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Tag Archives: Libra

David Marcus Discusses the Future of BTC

Earn Your First Bitcoin Sign up and get $12 Bonus Referral bonus up to $3,000 Sign up David Marcus – the former PayPal executive who worked on Facebook’s failed Libra project – believes that after everything that’s happened over the past two years, that bitcoin will still be the face of both money and payments in the future. David Marcus Sees the Promise in BTC Marcus, in a recent interview,...

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Introducing Zuck Bucks, the New Crypto Venture from Facebook

Following the death of Libra and what appeared to be a long-term crypto dream, Facebook – now known as Meta – is making another stab at crypto innovation with something called Zuck Bucks, the name of its latest form of digital currency. Will Zuck Bucks Help Facebook Make Money? Taking its label from the surname of Mark Zuckerberg, the billionaire behind Facebook’s creation, Zuck Bucks would be a centralized form of digital currency in that it would be directly controlled...

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Facebook Isn’t Quite Ready to Give Up On Crypto

Facebook – following its failed run with Libra – appears to be looking to get back into the crypto game. The social media giant – which recently rebranded itself as “Meta” – has filed eight trademark applications for new features like crypto wallets, exchanges, and tokens relating to its famed “f” logo. Facebook and Crypto… Could It Actually Work? It appears six of the eight trademarks have to do with blockchain and crypto products or companies the company is investing...

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Facebook Sells Off All Its Libra-Based Assets

Not long ago, Live Bitcoin News published an article discussing Facebook aka Meta and its decision to sell off any assets aligned with Libra/ Diem. It looks now like those assets have been sold and the project has officially come to an end. The Facebook Libra Project Is Now Fully Over The developers behind Diem confirmed in a statement that the assets were sold for around $200 million to a crypto-based bank known as Silvergate. Initially, both firms were working with...

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Facebook Announces Plans to Sell Libra Crypto Project

The Libra/ Diem cryptocurrency project that was started so long ago by Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook is presently up for sale. The project has come crashing down underneath the heavy regulatory scrutiny it’s experienced, and it looks like Zuckerberg is eager to move on. Facebook Is Looking to End Libra Once and For All The goal is to sell all current assets presently stored in the Diem Association. This way, funds can be returned to investors and the company – now known...

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“Meta” Blockchain Exec David Marcus Announces Exit

David Marcus – head of the blockchain department at Facebook, now known as Meta – has stated he will be exiting his position and leaving the social media giant at the end of 2021. David Marcus Is Taking a Different Path Marcus is a former PayPal executive that joined forces with Facebook to release a new cryptocurrency that people could use to pay for goods and services. Known as Libra, the currency would be tied to a wallet system called Calibra, which would store...

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Rumors On Social Media Suggest Facebook Has Purchased Bitcoin

Did Facebook buy bitcoin? There is a rumor moving about online that the world’s biggest social media platform may have added the biggest digital currency by market cap to its balance sheet. There Is Talk That Facebook Bought BTC While at the time of writing these ideas are unproven, Facebook adding bitcoin to its playbook would be both surprising and unsurprising at the same time. For one thing, many largest institutions have been purchasing the digital currency in...

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David Marcus: We Want Cryptocurrency Diem To Be Part of Major Change in 2021

Despite nearly two years of delays and several regulatory hurdles, Facebook’s Libra – now called Diem – is still looking to carve out a place for itself in the crypto space.Diem Is Still Trying to Move ForwardFacebook first entered the cryptocurrency environment in June of 2019, announcing that it was looking to establish a global payment system and unveil a new digital asset it was calling Libra that could potentially be utilized to purchase goods and services through the social media...

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German Financial Leader Just Doesn’t Trust Libra

Facebook’s new Libra cryptocurrency project has had a hard time getting off the ground, and considering it’s still getting a lot of raised eyebrows and distrusting looks from international financial leaders, it looks like things are set to remain somewhat difficult for the asset to roll out.Libra May Encounter Opposition in GermanyRecently, Libra was jabbed at by German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz, who says he’s not entirely comfortable with the authorization of Libra use in Europe. While...

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The Changes Continue: Facebook’s Libra Has Been Rebranded To Diem

Facebook shook the world last year after announcing plans to introduce a “single global digital currency” dubbed Libra. However, the social media giant’s efforts were quickly scalded by global regulators as the project received massive blowback.Facebook didn’t give up on its idea. Instead, the company decided to rebrand its two main products. Firstly, the Calibra wallet became Novi, and today, Reuters reported that the Libra name had been changed to Diem (meaning ‘day’ in Latin.) Stuart...

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