Portugal’s Finance Minister Fernando Medina has confirmed plans to apply capital gains taxes on cryptocurrency profits. Though he has not committed to a specific date, he stressed that there can no longer be gaps within the tax system around transactions involving digital assets. Ending the Tax Haven? Cryptocurrencies are currently subject to very few tax rules in Portugal, making the country something of a crypto hub. However, the government finally committed to creating a...
Read More »El Salvador Invites Over 40 Central Banks for International Event on Bitcoin
After buying the dip and adding 500 BTCs to the state coffer, El Salvador President Nayib Bukele has another surprise up his sleeves. The country is organizing an international conference of central bank representatives today, Bukele announced less than 24 hours before the event. El Salvador’s Conference of Central Banks El Salvador will host an international bitcoin event on Monday where 44 central banks and key financial institutions have been invited, El Salvador...
Read More »Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Lyon, Neuchâtel… les événements de la semaine
Plusieurs rencontres autour de bitcoin et des cryptomonnaies auront lieu cette semaine, le jeudi 19 mai : Strasbourg : Crypto Flam’s au Cheval Noir à partir de 19h00 – Organisée tous les troisièmes jeudis du mois par le groupe Discord « Crypto Strasbourg », la Crypto Flam’s a lieu au restaurant Le Cheval Noir qui accepte les bitcoins on-chain et via le Lightning Network. Bordeaux : Winecoin au...
Read More »Bitcoin-Konferenz in El Salvador: 44 Teilnehmerstaaten treffen sich zum internationalen Bitcoin-Gipfel
Bitcoin City Wie der Präsident von El Salvador (Bukele) angekündigt, findet morgen Dienstag eine internationale Bitcoin-Konferenz statt. Teilnehmer aus über 44 Ländern werden erwartet – darunter viele afrikanische Staaten wie Ghana, Ägypten oder Nigeria. Themenschwerpunkt wird finanzielle Inklusion sein. Genauer gesagt die Frage, inwiefern Bitcoin hierzu einen Beitrag leisten kann. Noch immer haben viele Menschen in armen Ländern keinen Zugang zu...
Read More »Bitcoin & Green Tech : Vers une industrie durable ?
Intervention de Pierre Noizat lors du second Paris P2P Festival qui s’est déroulé du 27 avril au 1 mai 2022 à l’espace Ground Control, 81 Rue du Charolais à Paris. Réalisation : Samouraï TV pour Paris P2P (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) Pour soutenir l’indépendance du festival, et sa gratuité : https://p2p.paris/fr/donate/
Read More »British Crypto Investors Can Now Offset Losses With Future Gains for Tax: Report
Though Bitcoin touched the 30,000 level after days of violent dumps befalling the crypto market, a large portion of investors have since then remained underwater. The recent market selloff led by Terra and its two native cryptocurrencies plummeting in value has at one point wiped out the crypto market’s total gains attained from 2021. But for spooked investors in Britain experiencing losses, they can now offset them against future gains in tax filings, according to HM Revenue...
Read More »Jeff Wyler Automotive Engages in First Car-for-Crypto Sale
If you’re in Ohio, Kentucky, or Indiana and you fancy purchasing an automobile with cryptocurrency, you may want to stop by the Jeff Wyler Automotive Family auto center. Recently, the company completed its first vehicular cryptocurrency sale, having sold a certified pre-owned 2021 Mercedes-Benz S580 to someone in Saudi Arabia. Jeff Wyler Automotive Sells a Mercedes for Crypto The news is solid in that it’s pushing the goals of cryptocurrency and bitcoin closer to being...
Read More »La commission bancaire d’Afrique Centrale en guerre ouverte contre Bitcoin
Après une réunion en cession extraordinaire le 6 mai dernier, la COBAC [1], organe de supervision bancaire de la zone Franc CFA [2], a publié un communiqué de presse très hostile à Bitcoin et aux cryptomonnaies : « Au cours de cette cession, le COBAC a examiné les impacts des crypto-actifs sur la stabilité du système bancaire et financier de la Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l’Afrique Centrale (CEMAC). Afin de garantir la...
Read More »Dorsey, Saylor and Others Pen Letter Claiming Crypto Mining Isn’t Damaging the Planet
Several bitcoin advocates – including Jack Dorsey of Twitter fame, Tom Lee from Fundstrat, and Michael Saylor (the CEO of MicroStrategy) – have penned a letter to congressional democrats who are asking that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) examine the effects of crypto mining on the planet. Crypto Mining Isn’t the Monster Everyone Thinks It Is The letter is aimed at getting these democrats to rescind their order to have the agency look at the emissions of said...
Read More »Crypto Fan Elon Musk Has Purchased Twitter
Elon Musk – the South African billionaire and entrepreneur known for both Tesla and SpaceX – has purchased Twitter from Jack Dorsey. The irony of the situation is that one of the world’s biggest social media platforms is being sold by one of the largest crypto fans to one of the largest crypt fans. Elon Musk Is Now Twitter’s New Owner Elon Musk has sworn up and down that his ownership of Twitter will bring about a new level of free speech that many users have not been...
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