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Jeff Fawkes

Articles by Jeff Fawkes

Central Bank of South Korea Introduces Pilot Program for Testing Digital Won

April 6, 2020

Digital won will pass extensive testing by the Bank of Korea staff. Per the official announcement, the program will last until December 2021.South Korean businesses and officials were talking about the government-backed stablecoins since December 2018. The Central Bank was hiring different industry experts. The experts prepare research on the CBDC related progress in other countries. Also, they propose own legal initiatives to improve the project. Now the Central Bank seems to be working really closely on its digital won.The design is not the classic blockchain with open nodes participation. Contrary to the classics, the Central Bank plans to issue a stablecoin. Stablecoins are better at volatility (‘almost’ zero volatility), but worse at decentralization. However, as the example of many

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Poloniex Is Getting Ready to Release Powerful Token Launch Tool Named Launchbase

April 5, 2020

LaunchBase will become something more than just an issuance and exchange tool. Large ventures promise to offer professional help to novice businesses.Poloniex, LaunchBase and TRON Foundation promise to offer professional help to the selected teams who will manage to appear in the LaunchBase. The new projects will gain traction, adoption, and recognition thanks to Poloniex userbase.LaunchBase set for a collaboration with the investors, project CEOs, members of the community and all kinds of partners to promote the ventures issuing tokens. Poloniex will browse through the entries to pick some coins and list them on the main exchange. Of course, there are requirements for each project. Unfortunately, due to the local jurisdiction, some users will not be able to join the bandwagon.The first

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Lawsuits Filed against Binance,, BitMEX and Other Crypto-Related Companies

April 4, 2020

Binance,, BitMEX, BiBox, KayDex, BProtocol, Status and TRON Foundation received the class-action lawsuits. The lawsuits claim that those companies were selling or helping with the selling of unregistered securities.Binance,, BitMEX, TRON Foundation, BiBox and others received an astral hit. Well, not quite astral, but rather juridical. Because the regulators are mad when someone is doing things wrong.All the lawsuits are filed to the Southern District of New York. Per the documents, the exchanges were selling the crypto tokens via the so-called IEO and ICO models. The lawsuits claim that KuCoin,, Quantstamp, Civic, and Binance were issuing and selling the ICO tokens. As for the BitMEX exchange, the documents claim they have participated in the selling of

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Could Quantum Computing Be Used to Crack Cryptocurrency?

April 4, 2020

The theory goes that quantum computing could be used to crack out cryptocurrency wallets. Is this true?What could quantum computing do to web services? Currently, there are supercomputers already in existence. They are so smart that they can find your Bitcoins by brute-forcing the seed phrases. The computers are so smart now that they can distinguish between two persons entering the same login and password on a login page, serving different e-mail inboxes. This is not a matter of what password is used, but what fingers are entering it.What Is Quantum Computing?Quantum computers use enormous calculating power to enable the magic of ultra-performance. However, quantum computers work differently and demand caution, so the area is more experimental than established.In a classic computer, there

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Binance Officially Confirms Its Acquisition of CoinMarketCap

April 2, 2020

Binance acquires CoinMarketCap ‘to make crypto more accessible worldwide’. CoinMarketCap CEO is stepping down to spend time with family. Binance CEO claims he will make sure that CMC data is following the industry standards and needs.Binance is one of the three biggest exchanges in the crypto space. CoinMarketCap (CMC) is one of the most popular crypto tracking tools on the web. They had more than 200 million visitors per last 6 months.Per the official announcement, CoinMarketCap has gone through a hefty of improvements before going on such a big step. Now, Binance’s inner experts, as well as tech infrastructure, will help to handle the tasks more quickly. Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao claims that CMC specialists have sustained a strong spirit and mind. They are finally ready to join the

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Ripple Investors File Lawsuit Claiming XRP Is Not Security

