After losing more than $250 million worth of cryptocurrencies in a security incident on September 26, KuCoin may have found new evidence to identify those responsible for the hack.It’s been exactly one week since Singapore-based cryptocurrency exchange KuCoin suffered what would be the third-largest hack in the history of crypto.And now, the exchange claims that after a thorough investigation, it has found the suspects of the siphoned $280 million with “substantial proof at hand.”KuCoin CEO...
Read More »S2F Model: 35% Think Bitcoin Won’t Reach $55K Target by 2021
According to a recent poll by the creator of the popular Bitcoin stock-to-flow model, the majority of participants believe that BTC’s price will either hit $55,000 or stay below it by the end of 2021.Backstory: Bitcoin Stock-To-Flow Model(s)A cryptocurrency analyst going by the Twitter handle PlanB revealed the first version of the BTC stock-to-flow model a few years back. He described the stock as the size of existing reserves (or stockpiles) and the flow – the annual supply of bitcoins on...
Read More »World Regulators Worried About Cryptocurrencies Used In Illegal Activities
A recent study compiled with government authorities and regulators concluded that they still view the cryptocurrency industry as a significant risk source. Those establishments raised concerns regarding the field’s self-regulation and the number of illegal activities funded by digital assets.Unsurprising: Regulators Worried About Crypto RegulationsThe UK’s oldest defense and security think tank, the Royal United Service Institute (RUSI), published the study dubbed Cryptocurrency Risk &...
Read More »EZB intensiviert Arbeit an digitalem Euro
Frankfurt am Main: Gebäudekomplex der Europäischen Zentralbank Foto cc 3.0 by Epizentrum, Wikipedia Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) hat heute einen umfassenden Bericht über die mögliche Ausgabe eines digitalen Euro veröffentlicht. Erstellt wurde dieser Bericht von der hochrangig besetzten Taskforce des Eurosystems zu digitalen Zentralbankwährungen. Der EZB-Rat hatte seiner Veröffentlichung zugestimmt. Ein digitaler Euro wäre eine...
Read More »BitFlyer: Bitcoin mit PayPal kaufen dank japanischer Bitcoin-Börse
Mit PayPal Bitcoin kaufen: Endlich schliesst jemand die Lücke von PayPal zu Bitcoin. BitFlyer Europe ist eine Tochtergesellschaft einer japanischen Gesellschaft. Es handelt sich um eine Kryptowährungsbörse. Durch die Neueinführung der Möglichkeit von Einzahlungen über PayPal bei bitFlyer Europe wird eine echte Fiat Krypto-Brücke für europäische Nutzer geschlagen. Die Integration eines so bekannten...
Read More »Haben BitMEX und Trump den Kryptomarkt sinken lassen?
Okay, wir sagen nicht, dass es einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen diesen Ereignissen gibt, aber es gibt sicher einen Verdacht. Gestern Abend hat die CFTC, BitMEX mit einigen schwerwiegenden Anschuldigungen belastet. Der CFTC zufolge betreibt BitMEX eine nicht registrierte Handelsplattform und verstößt gleichzeitig gegen die Anti-Geldwäsche-Bestimmungen. Unmittelbar nachdem diese Nachricht bekannt...
Read More »Ledger Sat Stack : un pont entre Bitcoin Core et votre Ledger Wallet
Annoncée par Pascal Gauthier lors de la Conférence Surfin’ Bitcoin, Ledger Sat Stack est une application Go (en version alpha) servant de pont entre l’application Ledger Live et Bitcoin Core. Ledger Sat Stack permet aux utilisateurs expérimentés possédant leur propre noeud Bitcoin, d’accroitre encore la confidentialité de leurs transactions en utilisant leur Ledger Wallet sans dépendre de...
Read More »50 Bitcoins Worth Over $500,000 Mined in May 2010 Mysteriously Moved to Bitfinex
Bitcoin worth roughly $500,000 was moved to one of Bitfinex’s hot wallets a couple of days back.This might seem like nothing but an ordinary transaction if it wasn’t for the fact that the BTC in question was mined back in May 2010, and it hasn’t been touched since. At the time, Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator, was still active.50 BTC From Satoshi’s Time on the MoveAn exciting transaction took place a couple of days ago. On October 1st, 2020, someone sent 50 BTC, currently...
Read More »Bitcoin Still Around $10,500: The Calm Before The Storm Following Trump’s Hospitalization?
Following the recent price decreases after the BitMEX and Donald Trump COVID19 news, Bitcoin has calmed and trades above $10,500. The situation with the altcoins is somewhat different as most continue struggling.Bitcoin Stays Calm After The DropsAs reported yesterday, Bitcoin tumbled from $10,900 to about $10,450 in a matter of hours. The drop came after news broke that the US CFTC charged the owners of the large cryptocurrency derivatives exchange BitMEX for illegally operating the platform...
Read More »Bitstamp and Byte Tree Look to Dispel Bitcoin Myths
Bitstamp – one of the world’s largest and most popular cryptocurrency exchanges – has published a new report with the help of a firm known as Byte Tree that details the value drivers behind bitcoin.Bitstamp Discusses BTC Value Drivers in New ReportAs we all know by now, bitcoin’s popularity is heading for the mountains. It’s getting higher every day, and needs a new peak to sit atop to ensure it’s head doesn’t scrape the ceiling, but what are the factors that are driving bitcoin’s growth? We...
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