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Tag Archives: Johannesburg

Bitcoin Africa: Gearing African businesses to compete in the global marketplace

The adoption of blockchain technology has gained traction in South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria and Ghana – resulting in more efficient and lower-cost cross-border payments to facilitate African businesses conducting trade abroad. This shift can be attributed to an increase in global ratification of the technology where approximately 44% of the top 100 public companies, including tech giant Amazon, Tencent, Nike and MacDonalds. More and more businesses are venturing towards the new technology...

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Geht Südafrika bald das Gold aus? Fördermenge schrumpft seit 25 Monaten!

Tafelberg und Lion’s Head von Milnerton aus. Foto CC 3.0 by Pavel Špindler In Südafrika schrumpfen die Fördermengen von Gold. Der Bergbau förderte im vergangenen Oktober über 1 Prozent weniger, als es vor einem Jahr der Fall war. Geht Südafrika nun bald das Gold aus? Sinkende Förderungsraten Im September des Jahres 2017 konnte Südafrika letztmalig steigende Werte im Goldabbau verzeichnen. Diese ergaben sich aus einem Vergleich zum Vorjahr...

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Johannesburg Shuts Down Computers City-Wide After Bitcoin Ransomware Attack

Hackers have breached the computer network of South Africa’s commercial capital Johannesburg in an attempt to ransom the city for Bitcoin. Consequently, the city has shut down its website and suspended all e-services as a ‘precautionary measure’. At the time of writing the city’s website was still inaccessible. The city of Johannesburg’s official web portal is down. | Source: Joburg.orgPer The Times, the group behind the cyber-attack is an outfit known as Shadow Kill Hackers. The...

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