April 1, 2020

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse will have to defend his position as a legitimate XRP seller. Per Bradley Sostack, a former XRP investor and the lead plaintiff in the case against Brad, Garlinghouse used unlawful techniques to sell XRP.Former XRP investor Bradley Sostack claims that Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse was selling the XRP tokens as unregistered securities. The class-action lawsuit is seeing the hearings again because the investor refiled it recently. It features a scheme that allowed Ripple to raise millions in pure profits thanks to retail investments.Per the court document filed on March 25, this is the sixth claim for relief. The plaintiff notes that the XRP token was named as top asset in promo campaigns. However, there is an alternative theory that claims XRP may not be a

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Bitcoin Halving Is 42 Days Away, Hash Rate and Miners Lose Force

April 1, 2020

Bitcoin is believed to enter the miner capitulation stage, where hash rate and price drop significantly. However, some researchers claim that Bitcoin price is independent of the halving cycles, as well as of hash rate.Per TradingView general manager Pierce Crosby, the programmatic price limits have significant influence over the Bitcoin hash rate. The lower the price per coin, the lower the profits from block mining. Crosby believes that part of the network’s rigs will slow down, causing a ‘death spiral’ in crypto mining. They will return to the network as soon as the price increases. This theory is popular among several other analysts. Bitcoin halving is approaching, but the hash rate is decreasing.What Is Going On with Bitcoin Network?Walter Salama, chief compliance officer at

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Bitcoin and Ethereum Are Worst Investments in 2020 after Crude Oil

March 30, 2020

Bitcoin and Ethereum are two of the most famous cryptocurrencies. During the fall of the markets, they fall especially loudly. Is this the ‘store of value’ power we’ve been hearing about for years? But only oil perform worse these days.Since the beginning of the global coronavirus pandemic, world markets kept falling into the abyss. Many people start thinking about the true value of Bitcoin, Ethereum, crude oil, futures, and stocks. The Block analyst and notable crypto observer Larry Chermak is publishing interesting stats. Per the numbers, Bitcoin and Ethereum are the two most volatile assets out there, if we don’t count crude oil. Both coins lost a significant portion of the value during the global panic:Biotechnology was the best-performing investment sector, followed by consumer staple

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Why Bitcoin Can Be Good Crypto Vaccine against Financial Crisis

March 29, 2020

From the beginning of its inception, Bitcoin was worth cents but had indestructible inner value. In the darkest days of humanity, only rare things will have value. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can become the vaccine from the financial crisis.Due to the coronavirus attack and democracy constant fail across the globe, banks now can dump your data to anyone. The corporations and governments are taking away more rights under the cover of safety measures. However, total exposure to social interaction maps will only make people hide more and trust the government less. In a search for coronavirus vaccine, the government is more than happy to quickly forget your financial rights too.It doesn’t matter whether they want to track anybody not paying the taxes, or it’s about tracking coronavirus

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UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Went to Self-Isolation after Positive Coronavirus Test

March 27, 2020

Boris Johnson, the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister, is going to self-isolation on Downing Street. Health Secretary Matt Hancock went under forced self-isolation too.The Brexit supporter and Great Britain’s valuable politic Boris Johnson has tested positive for coronavirus. He will remain at his home, waiting for recovery. The clouds around London are especially heavy. On Thursday, Boris had the first symptoms, so he went to the doctor and then received the unhappy news. Johnson will continue to rule England from his residence at Downing Street, via video conferences.In a video that Johnson posted on Twitter, he confirms that he has ‘mild symptoms’, such as cough and temperature. Johnson feels very good, claiming he can control the country with no issues.Over the last 24 hours I have

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Bitcoin Price Managed to Cross $6,700 but Is Below Again, BTC Halving 47 Days Away

