Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 985. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: John McAfee in Spanien verhaftet, Todesurteil für Bitmex, Uniswap Handelsvolumen knackt 15 Milliarden US-Dollar und überholt Coinbase. [embedded content] 1.) Festnahmen in Spanien: John McAfee drohen 30 Jahre Knasthttps://bitcoin-kurier.de/festnahmen-in-spanien-john-mcafee-drohen-30-jahre-knast/2.) Todesurteil für BitMEX? Plattform-Exodus setzt sich fort – Bitcoin-Terminkontrakte...
Read More »LGO enregistré en tant que PSAN
LGO, plateforme de négociation d’actifs numériques dédiée aux entreprises et aux institutions, est désormais enregistré auprès de l’AMF en tant que Prestataire de Service sur Actifs Numérique pour la conservation d’actifs numériques et l’achat/vente d’actifs numériques contre monnaie ayant cours légal. « LGO propose une plateforme d’actifs numériques transparente dans son fonctionnement,...
Read More »Apéro-Crypto à Tours
« Vous avez entendu parler de bitcoin, d’ethereum, de blockchain, de minage ? Vous voulez en savoir plus ou tout simplement échanger sur ces sujets ? Venez participer au Meetup Apéro-Crypto ! » Où ? – Etape 84, 84 Avenue Grammont à Tours Quand ? – Jeudi 8 octobre 2020 de 19h00 à 20h00 En savoir plus : meetup.com/fr-FR/Bitcoin-et-cryptomonnaies-a-Tours ...
Read More »Yassine Elmandjra: Bitcoin Could Hit $1 Trillion This Decade
It has been a crazy year for bitcoin. The asset – which began 2020 at around $7,000 per coin – has fallen to as low as $3,800 in mid-March, but eventually rose as high as $12,000 per unit in August.Could Bitcoin Head for the Trillions?Earlier today, Live Bitcoin News reported that bitcoin could potentially experience a solid final three months of the year, and that the fourth quarter of 2020 would be particularly kind to the world’s number one cryptocurrency by market cap. In fact, one source...
Read More »Willy Woo: Quarter Four Will Be Rather Kind to Bitcoin
According to the latest charts and insights from crypto experts and analysts, the fourth quarter of this year is going to be rather kind to bitcoin.Will These Final Months Be Good for Bitcoin?In the past, the fourth quarter is always a major determiner of how bitcoin’s price trends will be in future months. In 2016, we saw bitcoin reach the $1,000 range for the first time in approximately three years. Not since 2013 had bitcoin managed to hit such a goal. This set the stage up for the...
Read More »New Report Sheds Light on Bitcoin Mining Energy Consumption
Since bitcoin first emerged on the scene, many have argued that the process of mining bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has caused the environment a lot of trouble. Many claim that the mining process requires far too much electricity, and that the energy being wasted on such frivolous operations is contributing to climate change and other environmental hazards.Does Bitcoin Mining Use a Lot of Energy? Well, It’s Complicated…In the past, many studies have been produced on this. It is often...
Read More »CryptoPinte à Strasbourg
Les CryptoPintes, rencontres autour des cryptomonnaies à Strasbourg, se déroulent habituellement au Blue Moon qui accepte les paiements en cryptos et notamment les paiements Lightning. Le bar étant complet, la rencontre du 7 octobre aura lieu exceptionnellement au WXYZ Bar. Où ? – Au WXYZ Bar, 2 Avenue du Rhin à Strasbourg Quand ? – Mercredi 7 octobre à 19h00 ...
Read More »Bitcoin Is Locked In a Triangle Again
Regulators heat up the pressure on crypto after the two Iranian flagships reached the Venezuelan cost. It is assumed that the Venezuelan government paid the Iranian for the delivered gasoline in crypto.CFTC fined the popular derivatives platform BitMex for operating an unregistered platform in the US and violating the Anti-Money Laundering regulations. The regulator also charged the top-management of the derivatives trading platform, including the CEO Arthur Heyes, as a consequence almost...
Read More »Traders Expect Slow Action in Price of Bitcoin and Altcoin Market for Q4 until 2021
Based on past Q4 figures, traders are expecting that a fall in the price of Bitcoin could cause further losses for the altcoin market.Traders are expecting a slow fourth-quarter for the price of Bitcoin and the altcoin market as well. Specifically, technical analysts are observing the Bitcoin dominance index to alert against a fall in the altcoin market.Over the past weeks, the price of Bitcoin has not changed significantly. However, traders are expecting a “slow fourth-quarter” for the top...
Read More »The Big Winners: $145 Million Worth Of Bitcoin Transferred From BitMEX to Binance and Gemini Following CFTC Fiasco
Cryptocurrency investors have withdrawn approximately 45,000 bitcoins from the derivatives exchange BitMEX following the recent charges brought by the US CFTC. A sizeable portion of the massive amount has ended up on two rival exchanges – Gemini and Binance.CFTC Charges Against BitMEX OwnersAs CryptoPotato reported last week, the US Commodities and Futures Trading Commission pressed charges against the owners of the popular derivatives exchange BitMEX. The CFTC charged Arthur Hayes, Ben Delo,...
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