Immer mehr Anbieter ermöglichen Crypto-Zahlungen – vor allem online. Doch von einer Akzeptanz dieser Zahlungen des Mainstreams sind wir dennoch weit entfernt. Vielmehr sind Cryptocoins primär zu einem Investitions- und Spekulationsobjekt geworden. Ethereum News: Vitalik Buterin glaubt an Crypto-Zahlungen für den MainstreamVitalik Buterin jedoch glaubt an diese Akzeptanz und die damit verbundene Mass Adoption für die nahe Zukunft. Auf der Korean Blockchain Week 2022 sprach Buterin am Sonntag...
Read More »Elon Musk: I Never Forced Anyone to Invest in Crypto
Elon Musk has come to his own defense following a recent lawsuit that has been thrown in his direction. The suit is coming from a group of investors who claim they lost millions of dollars on Dogecoin investments after listening to Musk talk it up. Elon Musk Says He’s Not the Bad Guy Musk has always been a crypto bull, especially when it comes to Doge. He was long rumored to be the new CEO of Dogecoin, though sadly, this later turned out to be just an internet rumor....
Read More »Analysts Discuss the Recent Bitcoin “Steadiness”
The world of crypto has experienced something of a steady period. While many of the world’s leading digital assets are nowhere near the highs they achieved in the final months of 2021, it’s good to see that bitcoin, for example – after hitting $19,000 and $20,000 – is flirting with the $22K mark, and other leading assets like Ethereum are beginning to follow suit and hovering at the $1,100 level. What Is Going on with Bitcoin? Stephane Ouellette – CFA and founder of FRNT...
Read More »Coinbase und Bright Moments starten digitale Kunstpartnerschaft
Coinbase und Bright Moments starten digitale Kunstpartnerschaft Die globale Krypto-Plattform Coinbase und der US-amerikanische Veranstalter Bright Moments schliessen eine langfristige strategische Partnerschaft für die Verwahrung von digitaler Kunst. „Die Kooperation mit Bright Moments und die Eröffnung der Galerie in Berlin macht die spannende, neue Welt der digitalen NFT Kunst für alle zugänglich und zeigt eindrucksvoll wie Blockchain-Technologie...
Read More »Coinbase Verified Users Approach the 100M Mark
Coinbase Verified Users Approach the 100M Mark There are many major bitcoin exchanges fighting for customer. Despite the recent price price descent, every day new user are entering the bitcoin trading market. According to BanklessTimes, Coinbase verified users are approaching the 100M mark. Jonathan Merry, CEO of BanklessTimes, spoke during the release of these findings. He said „Coinbase is having an upward trajectory. Each year, there is an...
Read More »Merge-Datum lässt Kryptomarkt anwachsen
Die weltweite Marktkapitalisierung aller Kryptoassets ist den Daten von CoinMarketCap zufolge im Monatsvergleich um 22,3 Prozent gestiegen. Dieser markante Anstieg ist auf den grossen Wirbel um den «Merge» – den Umstieg von Ethereum auf den Proof of Stake-Mechanismus – zurückzuführen, denn im Juli wurde ein vorläufiger Starttermin dafür verlautbart. Wie in der Abbildung zu sehen ist, verzeichnete das DeFi-Protokoll Lido in den letzten 30 Tagen eine Rendite von sage und schreibe 313 Prozent,...
Read More »Ethereum’s July Miners‘ Revenues are Up 13% to Stand at $620M, Beating Bitcoin’s $597M
Ethereum's July Miners' Revenues are Up 13% to Stand at $620M, Beating Bitcoin's $597M Ethereum (ETH)miners hit a good stride in July, according to a BanklessTimes analysis. They made $620.56M, up from $549.58M the month prior. That’s a 13% rise in Ethereum miner revenues from June to July. And it’s $23 million more than the $597M that Bitcoin miners made in the same month. Jonathan Merry, CEO of BanklessTimes, has been explaining the upswing in ETH...
Read More »Plynk and Paxos Join Hands to Give New Traders Access to Crypto
Investment app Plynk is announcing the launch of what it’s calling Plynk Crypto, a new division that will permit novice traders to gain exposure to some of the world’s largest and most popular digital assets. Plynk Is Stepping into the Crypto Space At the time of writing, the application is allowing customers to hold bitcoin, Ethereum, bitcoin cash, and Litecoin through the Paxos Trust Company, which Plynk is partnering with. Plynk is designed for new investors or those...
Read More »Nächster Versuch einer Cryptocoin-Regulierung aus den USA
Wann immer es um die Kontrolle über den Finanzmarkt geht, scheinen die beiden großen Parteien in den USA kein Problem damit zu haben, schnelle Einigkeit zu erzielen. In einem von beiden Parteien unterstützten Entwurf geht es mal wieder darum, den Cryptocoin-Markt unter staatliche Aufsicht zu stellen. Crypto News: Nächster Versuch einer Cryptocoin-Regulierung aus den USADie sogenannte CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) soll dem Markt übergeordnet werden, indem man sie als „Aufsicht“...
Read More »Litecoin (LTC) Price Analysis: Fresh Increase Possible If It Clears $60
Litecoin is trading in a positive zone above $55 against the US Dollar. LTC price is now trading below $60 and the 55 simple moving average (4-hours). There is a key bearish trend line forming with resistance near $60 on the 4-hours chart of the LTC/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase). The pair could gain bullish momentum if it clears the $60 resistance zone. Litecoin price is rising above $55 against the US Dollar, similar to bitcoin. LTC price could continue to move up...
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