It looks like Coinbase’s good vibes for this week are not just rubbing off on BTC and mainstream forms of digital currency. Dogecoin – a joke token that uses the face of a cute little Shiba Inu dog as its mascot – has surged to a new all-time high and was trading for as much as 14 cents early Wednesday morning. Dogecoin Keeps Making Financial Waves This week was met with strong news surrounding the cryptocurrency space. The digital token industry just keeps growing like...
Read More »The Crypto Industry is the Next Multi Trillion-Dollar Opportunity, Says Early Coinbase Investor
Notable tech investor Ron Conway called the crypto industry ”the next multimillion-dollar opportunity in innovation.” On the day when Coinbase’s (COIN) shares officially started trading, Conway opined that the crypto sector is quickly growing, but it is just getting started. Coinbase – ”The Google For The Crypto Economy” Ron Conway, an early investor in the largest U.S. cryptocurrency exchange along with popular corporations like Airbnb, Facebook, and Google, spoke about the...
Read More »A BTC ETF Is One of the Most Desired Products
As bitcoin and the cryptocurrency industry continue to grow, there is increasing pressure on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to do something about approving a bitcoin-based exchange-traded fund (ETF). America is lagging, and with the digital currency world expanding to such a degree, many analysts and investors are wondering what could be taking so long. A Bitcoin ETF: Is It Right Around the Corner? As it stands, there are at least eight companies looking to...
Read More »Become a Bitcoin Entrepreneur!
Become a Bitcoin Entrepreneur! Announcing the #BlockchainChallenges This is your opportunity to become a blockchain entrepreneur! Are you a creative mastermind? Or do you have an idea in mind where blockchain technology could be applied and which you would like to share and further develop? Within the framework of the NTN Innovation Booster – Blockchain Nation Switzerland, co-funded by the Swiss Innovation Agency Innosuisse, the Swiss...
Read More »6 Ways to Avoid Losing Your Funds to DeFi Scams in 2021
The DeFi industry is booming, and there are no two ways around it. Ever since the summer of 2020, dubbed by many the ‘DeFi summer,’ the total value locked in various protocols is increasing, while the volume on decentralized exchanges and automated market makers is skyrocketing as well. However, this has also substantially increased the number of exploits in the DeFi space ever since. In 2021 alone, we saw an array of various scams, ranging from hacks, exploits, and rug...
Read More »Die Neobank Bitwala verspricht bis zu 4,3% Zinsen – was steckt dahinter?
Bitwala: Dieses Bankkonto gibt 4.74 % Zins Diese Nachricht scheint in einer Phase der Niedrigzinsen beinahe aus einer anderen Zeit zu kommen. Die Neobank Bitwala wirbt derzeit mit einem Angebot von 4,3% Zinsen (*) auf die dortigen Einlagen. Während andere Banken Strafzinsen erheben, scheint dieses Angebot zu schön um wahr zu sein. Ein genauer Blick darauf ist daher angebracht. Der Name Bitwala ist vermutlich noch nicht jedermann bekannt....
Read More »Axa Schweiz: Grösste Versicherung der Welt setzt auf Bitcoin!
AXA Schweiz: Bitcoin als neue Zahlungsoption Die Schweizer Gruppe der AXA-Versicherung akzeptiert Bitcoin als Zahlungsmittel, wie AXA diese Woche auf dem Firmenblog bekannt gab: Als erste Allbranchenversicherung der Schweiz bietet die AXA ihren Versicherten neu die Möglichkeit an, ihre Rechnungen in Bitcoin zu bezahlen. Damit investiert sie in ihre digitale Entwicklung und reagiert auf das wachsende Kundenbedürfnis nach mehr Wahlfreiheit...
Read More »The Investor Who Turned $300K to $2.4 Billion Investing in Coinbase
Just a day after its official public listing, Coinbase is already creating multi-billion-dollar success stories. The popular angel investor and founder of Initialized Capital, Garry Tan, told his story in which he turned a $300,000 invested in Coinbase upon the company’s launch into $2.4 billion. Tan’s Initial Story with Armstrong and Coinbase Long before Coinbase became the US’s largest crypto exchange and be valued at about $100 billion, Brian Armstrong’s brainchild had a...
Read More »Crypto Market Cap Recovers $100 Billion as Bitcoin Reclaims $62K (Market Watch)
Following yesterday’s freefall in which bitcoin risked dipping below $60,000, the asset has bounced off and recovered about $2,000 of value. Most altcoins have also regained some ground, with some more than others. Apart from the top performer DOGE, Bitcoin Cash has spiked by 25% and has re-entered the top ten. Bitcoin Reclaims $62K After the latest all-time high registered earlier in the week of $65,000, the primary cryptocurrency reversed its price trajectory. Bitcoin...
Read More »AgeUSD to Launch as First Stablecoin on Cardano Network
Multinational blockchain technology company Emurgo initially announced the AgeUSD stablecoin in January 2021. The firm has since announced a partnership between the Ergo Foundation, Emurgo, and Charles Hoskinson’s Input-Output Global, the parent company of IOHK. The AgeUSD stablecoin will be available on Cardano as soon as smart contract capabilities are launched on the blockchain, it revealed. Do We Need Another Stablecoin? Emurgo aims to prevent events like MakerDAO’s Black...
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