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Brendan Blumer Discusses What Makes Block.One So Important and EOS are notable platforms for two reasons. The first is that they held a year-long coin offering between the summers of 2017 and 2018. The second reason? Because even though the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) went after the companies for hosting the token sale – which the SEC is typically known to do – both and EOS came out ahead and garnered a ruling in their favor. This is important given we’re now in a time when companies are known to fall apart the minute...

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Ben Weiss: The Next Big Blockchain Company Is Likely to Come Out of Singapore

According to Ben Weiss, the chief operating officer of Coin Flip, the next big tech company – comparable to the likes of both Amazon and Apple – will not stem from the United States but will instead be created within Asia.Ben Weiss: The Next Tech Company Will Come From AsiaHe says that the United States has fallen behind when it comes to cryptocurrency and the regulation necessary to keep crypto in check. While regulation ultimately goes against the decentralized nature of digital assets, he...

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Raiffeisen Teams Up Pantos to Provide Blockchain Interoperability for RBI Coin

The RBI Coin will facilitate payment and interbank settlements while also helping to limit cash handling and helps different companies in the Raiffeisen banking network in liquidity management.Austria-based Raiffeisen Bank International (VIE: RBI) has teamed up with Bitpanda’s owned Pantos blockchain to bring unique interoperability to the banking sector through the former’s stablecoin dubbed RBI Coin. Per the official announcement, the Pantos blockchain will help provide the ecosystem...

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Bitpanda und Raiffeisen Bank International bringen Blockchain-Interoperabilität in die Bankenbranche

Pantos ist ein Projekt der Technischen Universität Wien (TU). Wer in Pantos investieren möchte, findet weitere Infos bei Bitpanda. Gutschein für Neuanmeldung weiter unten im Artikel Die Partnerschaft mit der Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) bedeutet für das Pantos (PAN) Projekt nach 2,5 Jahren Forschung und Entwicklung einen großen Meilenstein. RBI ist eine führende und in Österreich ansässige Kommerz- und Investmentbank und deckt 13...

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Streamity: Leveraging Binance Smart Chain to Provide Myriad of Services

[Featured content] DeFi has no doubt exploded in 2020 as the industry saw unprecedented growth all the way from March. In fact, data suggests that there’s currently around $11.2 billion locked in various lending protocols in the ecosystem. While this may have somewhat surprised many, it does come as a natural and logical extension of the crypto field. After all, that’s the general purpose of cryptocurrencies – to separate state and money through an immutable and decentralized...

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BitTorrent Launches BitTorrent X Ecosystem Following DLive Acquisition

BitTorrent Inc., the firm behind the massively popular BitTorrent protocol and app, has announced its acquisition of blockchain-powered live streaming platform DLive. DLive will now form part of the newly established BitTorrent X ecosystem, which also includes the BitTorrent File System (BTFS), a service used for distributed file storage and retrieval, as well as the BitTorrent client, which will be utilized delivering these services and more to users. Transitioning to...

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Crypto and Blockchain Venture Builder Collider Labs Closed A $1 Million Investment Round

A venture builder for early-stage cryptocurrency- and blockchain-oriented companies, Collider Labs, has successfully closed a $1 million investment vehicle. The company announced the news in a press release shared with CryptoPotato. The $1 million round comes after the recent addition of several “notable limited partners, including established blockchain executives, CEOs, founders, and traders.” The statement added that the firm is actively exploring different early-stage...

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#997 PayPal integriert Bitcoin, CBDC kein Wertespeicher & CBDC Bitcoin Bedrohung

Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 997. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: PayPal integriert Bitcoin bereits in 2021, CBDC soll nicht als Wertespeicher dienen & CBDC könnte Bitcoin bedrohen glaubt CZ. 1.) PayPal sagt ja zu Bitcoin: Integration bereits in 2021 2.) Deutsche Bundesbank: CBDC soll nicht als Wertespeicher...

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Blockchain-Technologien könnten die Weltwirtschaft bis 2030 um 1;76 Billionen US-Dollar stärken

Neue Analysen von PwC zeigen, dass Blockchain-Technologien das Potenzial besitzen, das globale Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) in den nächsten zehn Jahren um 1,76 Billionen US-Dollar zu steigern. Eine neue Analysen von PwC zeigen, dass Blockchain-Technologien das Potenzial besitzen, das globale Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) in den nächsten zehn Jahren um 1,76 Billionen US-Dollar zu steigern. Das ist die zentrale Erkenntnis eines neuen PwC-Berichts...

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Neo3: Die Features der dritten Blockchain-Iteration

NEO galt lange als die chinesische Version von Ethereum. Mittlerweile ist das NEO Blockchain Projekt komplett international aufgestellt. Die Neo Foundation gehört zu den aufsterbenden Digitalunternehmen und hat mit dem Neo Token einen erfolgreichen Coin auf dem Markt. Nun nennt das Unternehmen erste Informationen zur inzwischen dritten Iteration der Smart Contract fähigen...

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