Schweiz: Bitcoin kaufen war noch nie so einfach. Das sind die 3 beliebtesten Bitcoin-Börsen Ich werde immer wieder gefragt, wie und wo man als Bitcoin-Einsteiger und Anfänger am einfachsten Bitcoin kaufen kann. Meine Antwort darauf lautet: Investiere in Know How und Wissen. Denn Wissen zahlt sich immer aus; irgendwann. Wer dennoch ein paar Franken übrig hat, welche im schlimmsten Fall auch verloren gehen dürfen, der findet in diesem...
Read More »Bitcoin Mining mit Grafikkarten bald nicht mehr möglich?
Grafikkarten haben in den letzten Monaten einen wahren Preissprung hingelegt. Einzelne Modelle insbesondere der Geforce-RTX-Serie von Nvidia stiegen teilweise um mehr als 75 Prozent im Preis. Nvidia-Grafikkarten beliebt bei Minern Die neue Geforce-RTX-Serie läuft unter dem Namen 30 und umfasst Modelle in verschiedenen Preisklassen. Die 3060 ist das günstigste Modell, danach die etwas stärkere...
Read More »Le Bitcoin : la monnaie du futur ?
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Claire Balva, cofondatrice et présidente de Blockchain Partner et Yves Bennaïm, chercheur, écrivain, essayiste et expert de Bitcoin, sur le plateau de TV5 Monde. L’article Le Bitcoin : la monnaie du futur ? est apparu en premier sur
Read More »Bitcoin Is Surging, but Analysts Differ On Whether the Asset Has a Legitimate Future
Bitcoin has been doing extremely well as of late. The currency recently spiked as high as $56,000 per unit, and the world’s number one digital currency is now enjoying a total market cap exceeding $1 trillion. The asset has been on a serious momentum hike, and it doesn’t look like things are set to die down anytime soon.Bitcoin Is Seen Differently By AllBut the asset isn’t seen in a positive light by everyone. In fact, Eric Rosengren – president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston – is...
Read More »Social Media Firm Gab Shuts Down Temporarily Following BTC Spam Scare
Social network Gab saw itself going offline for a short period after some of its employees discovered bitcoin spam messages infiltrating the network.Gab Sees Bitcoin Spam Enter the ForumBitcoin spam has been rather prominent on social media these days. Last year during the summer, the world was shocked when it was found out that many high-profile accounts – including those of former president Barack Obama, his vice president Joe Biden, South African Tesla and SpaceX executive Elon Musk and...
Read More »BE SMART : « Au cœur de la folie Bitcoin »
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Stéphane Soumier reçoit Pierre Noizat, CEO de Paymium pour l’émission BE SMART. A voir sur la chaine Youtube de Be Smart L’article BE SMART : « Au cœur de la folie Bitcoin » est apparu en premier sur
Read More »Sud Radio : « La folie du bitcoin »
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Claire Balva, cofondatrice et présidente de Blockchain Partner était l’invitée de l’Oeil de l’Expert dans le 10Heures-Midi de Sud Radio. L’article Sud Radio : « La folie du bitcoin » est apparu en premier sur
Read More »Bitcoin Hits $1 Trillion Market Cap; How Much Further Will It Go?
Bitcoin has been doing extremely well as of late. At the time of writing, the world’s number one digital currency by market cap has shot beyond the $56,000 mark, and it looks like the currency isn’t set to slow its momentum anytime soon.Bitcoin Is Continuing to ExplodeRecently, bitcoin moved beyond a $1 trillion market cap, making it more comparable to gold. This is more than double the $500 billion it was at during the early portions of 2021. It has also shot up in price by more than five...
Read More »Bitcoin Investors With Less Money Than Elon Musk Should ‘Watch Out’ Said Bill Gates
Bill Gates is not bullish on bitcoin because of the massive energy the cryptocurrency uses. The billionaire philanthropist said that during a recent interview and also warned people who have less money than Elon Musk to be wary of potential financial losses if invested in BTC.Gates on Musk and BTCEver since news broke that Elon Musk’s electric vehicle and clean energy company, Tesla, had allocated $1.5 billion in bitcoin, speculations have run rampant within and outside the community about...
Read More »Découvre Bitcoin : « Et si Bitcoin se fait bannir ? »
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Vidéo réalisée par Rogzy, animateur de la chaine Youtube Découvre Bitcoin et du site internet A suivre également sur Twitter, Facebook et Discord. L’article Découvre Bitcoin : « Et si Bitcoin se fait bannir ? » est apparu en premier sur
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