March 27, 2020

Bitcoin price has managed to go above 6,700 again, with the market data showing that the first cryptocurrency is ready to take off. Halving will happen roughly on 13 May 2020. Traders accumulate BTC.The Glassnode data shows that BTC holders are sending their coins away from the exchanges and even the custodial services. Per the stats, Bitcoin price may be in the accumulation stage. After it ends, the bull run is imminent. Since March 18, the major exchanges were losing tons of Bitcoins:Despite the volatility, #Bitcoin holders appear to be withdrawing their funds from exchanges. Outflow has been increasing daily since March 18.According to our labels, $BTC exchange balances are the lowest they’ve been in ~8 months.— glassnode (@glassnode)

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Digital Dollar Team Adds 22 Advisors, Hints at Whitepaper in Q2 2020

March 27, 2020

Ex-CFTC chief’s Digital Dollar Initiative adds 22 new advisors and will release a white paper in the next two months. The Digital Dollar is serious as never, as ex-CFTC, FED, Treasury board directors join the venture.Chris Giancarlo is gathering the industry’s top minds around what could soon become the Bitcoin killer for institutions. The Digital Dollar initiative is serious as never, as ex-CFTC, Treasury board directors join the venture. Digital Dollar Foundation (DDF) issue a press release claiming that they now have 25 advisors, among them – former regulators, bankers, big business people, and crypto enthusiasts.Chris was working at CFTC in past, so as DDF co-founder Daniel Gorfine. They inked a partnership with Accenture, to boost the development with industry’s top minds. Chris

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Ethereum 2.0 Will Impress Public with Totally Audited Code

March 26, 2020

Blockchain ventures could not issue new code and hope that the ‘community’ will handle it. Ethereum developers know that and put enormous amounts of time into improving the Ethereum 2.0.Let’s dig into what is currently happening with the long-awaited Ethereum 2.0 update? It appears that Phase 0 has been completed in a path towards code review. The Ethereum developer Danny Ryan and Least Authority are performing the code audit. The Least Authority is a security consultant firm. So far, they have found seven critical mistakes in ETH 2.0 codebase. We just wrapped up the #phase0 audit of the #eth2 specs! Big thanks to @dannyryan and the @ethereum team.Check out our blog post + full report here: #security #audit— Least Authority

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Ethereum Co-Founder Vitalik Buterin Wants Easy Bitcoin to Ethereum Swaps

March 25, 2020

Ethereum network co-founder and the brilliant mind Vitalik Buterin claims it’s a shame that the community still has to rely on ‘trusted’ parties to send Bitcoin value to Ethereum and back. He offers to change this using the Uniswap-alike decentralized solution.In a series of pretty interesting Twitter posts, Vitalik Buterin outlines presumable Ethereum future steps. Those steps needed to investigate the paranormal fact: Bitcoin and Ethereum still have no cheap and reliable means of communication. Buterin claims that the system must be ‘serverless’. Which means he is talking about one more implementation method of the blockchain database.We should put resources toward a proper (trustless, serverless, maximally Uniswap-like UX) ETH BTC decentralized exchange. It’s embarrassing that we still

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Brave and Binance Join Forces to Offer People New Built-In Trading Applet

March 24, 2020

Brave, Binance unite their passion for cryptocurrencies. The new application which is built into the Brave browser will allow Binancians to log in to the account, send, receive, swap cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and so on.If you don’t have Binance account, the applet can be deleted and re-added on each new tab via browser’s Settings. Brave browser partners with Binance to allow users to send and receive coins via exchange in each new Browser tab.With the new update, Brave developers have introduced a new applet that directly integrates Binance exchange with your tab. In the U.S., the applet will automatically integrate with Binance.US, and will work for you in other countries.Official Release in April but Binance Fans Can Download BetaIf the user will not touch

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Coronavirus Spreading Intensifies in U.S., India Locks Down

