China is usually referred to as the headquarters of Bitcoin mining in the world, an interesting feat especially when the government’s strong position against cryptocurrencies is considered. While the government has repeatedly expressed its support for blockchain technology, it has not accorded digital currencies the same level of attention and respect. Regardless of all this, China still controls about 67% of the entire hash rate of the Bitcoin network. The real clincher, however, is that...
Read More »Binance Partners With Settle Network To Launch Fiat Gateway Platform In Latin America
The world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange by volume, Binance, is expanding its services in Latin America. By partnering with a major digital assets settlement network, Binance will launch a new platform called Latamex. It will allow direct fiat purchases of cryptocurrencies for Latin America on its website.Binance Gateway In Latin AmericaBinance is set to launch a fiat gateway platform, called Latamex, specifically designed for the Latin American market. It will allow users to purchase...
Read More »Upvest Blockchain Tokenization Company Receives $7.8M Series A Funding
Upvest has successfully raised €7 million (about $7.8 million) in a recently concluded Series A funding round. The startup is based in Germany and is focused on tokenizing financial assets on a blockchain for companies who need to.According to a report from The Block, the startup plans to use the funds it just raised to accommodate the expansion of its blockchain API (application programming interface) so that the platform can do more tokenization for more kinds of companies including private...
Read More »Buchtipp: Der Blockchain-Faktor – Wie die Blockchain unsere Gesellschaft verändern wird
Das Blockchain-Buch: Autoren sind u.a. von Thomas Dünser (Liechtenstein), Peter Grosskopf (Börse Stuttgart), Felix Holtermann (Handelsblatt), Martin Würmli (Stadtschreiber der Stadt Zug/CH), Kerstin Eichmann (innogy), Matthias Felder/Moritz von Bonin (Deutsche Bahn), Prof. Isabell Welpe (TU München), Prof. Andranik Tumasjan (Uni Mainz). Die Blockchain wird nach der Erfindung des Internets die nächste technologische Revolution einleiten und...
Read More »Swiss Blockchain Federation: Neue Wegleitung zur Ausgabe digitaler Aktien
Die Swiss Blockchain Federation hat eine Wegleitung für Emittenten von digitalen Aktien und verwandten Token veröffentlicht. Die kompakte und auch für Nicht-Spezialisten verständliche Anleitung soll insbesondere kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen helfen, das Potenzial digitaler Finanzinstrumente bei der Kapitalaufnahme auszuschöpfen. Die Ausgabe von Aktien und anderer Finanzinstrumente in Form von Token gehört zu den vielversprechendsten...
Read More »#770 Nike patentiert ETH Schuh Token, China Kontrolle Bitcoin Hashrate & Griechenland Bargeldverbot
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 770. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Nike patentiert Schuh-Token auf Ethereum Blockchain, China kontrolliert 66% der Bitcoin Hashrate & Griechenland Bargeldverbot Überwachung 1.) Nike patentiert Schuh-Token auf Ethereum Blockchain 2.) Studie: Chinesische Bitcoin-Miner kontrollieren 66% der weltweiten...
Read More »NYDFS Upgrades Its BitLincense Terms for Approval of New Cryptocurrencies
The New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) said that it will soon introduce changes and upgrade its virtual currency license famously known as BitLicense. In the cryptocurrency community, NYDFS is well-known for already having a strict set of rules setting the highest regulatory benchmark standards.On Wednesday, December 11, Superintendent Linda Lacewell announced that the regulator will modify rules for the approval process of new digital currencies. Under the existing set of...
Read More »Twitter Kicks Off Decentralized Social Media Development Project ‘Bluesky’
Jack Dorsey starts with the memories of the early days of Twitter. When it was decentralized and some people were saying they should continue that way. Yet, the dangers of the modern Internet influenced the development and Twitter was intensively centralized to solve several troubles.However, now Twitter CEO is seeing some new challenges and he claims that centralized social media cannot solve them. For instance, centralized enforcement of global policies cannot address abuse and misleading...
Read More »Director of Uganda Exchange Dunamis Coins Questioned Over Alleged Scam
Last week, Live Bitcoin News reported on a story involving a cryptocurrency exchange known as Dunamis Coins Resources Limited, based in Uganda. The exchange was under fire from users who say they were duped into providing money to the business as part of a shady job application process.Case of Uganda Exchange Grows LargerThe exchange was requiring all those interested in seeking consideration for its crypto and blockchain-based jobs to donate $5. The trouble was that about a month later, the...
Read More »Kraken: Geld verdienen mit Staking
Mit Kraken bietet erstmals eine der ganz grossen Bitcoin-Börsen das "Staking" an. Früher konnte man mit Bitcoin Mining Geld verdienen. Man brauchte dazu lediglich eine gute Grafikkarte. Heute ist das Mining kaum mehr profitabel. Man braucht spezielle Hardware und vor allem eine extrem günstige Stromquelle. Als Privatanwender ist Mining daher uninteressant geworden. Es gibt aber eine neue Methode, die immer populärer wird: Das sogenannte...
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