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Tag Archives: tesla

JPMorgan: Tesla’s Recent BTC Moves Probably Won’t Pave the Way for Other Institutions

Tesla has just bought a whole lot of bitcoin for itself, but according to a report by JPMorgan, people shouldn’t expect this move to be repeated by other major companies, as bitcoin is still too volatile to take seriously.JPMorgan Is Doubtful That Tesla Made Any Serious HeadwayThe electric car company owned and operated by South African entrepreneur Elon Musk recently made a real dent in the crypto space when it decided to purchase roughly $1.5 billion worth of the world’s number one digital...

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General Motors Says It May Consider BTC Payments in the Future

Bitcoin is making a huge mark on the financial industry as of late. This is potentially due to recent activity from electric car company Tesla, which has purchased as much as $1.5 billion worth of the currency in the past week. The company is also looking into possibly allowing bitcoin as a method of payment for goods and services. General Motors – one of Tesla’s biggest competitors – has now come out to say that while it won’t be investing in the digital asset anytime soon, it will closely...

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The Week Tesla’s Bitcoin Purchase Sent BTC To Almost $50K: The Weekly Crypto Market Update

To say that the last week was interesting in the cryptocurrency market would be a massive understatement. Bitcoin almost reached $50K, Ethereum shot past $1800, BNB peaked at around $150 – these are just some of the highlights.Starting off, a few days ago, Bitcoin received perhaps what might be considered as its major endorsement in the recent years – Tesla revealed a bitcoin buy worth $1.5 billion in January. That’s right – one of the world’s largest public companies allocated around 15% of...

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Many Think Tesla Will Cause Bitcoin To Be Viewed as a Mainstream Currency

Everyone is talking about Tesla and bitcoin. While the news is more than 48 hours old, many are commenting that the latest move from the electric car company and its CEO Elon Musk is going to mark a significant time for the world’s leading digital currency by market cap.Tesla and Bitcoin Are Becoming the Perfect MatchThe currency has been making real waves for itself in the land of institutional investors, many of whom now see BTC as a hedge tool or store of wealth rather than just a...

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Bitcoin Just Keeps On Rising; Hits New High of $47,000

For anyone who had doubted bitcoin in the past, now is the time to feel foolish considering the world’s number one digital currency by market cap has just incurred another major surge that sees it trading at a new all-time high of roughly $47,000.Bitcoin Just Keeps Heading HigherThis is about $5,000 more than where it was trading just 24 hours ago. The currency is experiencing another major burst after it was announced that Tesla – the electric car company owned and run by South African...

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MicroStrategy Has Still Purchased Far More BTC Than Tesla

The recent bitcoin purchase initiated by Tesla is a big deal in many industry experts’ eyes, and what’s ironic about it is that with the purchase, the electric car company only trails MicroStrategy in terms of how much bitcoin it owns. Right now, Tesla has bought about $1.5 billion, which is a huge number on paper, but it pales in comparison with the BTC ownership of MicroStrategy, which is about $3.1 billion at the time of writing.MicroStrategy Is Still the BTC KingThe interesting thing...

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LSD-Induced Prank: The Reddit Post That Revealed Tesla’s Bitcoin Buy Before it Became Public

While Tesla’s $1.5 billion bitcoin purchase shook the world, a Reddit user also caused disturbance as it seemed that he predicted the move a month before it was announced. Giant mass media outlets like Reuters and Bloomberg picked up on the story, but the user later admitted that it was a prank, and he was actually on LSD when he wrote it.What The Media Thought It HappenedElon Musk’s Tesla became the latest giant company to allocate billions of dollars in bitcoin, as revealed earlier this...

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Elon Musk Has Just Purchased a Whole Lotta Bitcoin

Elon Musk – the South African entrepreneur behind large tech corporations such as SpaceX and Tesla – revealed that his latter company has purchased approximately $1.5 billion worth of bitcoin, the world’s most popular and powerful digital currency.Elon Musk Is at It Again with BitcoinMusk has repeatedly gone back and forth on the asset, at one time calling it as “bs as fiat” while at other times presenting it with high words of praise. Over the past week or so, the entrepreneur’s primary...

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After Tesla: Twitter Considers Adding Bitcoin to Its Balance Sheet, Says Company’s CFO

Twitter Chief Financial Officer Ned Segal said that the giant social media platform is looking into potentially putting bitcoin into its balance sheet. Additionally, the executive said that Twitter is exploring options to accommodate employees and vendors if they request to be paid in the first-ever cryptocurrency.Twitter To Put BTC On Its Balance Sheet?It seems that Tesla’s purchase of $1.5 billion in bitcoin has changed the game as numerous mainstream media outlets have taken the initiative...

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Bitcoin’s Volatility Will Stop Corporations From Following Tesla’s Example, JPM Strategists Say

Tesla’s massive $1.5 billion BTC purchase could be too risky for other large corporations to follow, argued JPMorgan Chase & Co strategists. They reasoned with bitcoin’s volatility that could prevent more old-school investors and individuals from allocating funds in the crypto asset.Corporations May Not Follow Tesla, JPM SaysElon Musk’s electric vehicle and clean energy company has bought $1.5 billion (15% of its net cash holdings) in bitcoin, as revealed earlier this week. Apart from the...

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