Bitcoin-Preis Chart 2019: Der Bitcoin-Kurs war in 2019 ziemlich stabil Beim Bitcoin hat es in den vergangenen Jahren eine ganze Reihe von Kurseinbrüchen gegeben. Im letzten Jahr gab es in der Mitte zunächst einen starken Kursanstieg, der aber dann relativ schnell wieder zu einem starken Kurseinbruch führte. Trotzdem muss man unterm Strich sagen, dass der Bitcoin im vergangenen Jahr seine stabilste Entwicklung hatte. Die grossen...
Read More »#800 Bitcoin und der Brexit, Bitcoin Indikator Bullenmarkt & Coingeek BitcoinSV Konferenz London
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 800. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Bitcoin Kurs Anstieg durch Brexit, Bitcoin Indikator gibt erneut das Signal für den Bullenmarkt & Coingeek BitcoinSV Konferenz London Vielen Dank an den heutigen Sponsor Corrigo. Ist deine private Krankenversicherung zu teuer? Deine Beiträge werden ständig erhöht? Dann spare jetzt bist zu 63% monatlich mit einem PKV Tarifwechsel OHNE Versicherungswechsel. ALLE...
Read More »Twitter’s Jack Dorsey May Help Bitcoin Price Drive to $100,000
Engineers from Square Crypto want to build a product that will make LN integration easier for the wallet developers. Whether Lightning Network is a good scaling solution or not is defined by adoption rates. So far, it is used mostly by the exchanges and people directly supporting Bitcoin Core. However, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey thinks that development (and adoption) must flow faster. His revolutionary solution is called Lightning Development Kit (LDK) and is a creation of Jack’s new company.It...
Read More »Bitcoin Halving Is Getting Closer Boosting People’s Interest, Will BTC Price Rise?
Set for 12 May 2020, the Bitcoin halving is just 105 days away. Bitcoin price is steady at 8K-9K level.However, we should note that the same figure was named last week. Despite the fact that time is going forward, the halving event is not getting closer according to popular countdowns. It may be evidence of the decreased hash rate.Arcane Research, a Norwegian Cryptocurrency analytics company, published a study showing the growing demand among people who search in Google for ‘bitcoin halving’....
Read More »Bitcoin Price Is Trapped in Narrow Ranges after Volatile Week
Bitcoin, which is the largest digital asset by market capitalization, settled past the price level at $8,600 after a pullback to a price level of $8,217 on January 24.At the hour of composing, the Bitcoin price was trending on the level at $8,712 mainly unaltered from the start of the day.The digital asset market on Monday showed a trend in the bullish bias triangle. The Saturday bears did not lead to much movement, and several altcoins moved away from support levels and attempted recovery....
Read More »#799 Zentralbank gegen private Kryptos, Litecoin 1% Miner Abgabe & Dubai Crypto Valley
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 799. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Französische Zentralbank lehnt private Kryptowährungen ab, Litecoin 1% Miner Abgabe für Entwicklung & Dubai plant eigenes Crypto Valley. 1.) Französische Zentralbank lehnt private Kryptowährungen ab 2.) Litecoin Creator Proposes Miners Voluntarily Donate 1% for...
Read More »You Can Now Buy Crypto with Your Credit Card Using BitPay
Popular Bitcoin payment processor BitPay has sealed a partnership with fiat-to-crypto payment processor Simplex, enabling users to purchase Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies directly within the BitPay app using a credit card. They can also transfer funds, make purchases and send money to friends from a single dashboard.In providing BitPay with a fiat onramp to conduct and settle crypto transactions, Simplex has created a major on-ramp to the cryptoconomy. Over 30,000 merchants use BitPay,...
Read More »When Will Nasdaq Roll Out Its Mysterious Bitcoin Futures?
During the interview given to Erik Schatzker on the World Economic Forum in Davos, Nasdaq CEO Adena Friedman was discussing her LinkedIn post concerning ”market economy”. She was also touching the cryptocurrency sphere, saying that Bitcoin futures are a viable option and that they have an unnamed partner helping to set everything up.Two Main Reasons Nasdaq Will Consider Regarding Bitcoin FuturesAfter observing the market conditions, Nasdaq wants to bring up a viable solution that will be...
Read More »Bitcoin Gold Is Under 51% Dangerous Attack, Miners Double-Spend $72K
The attack on Bitcoin Gold was first spotted by James Lovejoy, a researcher from MIT Bitcoin Club.Bitcoin Gold ($BTG) was 51% attacked— James Lovejoy (@metalicjames) January 24, 2020The short review of the attack is already on GitHub. The review says that on January 23, and 24, the attackers have removed blocks from the BTG network. Then, they re-added them and added new transactions instead of their old ones. Why did they do that? Because such thing as pulling the...
Read More »Free Bitcoins: The Possibility to Waste Your Time and Money
Many of the people who are not related to cryptocurrencies are lurking on the web in a search for free Bitcoins. Numerous casinos, betting clubs, cryptocurrency hedge funds, and other websites lure people in. How do you know that the casino is working well? Where will you gather precise information about a faucet or a lottery website that promises to send you a ton of coins?Do Not Waste Your TimeDo you know one precious asset that is not gold, not fiat money, not cryptocurrency, and not a...
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