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Tag Archives: Swiss Fintech Ladies

Exploration versus Exploitation

Ambidextry is the ability of a company to strike a balance between optimising and renewing its business model. This makes it a core capability of digital transformation. Exploration versus exploitation Innovation is one of the three cornerstones of digital transformation. But companies are usually geared towards optimisation (exploitation). This leaves little time for adventure or exploration. This is a balancing act for many companies Established companies have one strong hand above all:...

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Event: Art and Fintech Start-Up Night and Donors Gala

The Swiss Fintech Ladies to announce Art and Fintech Start-Up Night and Donors Gala:We are intrigued by the support we are getting for our Art and Fintech Start-Up Night and Donors Gala. We, as SwissFinTechLadies, are solving the „female entrepreneurship“ and „female wealth gap“ and the dynamics it has with creating further gaps like the female funding gap. The repercussions are huge, in particular in the STEM and AI ages. We need females in STEM who stay and work in STEM and co-found...

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Nachhaltigkeit hat politischen Rückenwind – was bedeutet das?

Nachhaltigkeit hat politischen Rückenwind bekommen und wird auch von der EU systematisiert. Bislang war nicht ganz klar, was genau mit Nachhaltigkeit gemeint ist. Die begriffliche Verwirrung um Environmental and Social Governance (ESG), Impact Investing, Mission Investing, Responsible Investing und Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) hat nun ein Ende, zumindest in der EU. Hier kommt die Regulierungsbehörde, die Europäische Wertpapier- und Marktaufsichtsbehörde ESMA, der EU zu Hilfe. Die ESMA...

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Private markets – is the music still playing?

The private markets investment model is geared toward very large, patient investors willing to lock up their money for a period of years before they see any distributions. So, it’s no surprise that liquidity is one of the biggest challenges. For many assets you have to apply a buy, and hold strategy and can only sell after a period of 5 to 10 years. This is why private investors investing in such private markets really want to understand the exit...

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Angel Investing – Schließen Sie die weibliche Vermögenslücke

Karen Wendt, SFTL President & expert in responsible, impact and sustainable investing Was ist das fehlende Glied auf dem Weg zu finanziellem Reichtum? Wie würde es sich anfühlen, Gutes in der Welt zu tun und gleichzeitig finanziell gut dazustehen? Wie können Sie persönlich als nachhaltigkeitsbewusster Mensch das Eis brechen? Wenn Sie dieses fehlende Glied im SwissFinTechLadies Angel Investing Fortune Programm kennenlernen: Die Dinge ändern sich schnell zum Besseren. Sie setzen den...

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herHack: Join the Hackathon on 24/25 November 2023 at Campus Brugg-Windisch

Hackathons originated in the late 1990s from the tech community as time-limited events to promote collaborative innovation. During a hackathon, participants form smaller teams work together intensively, often for 24–48 hours. They create innovative projects or solutions within a specific theme or challenge. #herHACK 20.23 is a unique form of a hackathon with a special focus on women and sustainability. Participants brainstorm ideas, design...

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