« Ledger compte parmi les entreprises françaises les plus rayonnantes sur le secteur de la crypto. Cette formidable licorne, portée par le CEO Pascal Gauthier, est très largement connue pour avoir mis sur le marché international des hardware wallets pour sécuriser vos bitcoins et vos autres crypto-monnaies. Fort d’une assise technique et d’une vision de plus en plus orientée vers le consommateur, la gamme de produits et de services proposés par Ledger ne cesse de croître, à l’image...
Read More »Nayib Bukele: Chivo Bitcoin Wallet Has Now More Active Users Than Any Salvadorian Bank
In just three weeks, roughly one-third of El Salvador’s population has started to employ the Bitcoin wallet Chivo actively. As such, the country’s president updated that more people will soon be using the app than they have bank accounts in all local banking organizations combined. The smallest and most densely populated Central American country made history earlier this year when it announced it will legalize bitcoin within its borders. The move received many controversial...
Read More »Volatile Weekend: Bitcoin Plunged to $40.7k, and Spiked to $43k In Minutes (Updated Market Watch)
After the relatively positive Saturday, the bears have returned to the market and pushed bitcoin south to below $41k. The alternative coins have also suffered badly, with ETH dropping beneath $2,800. Update: shortly after the first publishing of this market update, Bitcoin managed to recover from the massive dump – which resulted in a current daily low of $40.8k, according to Bitstamp. The primary cryptocurrency saw a decent recovery: In less than one hour, BTC spiked almost...
Read More »Une étude sur les détenteurs de cryptomonnaies en France
CryptoCheck a publié il y a quelques jours une étude réalisée pour l’essentiel auprès des followers de Just Mining et de Cryptoast entre le 30 juillet et le 16 août 2021. Ayant analysé plus de 3000 réponses, le rapport final tente d’établir le profil des détenteurs de cryptomonnaies en France. On y apprend ainsi que les investisseurs sont essentiellement des hommes (96%) ayant fait des études...
Read More »Over 10 New Cryptocurrencies Are Being Launched Every Day, Data Shows
During a period of major corporate and institutional interest in the crypto industry, nearly 5,000 new tokens have emerged in the last 12 months, averaging over 10 new coins per day, new data shows. Cryptocurrency Boom of 2021 As can be observed on CoinMarketCap’s homepage, the number of existing cryptocurrencies has recently surpassed 12,000. This is well over the approximately 7,100 coins recorded by the site in September of last year, meaning that at least 4,900 new...
Read More ȃvolution du minage de Bitcoin en Chine et dans le reste du monde
Entretien avec Sébastien Gouspillou. « Nous vous avions déjà parlé du mining chinois avec Sébastien Gouspillou, cofondateur de BigBlock DataCenter, dans de précédentes vidéos. Aujourd’hui, nous faisons un point quelques mois après les annonces pour le mois fracassantes de la Chine. Ce vaste pays, qui comptait pas moins de 60% du mining de bitcoin, avait décidé de manière ferme et irrévocable d’interdire cette production industrielle de bitcoin sur son territoire. Ce coup d’éclat...
Read More »Rich Dad Poor Dad’s Author Now Invests in ETH After BTC and Gold
Robert Kiyosaki – founder of Rich Global LLC and Rich Dad Company – recently told his followers to invest in Ethereum before “the biggest crash in history.” Thus, the author of the best-selling book Rich Dad Poor Dad added ETH to BTC, gold, and silver as his most-preferrable investment instruments. Kiyosaki’s Plea: Invest in Crypto The multi-millionaire businessman and author issued his warning earlier this week on Twitter. He made an extremely pessimistic forecast for global...
Read More »Wird Bitcoin jemals ein gängiges Zahlungsmittel werden?
Es gibt kaum eine Technologie auf der Welt, die derart die Meinungen der Menschen spaltet wie Kryptowährungen. Für die einen sind sie die große Erlösung, welche die alten Zahlungssysteme und die damit verbundenen Manipulationen der Regierungen beenden wird. Für die anderen dagegen sind Kryptowährungen nichts mehr als reine Spekulation, die am Ende garantiert zusammenstürzen wird. Was jedoch kein Mensch verleugnen kann, ist die Tatsache, dass Bitcoin und Co. immer mehr von den Massen...
Read More »Teens In India Are Becoming the World’s Next Big Crypto Fans
Teenagers in India are becoming the world’s newest cryptocurrency fans. India Has Had a Weird Relationship with Crypto India has had a very up and down relationship with digital currency. In the year 2018, for example, the nation’s central bank decided that crypto companies could not get access to bank accounts, and that standard financial institutions would not be permitted to work with any firm that delved in bitcoin or blockchain technology. After two years, however,...
Read More »Robinhood Is Debuting Its New Crypto Wallet System
Digital trading platform Robinhood is unveiling a new line of crypto wallets. The company has gotten heavily into the digital currency space over the past few years and is allegedly looking to capitalize on its newfound popularity in the field. Robinhood Is Pushing Its Crypto Division Forward The wallets will be rolled out in phases. In the beginning, they will only be available to select customers, though Robinhood has stated that should things work accordingly, the...
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