A gallery, an NFT minter, and other modules are expected to be built for the newly announced platform.Coinsilium Group Limited is a crypto and open finance project building platform that develops and deploys blockchain-based products and services. It was the first blockchain company to go public in 2015. Using its experience and wide network, it has invested in successful and leading blockchain ventures such as RSK/IOV Labs, Blox, Indorse, etcetera. Coinsilium’s shares are now traded on the...
Read More »Decentralized Finance (DeFi) wird dein Verständnis von Finanzmärkten & Banken grundlegend verändern
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) wird einen signifikanten Einfluss darauf haben, wie Banken in Zukunft arbeiten werden. Das Potenzial birgt die Möglichkeit die gesamte Finanz- und Bankenwelt auf den Kopf zu stellen und vielleicht sogar zu ersetzen. Bevor wir uns das ein wenig näher ansehen, müssen wir noch einen kurzen Ausflug zu Decentralized Finance (DeFi) machen. Defi steht für dezentralisierte Finanzmärkte (engl.: Decentralized Finance). Es geht vor allem im Krypto Bereich darum, neue...
Read More »Paris Hilton Partners with and Invests in Origin Protocol, OGN Price Down 2% Now
Paris Hilton hopes to empower other artists to have more control over their art and its distribution via NFTs. Origin Protocol has announced a partnership with celebrity Paris Hilton. In a Medium post, Origin Co-Founder Mathew Liu announced that the mogul, entertainer and influencer would be working with Origin as both an advisor and an investor. Origin hopes their partnership with “the original influencer” will make their products and the Origin Token (OGN) more valuable.Liu wrote: “Paris...
Read More »Les dessous du «crypto-krach»
Intervention d’Alexandre Stachtchenko, cofondateur de Blockchain Partner et directeur de Blockchain & Cryptos chez KPMG dans l’émission C’est Cash sur la chaîne internationale russe d’information en continu RT. L’article Les dessous du «crypto-krach» est apparu en premier sur bitcoin.fr.
Read More »QANplatform Debuts on BSC Following $700K Raise
QANplatform can be seen as a bet against quantum supremacy, which would instantly render everything from SSL to SHA-256 blockchains.Binance Smart Chain has gained another well-established crypto project following the integration of QANplatform. The quantum-resistant blockchain recently completed a $700K raise on BSC via an Initial DEX Offering (IDO) and has been trending on Dextools in the days since.The prospect of a blockchain that can’t be cracked by advances in quantum computing has...
Read More »BananaSwap Set to Launch on Solana Protocol
BananaSwap intends to venture into the digital artwork industry by enabling non-fungible token (NFT) transactions.BananaSwap, a decentralized exchange (DEX), is set to be unveiled on the Solana blockchain. Different from the traditional AMM exchange, it will incorporate AMM’s liquidity aggregation and support a range of limit orders.According to the firm through a Medium post, it intends to provide liquidity at different price ranges, a flexible price model, heterogeneous liquidity proof, and...
Read More »XinFin Celebrates Second Anniversary of Mainnet Launch
Designed for enterprise usage, XinFin is reaching maturity at a time when demand for PoS chains is rising.On June 1, 2019, XinFin launched its blockchain mainnet. It doesn’t take a mathematician to deduce that this means a second-anniversary celebration is in order. In an era where blockchains are ten a satoshi, and many don’t see sufficient adoption to warrant a first-year soiree, let alone a year-two celebration, that’s quite a feat. However, there are other reasons for toasting XinFin’s...
Read More »Spanish Seafood Company Teams Up with IBM to Improve Product Traceability with Blockchain
IBM developed a platform for Food Trust traceability with the aim of providing almost real-time data regarding farming, processing, and delivering products.As per the announcement published on June 8th, IBM has made it clear that a collaboration with the multinational seafood provider, Nueva Pescanova Group, is in progress. This collaboration was initiated with the motivation of abiding by the UN’s Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (DGST) standards, as informed by Ignacio González, the...
Read More »Polkadot’s Kusama (KSM) Statemine Parachain Slot Auctions To Begin Next Week
Last week, Polkadot’s canary network, Kusama (KSM), conducted an on-chain upgrade on its parachain after a vote was passed, making it the first live and fully functional parachain of the Kusama network processing permissionless transactions. The upgrade also made the project the first fully decentralized, heterogeneously-sharded blockchain. Kusama is a permissionless network that allows developers to experiment and test dApps and blockchains before deploying them on...
Read More »Bitpanda: BEST-Token als grosse Chance? ?
Bitpanda BEST Token gibt es wieder bereits ab circa 1 Euro. Luft nach oben? Welche Coin kann mittelfristig mehr zulegen, als Bitcoin? Dies ist eine oft gestellte Frage. Viele der sogenannten Bitcoin-Alternativen sind keine gute Wahl. Die meisten davon liefern kein Profit und bergen erst noch ein hohes Risiko. Was bis anhin immer gut lief, sind die Token der Bitcoin-Börsen. Wer hätte gedacht, das die Binance Coin, welche oft so um die 15...
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