There are many drivers which supported the recent bullish run of cryptocurrencies. Many indicators which we got used to indicated the bullish run mid April, however we owe today’s bullish continuation to none other than Mrs Yellen – the US Treasury Secretary.Although there are obvious leaders in selecting the altcoins to buy based on their market activities, like Doge, ETC, ETH, I’d like to concentrate on these three alts that yet to show greater gains.TrilliumAlien Worlds is a metaverse,...
Read More »Members of WallStreetBets Forum Alleged in Telegram Crypto Scam Stealing $2M in BNB and ETH
Members of the popular WallStreetBets Reddit forum were suspected of a presumable cryptocurrency fraud that could have caused losses of no less than $2 million. By creating a designated Telegram group, they duped investors by guaranteeing remarkable returns through capitalizing on the recent crypto market rally. The Core of the Hoax Per a report by Bloomberg, alleged members of the WallStreetBets Reddit Forum used the Telegram messaging service to execute a blatant scam. A...
Read More »Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis: DeFi May Lead to Paradigm Shift in Financial Industry
The report by the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis recognized Ethereum as the leader in the smart contract aspect with the majority of the DeFi protocols built on it.The Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis published research by Dr Fabian Schär on May 2 regarding the decentralized financial (DeFi) ecosystem and its impact on the financial industry. According to the research, the DeFi ecosystem may trigger a huge change in the financial sector.“DeFi may lead to a paradigm shift in the financial...
Read More »Chia Coin Price Falls Below $700, OKEx Data Added on CoinMarketCap
Chia coin does not require the manufacturing of special-purpose hardware (ASIC) to mine it.Chia Coin price, a new cryptocurrency introduced to offset the disadvantages of Bitcoin mining has dropped by 11.98% in the last 24 hours. The asset was trading at $837 yesterday but has pulled back to a price of $622 per coin. Though the price is still high, the Chia coin is seen to have shed off a lot of its value from a monthly high of $1934.The top three largest cryptocurrencies have also fallen...
Read More »Ethereum, Dogecoin oder Litecoin? Welche Coin macht das Rennen? ?
Knackt der Litecoin-Preis diese Woche die Bestmarke von 360.66 US-Dollar vom Dezember 2017? Ether kommt erstmals an die Marke von 3500 US-Dollar und Dogecoin springt weit über die 50 US-Cent. Dogecoin legte in den letzten 7 Tagen um 100 % zu. Wer also vor einer Woche in Doge investiert hat, der hat nun doppelt soviel Geld. Aber auch der Kurs von Litecoin scheint nun in Gang zu kommen. Der Litecoin-Preis stieg in den letzten 7 Tagen um 32...
Read More »Coinbase Selected by Sotheby’s to Facilitate Crypto Payment at Contemporary Art Evening Auction
Coinbase is estimated to facilitate payments of up to 8-figures on Sotheby’s website during the auction period. Coinbase Global Inc (NASDAQ: COIN) announced that it was selected to facilitate payments by Sotheby’s during the Contemporary Art Evening Auction. Notably, according to Sanchan Saxena, Vice President Ecosystem, Coinbase Commerce will enable the firm to accept Bitcoin and Ethereum for Banksy’s Love is in the Air image.In another step bringing the utility of cryptocurrency...
Read More »Kevin O’Leary: ETH Will Never Have BTC’s Power
Kevin O’Leary – aka Mr. Wonderful from the popular television program “Shark Tank” – has a lot of respect for both bitcoin and Ethereum. He thinks they are both remarkable developments in the world of finance. It is just that he respects bitcoin a little more. Kevin O’Leary: Bitcoin Will Always Be King In a recent interview, O’Leary commented that Ethereum – no matter how popular it is or how big and strong it becomes – will always be “number two” following bitcoin....
Read More »$2 Billion Liquidated in Hours as Bitcoin Price Tumbles to $53,500 and Market Cap Loses $100B
There are no boring days in the cryptocurrency market. In a couple of hourly candles, the entire market turned red and lost over $100 billion of its capitalization. The total liquidations in the past 24 hours are worth almost $2 billion, according to data from Bybt. The largest single liquidation order happened on Huobi. It was an ETH position with a dollar value of a whopping $74.5 million. A little less than 196K traders were liquidated. Leading the way in the past hour is...
Read More »The Reason for Ethereum’s Recent Rally to ATH According to Changpeng Zhao
The head of Binance, Changpeng Zhao, recently gave his comments on the two largest cryptocurrencies – BTC and ETH. According to him, people nowadays need alternative coins for the new type of transactions, which may drive the price of ether up. CZ also predicted that many central bank digital currencies would be very different than public coins. Ethereum’s Rally As Ethereum’s price continues to be the hottest topic in the past couple of days within the entire cryptocurrency...
Read More »Trade Republic: Berliner Broker setzt auf Bitcoin!
Trade Republic bietet das provisionsfreie Inverstieren in Aktien, ETFs, Derivate und neu auch in digitale Währungen wie Bitcoin an. Der Bitcoin erreicht in den letzten Monaten Allzeithochs. Revolut, Swissquote, Yapeal; sie alle wollen jetzt Bitcoin. Das Geschäft mit den Kryptowährungen will sich auch der Neobroker Trade Republic nicht entgehen lassen. Letzte Woche teilte das Berliner Unternehmen mit, dass nun der Handel mit Kryptos möglich...
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