto in Iran’s international trade. The move comes nearly 3 weeks after it officially announced to have completed $10 million worth of imports paid in crypto. Iran Approves Crypto for Global Trade Iran’s Trade Minister Reza Fatemi Amin said the country, which has been facing US sanctions since 1979, on finalized regulations to use cryptocurrencies for...
Read More »Crypto-Mining-Farmen im Iran beschlagnahmt
Im Iran wurde in den letzten Tagen Equipment der Mining-Farmen beschlagnahmt. Offiziell heißt es, dass die iranische Regierung damit Blackouts verhindern wolle, die durch Strommangel verursacht werden. Crypto News: Crypto-Mining-Farmen im Iran beschlagnahmtInsgesamt berichtet die Regierung von 9.404 beschlagnahmten Mining-Geräten. Bei den Farmen handelt es sich jedoch vor allem um illegale Einrichtungen, die nicht offiziell gemeldet sind.Schon im letzten Jahr kam es zu Blackouts, so dass die...
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