March 24, 2020

India is going on a nationwide quarantine. For at least the next 24 hours all Indians are discouraged to go to the streets. Also, the WHO thinks that the United States can become the next hot spot for coronavirus pandemic.Great Britain, India and many other countries already imposed hardcore quarantine. The coronavirus, U.S. markets, and overall uncertainty makes people go hoarding. Coronavirus spreading across the planet is causing much panic from the government and investment sides too. All thanks to the simple fact that it has several times bigger contamination rate than SARS and MERS. The new virus beats all the shit out of the majority of viruses even from its own family.The controversial ZeroHedge article, thanks to which ZH was forever banned from Twitter, claims that virus may be

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Toilet Paper Calculator Collects Traffic from COVID-19 Hoarders

March 23, 2020

Toilet Paper Calculator websites flourish, while the supply chains barely digest increased demand. Want to calculate how much paper you need for the quarantine? You have a couple of websites for that and a ton of companies ready to provide the stock.A new tool, a toilet paper calculator, will help you to understand how good is your savings policy. Just drop in some of your data like sheets per wipe, etc., the amount of so precious toilet paper in possession, and see the data. Cryptocurrency analysts wish Bitcoin price charts were that easy to analyze. attracts traffic using toilet paper panic.People in the U.S. sometimes use SUVs to load a ton of paper near the supermarket and deliver it to their houses. Two friends from Great Britain – software developer Ben Sassoon

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Alphabet (GOOGL) Stock Falls 3% Today, Google Launches COVID-19 Portal

March 23, 2020

While Google is working on its COVID-19 website, Alphabet (GOOGL) stock is trading in the red. Now its price is around $1036 per share.Google is one of the most famous companies in the world. It works virtually, doesn’t consume oil, metals and corporate loans. However, it lost 1/3 of the stock price, driving one from $1,509 diapason to $1,037 during the last 30 days. Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ: GOOGL) stock lost a bit at the beginning of the downwards spiral, with price moving to $1,300-1,400 levels in the first few days.Simple moving average metric now shows that despite the price were trying to recover several times, it has now been set to regain $1,265 levels, but not above.Since December 2018, the chart shows that people were buying stocks with as much power as they can. In April 2019,

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Tom Barrack Warns on Collapse of Commercial Mortgage Market

March 23, 2020

Tom Barrack, the head of Colony Capital real estate investment firm, claims that the next big crisis can be harder than the Great Depression. He suggests that the market needs an additional supply of liquid cash, as well as borrow system restructuring until 2024.Per the U.S. based commercial mortgage market shark, Tom Barrack, the market signs are telling that the collapse is imminent. The borrowers must not fall into default, because this would mean a domino effect for the industry.Barrack is working as the CEO of Colony Capital Inc., he wrote a long read for Medium blog recently. In it, he outlines that evictions, bank failures, a wave of margin calls and the crisis in general, all put the American economy on the rails to collapse. The U.S. economy could lay low or entirely stop, per

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Bitcoin Price Under $6,000 Despite Increased Interest in Purchasing BTC on Google, Baidu

March 23, 2020

Bitcoin price experienced a slight fall under $6,000, despite the fact that people started to look more into what is going on in the sphere. The peak of searches comes on the 13 March, when BTC had one of the scariest falls in the last months.Baidu is the largest search engine in China. They are aiming at competing with Google in the Asia Pacific region. Per the stats from a Chinese report showcased by Cointelegraph, Chinese people are looking into what is Bitcoin. The search request on Baidu grown by 183%, compared to the month’s beginning. Mobile traffic is rising too, showing that people are looking into the crypto-related information even when they are not working at the computer.Per some experts, the global economic meltdown could be one of the primary reasons behind the Chinese

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Bitcoin Price Down 12% Since New Year to Date, While S&P 500 Down 28.5%

