About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
Read More »FTX-Rückzahlungen starten: 16 Milliarden USD für Gläubiger – wer profitiert wirklich?
About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
Read More »Tether erwirbt Minderheitsanteil an Juventus – Revolution im Sportsektor?
About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
Read More »Bitcoin vs. Ethereum vs. Solana: Darum hat Bitcoin das stärkste Narrativ
About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
Read More »Narrative und Storytelling: Money is Meme
About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
Read More »The Bitcoin Race: Michigan Set to Turn Orange with Bitcoin
On February 13, a new bill (HB 4087) was introduced in Michigan, paving the way for the state’s first Bitcoin investment plan. Representatives Bryan Posthumus and Ron Robinson introduced the bill to modernize the state’s financial laws and incorporate cryptocurrencies into its investment strategy. This step is a significant milestone, as Michigan now joins a growing number of U.S. states that are legally addressing the handling of digital assets. Details of the Bill The bill allows Michigan’s...
Read More »The Bitcoin Race: Michigan der neue Knotenpunkt der Bitcoin-Revolution
Am 13. Februar wurde in Michigan ein neuer Gesetzesentwurf (HB 4087) vorgestellt, der den Weg für den ersten Bitcoin-Investitionsplan des Staates ebnen soll. Abgeordnete Bryan Posthumus und Ron Robinson haben den Entwurf eingebracht, um das Finanzgesetz des Bundesstaates zu modernisieren und Kryptowährungen in die Investitionsstrategie des Staates aufzunehmen. Dieser Schritt stellt einen bedeutenden Meilenstein dar, da Michigan sich nun einer wachsenden Zahl von US-Bundesstaaten anschließt,...
Read More »Symphony of Blockchains: So kannst du die Bitcoin-Blockchain hören und sehen
About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
Read More »Tether und Reelly Tech: Blockchain-Revolution im Immobiliensektor der VAE
Tether, der Herausgeber des weltweit größten Stablecoins USDT, hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Reelly Tech bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen, das auf blockchainbasierte Transaktionsinfrastrukturen spezialisiert ist, soll dabei helfen, digitale Assets in den Immobiliensektor der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) zu integrieren. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Effizienz und Transparenz von Immobilientransaktionen durch den Einsatz der Blockchain-Technologie zu verbessern....
Read More »Agentlauncher aus dem Crypto Valley Schweiz: KI-Innovation trifft auf Web3
About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
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