Nach der Corona-Krise möchte die japanische Regierung ihren Fokus auf Kryptowährungen und die Blockchain legen. Senator Otokita Shun, Mitglied des Finanzausschusses von Tokio (Nippon Ishin), teilte seine Ansichten zur Rolle der „Kryptokratie“ auf Twitter: „In der Welt nach Corona werden nicht nur digitale Währungen, sondern auch hier die Bedeutung von Kryptowährungen und Blockchains zunehmen. Dies...
Read More »Studie: Europäer vertrauen immer mehr auf Bitcoin
Die europäische Tochterfirma der japanischen Bitcoin-Börse BitFlyer hat Ende April 2020 die Ergebnisse des jährlichen Crypto-Confidence-Index veröffentlicht. Demnach glauben 66 Prozent der Befragten, dass Kryptowährungen in zehn Jahren noch existieren werden. Es gibt jedoch Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Staaten. Italiener haben das größte Vertrauen in die Coins Mit knapp drei Viertel (72 Prozent) führt Italien das Vertrauensranking an. Dies ist insofern erstaunlich, da...
Read More »Japanese Giant Sony Taps Blockchain To Develop a Database Platform
The multinational corporate giant Sony announced its common database platform – Blockchain Common Database (BCDB), which will use Blockchain technology for Mobility as a Service (MaaS). Independently developed by Sony, it will serve as a next-gen digital service integrating multiple transportation systems and services.BCDB to Improve The Means of TransportationMaaS integrates a variety of transportation, including trains, buses, car sharing, on-demand mobility services, and even bike rentals....
Read More »Japan: Regierung will jedem Bürger 900 Franken Helikoptergeld ausbezahlen
Helikoptergeld: Umd die Corona-Krise etwas abzufedern soll jeder Japaner eine Direktzahlung von der Regierung erhalten. Die Regierung des japanischen Premierministers Shinzo Abe hat beschlossen, jedem Bürger 100’000 Yen, also gut 900 Franken, auszubezahlen. Und das interessante daran: Jeder Bürger soll den gleichen Betrag erhalten, unabhängig vom Einkommen: Japan plant, jedem Einwohner unabhängig vom Einkommen eine Geldausgabe in Höhe von...
Read More »Another Black Monday Incoming? Global Markets Crash As Bitcoin Drops Below $6,000
The coronavirus outbreak led to new developments and restrictions in the past 24 hours. The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games could be postponed, while India inserts a lockdown on 75 districts in its borders. The financial markets reacted adversely today, as U.S. futures and Asian stocks nosedived by up to 10% in some cases.Bitcoin is down by 9% to $5,800 in the same timeframe, hinting again a positive correlation with the stock market.Stocks and Futures Plunge (Again)The number of deaths linked to...
Read More »Japan will digitalen Yen einführen
In Japan bekommt man immer öfter zu hören, dass sie eine digitale Währung mit dem „digitalen Yen“ einführen wollen. Dieses Vorhaben wird vor allem durch die LDP-Partei vorangetrieben, wie berichtet. Aufgrund der schon länger geplanten digitalen Version des Yuan in China, wird nun auch in Japan das Projekt für eine digitale Landeswährung unter Hochdruck umgesetzt. Der Start des digitalen Yuan,...
Read More »Japan’s Financial Authorities Discuss A National Cryptocurrency
Financial and monetary authorities in Japan are accelerating the process of creating their own digital currency. The Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Japan, and the Financial Services Agency have held an undisclosed number of meetings to establish a clear vision before eventually launching a central bank digital currency (CBDC).Japan Prepares For A Bank-Backed CryptocurrencyA recent local report informs about the meetings held by the BOJ, the FSA, and the MOF. Per the document, the country’s...
Read More »Japan To Release Cryptocurrency Proposal Friday To Counter China’s Digital Yuan
Japan is seemingly following the footsteps of China to ensure that they are not left out in the race for government-backed cryptocurrencies. The country’s lawmakers will reportedly release drafted proposals tomorrow (Friday) for the creation of their own central bank digital currency (CBDC). Countering China’s Digital YaunJapan initially became interested in issuing a digital currency after China announced plans to leverage the blockchain technology to launch a digital yuan last year. The...
Read More »Japan’s Economy Minister Warns: Concerns Of The Coronavirus Impacting Global Economy Grow
The sudden breakout of the coronavirus in China and its continuous spread might already be taking its toll on the local and even global economy. In a recent statement, the Japanese Economy Minister said that he believes corporate profits and factory production are taking serious hits. And while major indexes are charting losses across the board, Bitcoin and gold continue their increase.Coronavirus Impacts The EconomyThe Japanese Economy Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura recently stated that the...
Read More »Japanese Bitcoin Exchange Goes Bust After a $700,000 Theft Coverup
Before Bitcoin firm CoinExchange closed its doors last year in October, an undisclosed theft had occurred a year prior. The crypto firm said the closure was purely a business decision. CoinExchange expressly ruled out a security breach as causing the closure. Was it an oversight or intentional cover-up? Two hackers who stole Bitcoin worth approximately $700,000 from a cryptocurrency exchange have been arrested in Japan. According to Japan Times, the suspects hacked...
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