Intel’s new gaming chip is now available on laptops, and it’s being hailed by some in the crypto industry as a major disruptor to the cryptocurrency mining hash race. Here’s a short primer on Moore’s Law from Intel: “In 1965, Gordon Moore made a prediction that would set the pace for our modern digital revolution. From careful observation of an emerging trend, Moore extrapolated that computing would dramatically increase in power, and decrease in relative cost, at an...
Read More »Studie: Bitcoin ist im Mainstream angekommen. In Deutschland besitzen mehr Menschen Bitcoin als Gold.
Für viele Anleger sind Kryptowährungen zu einem festen Bestandteil in ihren Portfolios geworden. Bitcoin ist dabei mit Abstand die bekannteste Kryptowährung. Zu diesem Ergebnis kam eine Studie des ETF-Anbieters VanEck. Auf Platz zwei folgt Etherium. Dies dürfte niemanden verwundern, denn Bitcoin ist die Kryptowährung mit der höchsten Marktkapitalisierung weltweit. Erfunden wurde sie 2007 und genutzt werden kann sie seit 2009. Damit ist Bitcoin auch...
Read More »Bluecode auf Wachstumskurs: Ex-TWINT-Vizechef Anton Stadelmann wird CEO von Bluecode
Die europäische Payment-Lösung Bluecode führt ihren Wachstumskurs konsequent weiter und ernennt Anton Stadelmann zum neuen CEO. Christian Pirkner bleibt Executive Chairman des Verwaltungsrats und treibt gleichzeitig als Chairman der European Mobile Payment Systems Association (EMPSA) die europäische Payment- Interoperabilität voran. Bluecode wächst rasant. In den letzten Monaten sind weitere Banken und Händler Bluecode Partner geworden. Jetzt holt...
Read More »Crypto Exchange BitMEX Fails to Acquire German Bank: Report
BXM Operations’, a subsidiary founded by BitMEX CEO Alexander Höptner and its CFO Stephan Lutz, failed to acquire the Munich private bank, Bankhaus von der Heydt. Both parties agreed to cancel the planned deal, German media reported on Thursday. The acquisition was greenlighted by German regulator BaFIN back in January when BXM Operations signed a purchase agreement with Dietrich von Boetticher, the bank’s current owner. A BitMEX spokesperson told the German media that “the...
Read More »CRYSP: Erster digitale Vermögenswert auf Basis eines Schweizer Blue Chips lanciert
nCore Bank CEO Mark Dambacher und GenTwo CEO Philippe Naegeli (v.l.n.r) lancieren den ersten digitalen Vermögenswert der Schweiz, der einen Schweizer Blue Chip repräsentiert. Heute lancieren InCore Bank und GenTwo Digital einen Tokenized Tracker. Mit diesem Tracker auf Aktien der Partners Group (SWX: PGHN) wird es damit erstmals möglich, in einen digitalen Vermögenswert zu investieren, der einen Schweizer Blue Chip repräsentiert. Der Token basiert...
Read More »Jamaica Introduces Its CBDC to Support Those who are Financially Excluded
The central bank of Jamaica doubled down on its plans to design a digital version of its national currency. The institution claimed that the financial product will benefit a considerable percentage of the residents who do not have access to basic monetary services. Jamaica’s CBDC to Help the Locals Jamaica is yet another nation that pursues the launch of a central bank digital currency. In February this year, the central bank announced that everything was ready for the...
Read More »Calgary, Canada Wants to Be a Major Crypto Hub
The region of Calgary, Canada is doing all it can to attract cryptocurrency businesses. Calgary Tries to Rebrand Itself as a Crypto Haven Crypto is often known as the “Wild West” of the financial world, and to be fair, regions like Canada – given its history with Quadriga CX and similar ventures – doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to digital currency ventures. Thus, it looks like the country is trying to reshape its reputation and bring its ever-growing...
Read More »Michael Novogratz Galaxy Digital to Acquire BitGo Later in 2022
The cryptocurrency-focused financial services company led by Michael Novogratz – Galaxy Digital Holdings – announced it will acquire the digital asset custodian BitGo between now and October 2022. Initially, the move was planned for the first quarter of the year. Delaying the Acquisition In May last year, Galaxy Digital agreed to purchase BitGo for approximately $1.2 billion. According to the agreement, the latter’s shareholders were supposed to receive 33.8 million on newly...
Read More »Warren Buffett Protege Joel Greenblatt Doesn’t Understand BTC
It looks like Warren Buffett has gotten to another class-A investor about bitcoin. To be fair, the person in question – Joel Greenblatt – is a “student” of Buffett that has been molded by the veteran real estate mogul, but it’s always disappointing when someone is so against bitcoin and crypto. Joel Greenblatt Doesn’t Think BTC Has Value Joel Greenblatt said in a recent interview that he has never bought bitcoin. He does not own any units of the world’s number one...
Read More »Zilliqa (ZIL) Skyrockets 385% in the Weeks Leading to Metapolis Launch
Zilliqa – a scalability-focused DeFi blockchain – is seeing its cryptocurrency skyrocket leading up to the Metapolis launch this month. ZIL is up nearly 5X over the last two weeks, rising from $0.041 to $0.2 as of Friday. Zillqa leverages a layer 2 scaling solution known as “sharding”, which partitions a blockchain network into “shards” to spread out transaction workload. This method is currently being tested by Ethereum. Meanwhile, Metapolis is a metaverse-as-a-service...
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