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The Biden Effect: Bitcoin Price Plunged $850 Immediately After The Announcement

The uncertainty seems to have come to an end: Biden is the new president of the United States after winning the decisive electoral votes of Georgia and Pennsylvania. At this moment, Biden has 290 votes out of the 270 needed to win the presidency, while Trump has only 214. And with only 34 votes in dispute, the chapter is practically closed. Biden vs Trump 2020 electionsBitcoin’s Sell The News In Reaction to Biden Winning The new president was quick to change his Twitter bio...

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Aerospace Mogul Thales To Comply With NATO Standards Using Blockchain

The French multinational giant will be integrating Blockchain and Big Data technologies for the company’s digital transformation. The defense and aeronautics enterprise will also use novice technology to comply with NATO standards. A Step Towards Digital Transformation As per a recent report, Thales will be integrating Big Data and blockchain in a new management system, which will lead to the digital transformation of the headquarters’ Production and Maintenance center. The...

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$13.6 Billion Stolen In 8 Years By Exploiting Blockchain-Based Projects, Report

A recent report examining the number of successful hacks on blockchain networks, exchanges, and even wallets concluded that attackers had stolen more than $13 billion in the past eight years. The paper noted that the EOS network had experienced the most breaches, while the malicious actors have taken the most funds from wallets. 330 Blockchain Attacks; 2019 Was A Record-Breaker The document compiled by the VPN provider Atlas VPN reads that the total amount of attacks on...

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Who’s Moving All This Silk Road Money?

Nearly $1 billion in crypto funds that have ties to the Silk Road dark web are being transferred to other wallet addresses.The Shakers Behind Silk RoadAs we all remember, Silk Road was a dark online market allegedly founded by Ross Ulbricht, who is presently serving a life sentence for his role in the creation of the platform. The website was available to anyone looking to purchase drugs, guns or other contraband with bitcoin. The government shut the company down about seven years ago.But if...

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Une saisie de 69 369 bitcoins

Le Département de la Justice des États-Unis annoncé hier une saisie (réalisée mardi) de 69 369 bitcoins (soit un montant qui dépasse le milliard de dollars) qui dormaient depuis des années dans le portefeuille d’un pirate. L’individu avait réussi à soutirer ce trésor à la plateforme Silk Road entre mai 2012 et avril 2013, soit quelques mois avant la fermeture du site en octobre 2013. « Mardi...

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Banco Santander and Other Spanish Banks Promote Blockchain-based Digital ID Technology

Ten banks have joined to build a self-managed digital identity system using blockchain technology thereby giving users higher control over their data.On Thursday, November 5, Spanish banking giant Banco Santander along with top-ten leading banks unveiled a self-managed digital identity (ID) model based on blockchain technology. The project dubbed Dalion successfully completed the concept test and proceeded for the second round of development.Also, as per the current estimates, the project is...

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Sygnum becomes first bank to launch Tezos staking

Sygnum becomes first bank to launch Tezos staking and deliver stake rewards of up to 5 percent annually for its clients Sygnum is the first regulated bank to launch staking for Tezos (XTZ), an open-source protocol backed by a global community of 1300+ validators, researchers and developers. Secure custody, trading, credit and staking services for XTZ are available from today. For the first time, XTZ can be deposited and staked with a...

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The US DOJ Seizes Bitcoins Worth $1 Billion Allegedly Belonging to Silk Road

The United States Department of Justice confiscated around $1 billion worth of bitcoins on Tuesday. Today it is suing for forfeiture of the BTC that federal personnel seized. The coins allegedly belong to the now-defunct darknet marketplace Silk Road. US DOJ Wants The Forfeiture Of Bitcoin Worth $1 Billion As per Bloomberg’s latest report, the US Justice Department wants immediate forfeiture of bitcoins worth $1 billion that it seized on Tuesday. The BTC stash belongs to Silk...

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UMI: Blockchain Ecosystem of Instant VISA-Like Payments with Zero Fees

[Featured Content] UMI is a blockchain-based ecosystem that provides its users with instant transfers, staking, and multifunctional smart contracts. It attempts to compete with legacy market giants such as VISA and MasterCard when it comes to transaction speed. The developers aim to bring the network throughput to one million transactions per second, which is quite ambitious. UMI’s Characteristics Right off the bat, UMI is based on an improved version of the...

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So funktioniert der Revolut Business Account

Jeder der ein KMU besitzt, einen Verein leitet oder als Selbständiger arbeitet hat grosses Glück: Revolut bietet ab sofort kostenloses Business-Accounts für Unternehmen. Das Angebot steht für jedes in Deutschland und der Scheiz registrierte Unternehmen sowie für Freelancer zur Verfügung. Die Vorteile der Business-Accounts von Revolut machen diese Offerte besonders attraktiv. Denn: Es kostet nix. Und das Gute: Im Gegensatz zu der Revolut App ist bietet der Business Account einen...

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