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Tag Archives: Cryptocurrencies

Matt Damon wird zum Bitcoin-Botschafter

Schauspieler Matt Damon wirbt für eine Bitcoin-Börse. Aktuell sind Werbeanzeigen der Krypto-Börse in allen Medien vertreten. Seit Neuestem wirbt sogar Matt Damon für die Plattform. Stellt sich nur die Frage, welche Gründe es für diese Werbeoffensive gibt? Das Unternehmen aus Singapur investierte jüngst knapp eine Milliarde US-Dollar um das bekannte Staple Center in Los Angeles mit dem Namen der Online-Börse zu versehen oder um...

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Bitcoin-Botschafter Matt Damon

Schauspieler Matt Damon wirbt für eine Bitcoin-Börse. Aktuell sind Werbeanzeigen der Krypto-Börse in allen Medien vertreten. Seit Neuestem wirbt sogar Matt Damon für die Plattform. Stellt sich nur die Frage, welche Gründe es für diese Werbeoffensive gibt? Das Unternehmen aus Singapur investierte jüngst knapp eine Milliarde US-Dollar um das bekannte Staple Center in Los Angeles mit dem Namen der Online-Börse zu versehen oder um...

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Abra Unveils Its New Global Cryptocurrency Purchasing Platform

Abra Inc. is bringing its clients a whole new cryptocurrency market that will allow them to compare prices and buy more than 600 separate types of cryptocurrency from single locations. The platform is designed to be global, meaning it can be accessed by traders and crypto fans from virtually all points of the world.Abra Is Allowing Customers to Compare Crypto PricesAbra – which was founded roughly six years ago in 2014 – initially started out as a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency remittance...

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Chainalysis Makes It Easier to Seize Illicit Crypto Funds

Blockchain analysis company Chainalysis has unveiled a new program that will allow it to monitor all the assets that were seized from criminal operations. Analysts have emerged to claim that these assets are likely to include cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, Ethereum and other mainstream digital tokens.Chainalysis Seeks to Make Things Simpler for RegulatorsOver the last few years, the crypto space has come a long way, establishing itself as a serious contender in the world of finance. Many...

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New Report By e-Toro Dispels Several Myths About Cryptocurrencies

A new report is out thanks to the work of both Tie and the cryptocurrency exchange e-Toro. According to the document, cryptocurrencies everywhere are continuing to mature at a rapid rate.e-Toro Lets Us in On New Data About CryptoThe latest material in the report contradicts several anti-crypto theories that they are either not real assets or are strictly driven by the fear of missing out (FOMO). In addition, cryptocurrencies are suggested to be completely unique and do not share market...

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Fed Analysts Refer to BTC as “Money”

Many have gone back and forth regarding how to classify bitcoin. Is it money? Is it simply a speculative asset? How can it be used, and what are most people supposed to do with it when cash and credit cards remain so prominent?Bitcoin Is Money, According to Fed SentimentAccording to economists at the New York office of the Federal Reserve, bitcoin is like an extension of fiat money. In other words, it’s not a new type of money or even necessarily a new coin. Rather, it’s being described as an...

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Isaiah Jackson: Bitcoin Can Really Help African Americans

Isaiah Jackson is the author of a book called “Bitcoin and Black America.”Jackson: The Black Community Needs New Financial PoliciesIn a recent interview, Jackson discussed what bitcoin and cryptocurrencies could potentially do to push the African American community forward. He’s adamant that the methods of America’s current financial system do not always pertain to African Americans, and he thinks the community needs its own policies and coins to do business and survive.He comments:We have...

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Ripple Partners ANU Law School to Launch Courses for Studying Blockchain

Ripple and ANU law school have partnered to develop courses about blockchain in relation to the law profession. Adoption of blockchain into the legal sector will bring several advantages and advancements to the industry.Australian National University (ANU) law school in collaboration with Ripple are set to begin two new courses in its master’s program to explore the effects blockchain would have on the legal profession.With the courses being co-developed by Ripple Blockchain Research...

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Crypto Ban in India Deemed Unconstitutional by Highest Court

India has removed its ban on cryptocurrencies.Crypto Can Find a Home in India AgainThe ban first emerged in 2018 by way of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The financial institution stated that cryptocurrencies were not real money in that they did not exist in physical form. In addition, governments are usually responsible for issuing new forms of money. As crypto did not come by way of a government entity, they were invalid and unfit to be used as a means of payment.However, the ban was not...

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Qatar Blocks Cryptocurrency Services Throughout The Gulf

As the new year begins, Qatar’s Financial Center, the nation’s regulatory authority, has issued a blanket ban on cryptocurrency-related services in the Gulf nation. The prohibition covers not only cryptocurrencies but “anything of value” that could substitute fiat currencies.Qatar Bans CryptocurrenciesThe Qatari Financial Center, which is also the nation’s regulatory authority, has issued a statewide ban on cryptocurrencies and other digital assets that might substitute traditional fiat.Per...

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