March 22, 2020

Bitcoin price is down 12.5%, S&P 500, Nasdaq indexes as well as companies like Berkhire Hathway has also lost significantly since the beginning of the year. Oil war adds fire to the financial crash party.Since the year beginning, the halving hype was striking the news. Many of the industry experts issued predictions of a sharp price increase. However, even despite the halving that will make Bitcoin more scarce, coronavirus is drowning the markets. Bitcoin has gained a lot, yet lost -12.5% since January 1.The S&P 500 index is showing a fall by -28.5%. The stock market is losing strength as the investors losing hope for a quick quarantine, and the relief from the virus. For Bitcoin bulls, the current picture must be looking very good, as the ‘store of value’ argument wasn’t in a full crash

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Apple (AAPL) Stock Starts Gaining Today, Its Price Target Lowered to $300 from $345

March 20, 2020

Michael Walkley from Canaccord Genuity lowers his Apple (AAPL) stock price target from $345 to $300. Also, he is reiterating the buy rating. Per Walkley, people dive in calculations regarding how coronavirus will impact the mobile phone market.The future of Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) stock is unclear, and the analyst claims ‘soft June’ as the period worth noting as impossible. Thanks to the Chinese location of Apple production plants, the company’s goals in March became more frugal in reach. Apple realizes the future back on February 17, releasing the guide for March. In the report, the company did not specify the dates and numbers of sales and deliveries. In April, the company will issue additional, fiscal quarterly reports.On Thursday, the trading day ended badly for Apple. The company

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Bitcoin Price Rises More Than 11% to $5,800 while Hash Rate Decreases

March 19, 2020

Since the day’s beginning, Bitcoin price gained slowly, setting the 35% record on a weekly scale. On March 19, Bitcoin gains more than 10%, setting a positive trend for the market.Bitcoin price and the hash rate were falling during the last week. Today, the price bounced, setting a 6 days record since March 13. BTC price has added more than 11% and reached $5,800. Back then, Bitcoin made a quick dive to $4,000 and below. The analysts were not expecting such a sharp move reverse, with many of the industry traders claiming bear trend. Tone Vays, one of the public persons in the so-called ‘maximalist society’, issued a prediction of $2,000 per Bitcoin till May 2020.Willy Woo confirmed that Bitcoin’s fall will not look like many of us want.The next key event is confirmation of BTC decoupling

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Square Will Operate Crypto Bank and Give Loans to Business

March 19, 2020

Square Bank will give loans to small business and corporations. It will also sell debts to third parties and engage in blockchain development.Twitter’s Jack Dorsey is a vivid supporter of Bitcoin as a technology. He was saying a lot of times that cryptocurrency is the future, pointing to the success of Bitcoin’s inception. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) initiated voting among the board members regarding Square. The company wants to put insurance on the holdings to loan. Per the voting results, Square received a green light on creating a crypto bank under Square supervision.The bank’s name is Square Financial Services. They sent a second application for approval to the Utah Department of Financial Institutions (UDFI). That’s because they reside in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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Fox Involves in Streaming Business via $440 Million Tubi Aquisition

March 18, 2020

The streaming service with top Hollywood shows and films Tubi is now under the wings of Fox, a broadcast and news company. They inked a partnership worth $440 million, paid by Fox for full share control.Fox still holds Murdoch Family’s media assets, television and cable sports channels after selling the 21st Century Fox to Disney. Tubi Ltd (ASX: 2BE) is one of the free ad-supported services of film streaming. Recently, they have offered their young audience to Fox Corporation (NASDAQ: FOX). Per the website stats, people consume 160 million hours in shows per month.Fox Aims at Direct-to-Consumer Ads and Expansion Tubi has a partnership with over 250 royal content providers, offering 20,000 titles or 56,000 hours of pure joy. Fox will integrate its native ads, features and personalization

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Bitcoin Halving Is Coming in 55 Days, Will Peter Brandt Take His Words about BTC Price Back?

