Steigt bald der Ethereum-Preis? Es ist reine Spekulation. Dennoch prognostizieren viele Chart-Analysten einen steigenden Ethereum-Preis. Angeblich soll der Preis um fast 1’000 US-Dollar auf knapp 4’000 US-Dollar steigen: #ethereum is ready to go higher for BITSTAMP:ETHUSD by YMGroup $ETH — BitcoinAgile (@bitcoinagile) June 7, 2021 Grund für den steigenden Ethereum-Preis? Ein wichtiger...
Read More »Kein Uber-Taxi? Zum Glück gibt es Bitrefill!
Was machen, wenn man unterwegs ist und die Kreditkarte plötzlich eine Zahlung verweigert? Früher war das vielleicht nicht so tragsich, da war Bargeld die Lösung. Aber seit alles immer digitaler wird, kann eine störrische Kreditkarte zu einem grösseren Problem werden. Genau dies ist folgendem Twitter widerfahren. Dieser war unterwegs war und konnte kein Uber-Taxi bestellen: Credit card company just blocked me from getting a taxi, any #Bitcoin taxis in Miami? — Ben THE Kaufman...
Read More »SpaceX: Spacechain transportiert im Juni zwei Bitcoin Nodes ins Weltall
Bitcoin Nodes im Weltall? Die Verlagerung von Blockchain-Technologie ins Weltall soll die Technologie weniger anfällig gegen terrestrische Einflüsse machen. Spacechain und SpaceX schiessen zwei Blockchain-Nodes ins All. Der erste Node ist bereits am 3. Juni in den Weltraum transportiert worden und der zweite Node soll am 24. Juni folgen. Die beiden Blockchain-Knoten sollen...
Read More »Toxic Bitcoin Maximalism is Bullshit, Erik Voorhees Says
ShapeShift CEO Erik Voorhees is no shy when it comes to expressing his opinion about politics, finance or Bitcoin maximalism —no matter popular or unpopular they might be. During an intervention at the Bitcoin 2021 conference in Miami, Voorhees criticized an earlier panelist’s comment praising toxic Bitcoin maximalism, saying that such thinking was, erm, wrong – to put it in more civilized terms. Bitcoin Maximalism: A Bug or a Feature? Just minutes before Erik Voorhees took...
Read More »NFL Player Russell Okung Wants Elon Musk to Step Away from Crypto
Elon Musk has been attracting some negative press in the crypto world as of late, and now Russell Okung – a former NFL player for the Carolina Panthers and a big bitcoin fan – is joining the angry crowd. The Anger Towards Elon Musk Continues Okung recently erected a billboard which took aim at the South African entrepreneur, particularly his position as CEO of SpaceX. Okung posted the following on the billboard: Stick to space. Clearly, he wants Elon Musk out of the...
Read More »Former SEC Head Bashes Crypto, Angers Mark Cuban
Mark Cuban has taken issue with some comments uttered by John Reed Stark, the former chief of the Office of Internet Enforcement for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). According to Stark, cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Ethereum bear “no utility,” something that Cuban seems to disagree heavily with. Mark Cuban Rushes to Crypto’s Defense Not long ago, Cuban stated that he owned bitcoin and believed it would be a serious hedge in the future against inflation...
Read More »So You’re Getting a Divorce. Who Gets the Crypto Assets?
Getting a divorce is complicated. So is owning crypto. When you combine the two, there is a good chance you are going to be suffering from a few headaches here and there. Divorce Proceedings and Crypto Can Be a Hard Combo As more and more cryptocurrencies are bought by young married couples in America, the idea of splitting that crypto up can be rather difficult should that couple ever find themselves in divorce court – especially if one of those individuals tries to...
Read More »Lawyers Reveal: Divorcing Couples Hide Money With Cryptocurrency
American experts warned that some spouses use digital assets as an instrument to hide money during divorce arrangements. There Are Always Ways According to a recent New York Digital Investment Group (NYDIG) survey, nearly 50 million Americans currently own bitcoin. Furthermore, the popularity of altcoins is also on the rise. With the above in mind, divorce attorneys in the USA noted that more and more spouses camouflage their money into crypto during breakup settlements....
Read More »Univers Bitcoin : Etat du marché des cryptos
Invité : Sami, animateur, intervieweur, envoyé spécial et analyste au Journal du Coin. Réalisation : Univers Bitcoin, « podcast crypto francophone où l’on parle des fondamentaux du bitcoin mais pas que… » A retrouver sur :– Itunes :– Spotify :– Deezer :– Google Podcast :– Twitter :– Youtube : ...
Read More »Tesla CEO Elon Musk Receives Threats from Anonymous for Manipulating Bitcoin and Wider Crypto Market
Anonymous stated that Musk’s reckless tweeting against the BTC mining propagated false analysis and made BTC lose potential investors. Anonymous, a famous hacker group operating online that has been noted for targeting fraudulent government and hoax organizations, has recently issued threats to Elon Musk stating his manipulative ways through which he influences the cryptocurrency market.Anonymous called Elon Musk out openly on social media stating that Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA) has been the...
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