March 18, 2020

Peter Brandt, Bitcoin Halving and Coronavirus: is a famous trader and Bitcoin bear right about price fall? No matter what, he wants to convince you that Bitcoin is set to collapse. Recently, he said that Bitcoin can dive under $1,000, and here are some of his new thoughts.Peter Brandt broke forth into a series of hot Twitter posts, claiming that the Bitcoin halving, coming in 55 days, is irrelevant. He claims that the real Bitcoin‘s supply is its daily trading volume. So, the reduction of the generation of new Bitcoins daily is equivalent to 2/100 of 1% of the ‘whole Bitcoin monetary supply’.Brandt notes that the reduction of the money supply is a tiny fraction compared to what Bitcoin already has on the market, and halving is overpriced.Peter Brandt Make Mistakes in Crypto

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Coinbase Card and Google Pay Joining Forces to Increase Cryptocurrency Liquidity

March 17, 2020

Coinbase Card, Google Pay are uniting as one to increase the liquidity of cryptocurrencies and offer a new set of convenient payment options to customers. Coinbase users will have the chance to use their cards in many more jurisdictions.Per the official Coinbase blog, users of Android devices can connect their Coinbase Card to Google service now. The Visa-based debit card receives payments from cryptocurrency origin and spends fiat. Google allows Coinbase to become the first exchange in the crypto industry with the power to top up Google Pay account.Google’s system will enable cryptocurrency holders to posses Bitcoin and spend fiat via the smartwatch, tablet and by other Google tools. Google and Coinbase will make sure that the crypto holdings are spent in the most secure way

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Bitcoin Price Rises 14% to $5300, Market Waiting for Next Halving despite Coronavirus

March 17, 2020

Market analysts claim that Bitcoin price could return to $14,000 levels because halving is as unstoppable as coronavirus and causes an increase in Bitcoin’s scarcity.At the time of writing, Bitcoin price was reaching $5,300 levels, which means that the possible bull trend is near the next corner while teh next halving is getting closer. The sole fact that Bitcoin had survived Monday’s Wall Street opening and the red stock market, means it’s not all bad for crypto. Indeed, during the panic, many longtime holders initiated a massive sell-off. As a result, Bitcoin fell from $8,600 to $4,900 in one trading day.Traders losing 50% of their capital were not happy. Multiplied pessimism rises as the coronavirus is striking the minds of all nations. Long trades seem like a dangerous opportunity

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Binance and WazirX to Donate Up to $50 Million to Blockchain Startups in India

March 17, 2020

Famous exchange Binance partners with Indian exchange startup WazirX to write code with talented Indians. The alliance gives from $100,000 to $5 million per startup.A huge capital of $50 million is prepared for the smart and talented Indians who wish to bring new code into the industry. Lazy coders devastate many ICO projects, as well as mainstream coins. A cooperative called ‘Blockchain for India’, formed by Binance and WazirX is called to fix the situation. There are hundreds of blockchain startups in India now, seeking their way to a safe, regulated future. A few days ago, the Indian Supreme Court canceled National Bank’s unlawful ban on cryptocurrency-related transactions.Time to BUIDL, Says CEO WazirXIn light of such an unexpected move, Indians receive the possibility to change the

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JPMorgan and Citi Stocks Are Nearly 18% Down Pushed by New ‘Bloody Monday’

March 16, 2020

The stocks of JPMorgan and Citi are falling, showing a decrease of 17.71% and 19.27% (at opening) accordingly. The situation gave birth to fears regarding banks and coronavirus.Citigroup Inc (NYSE: C) lost 18%, sliding to $41,98 per share. Wells Fargo & Co (NYSE: WFC) lost 14%, drowning to $26,56 per the stock. As per the Bank of America Corp (NYSE: BAC), they have lost 15%, driving the stock price to $20,44. It seems like the banks are not prepared for the coronavirus attack. More than that, since the beginning of 2020, JPMorgan Chase & Co (NYSE: JMP) lost more than 25% of its total value and shows -13,01% today. Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) lost the same percentage, and Citi experienced a 36% fall.Now, the ‘dirty practice’ of stock buybacks is temporarily over. As the biggest lenders in the

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