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Crypto news

AI-Fail im Support: Deutscher Bitcoin-Broker hat über 20’000 offene Kundenanfragen

Trade Republic bietet das provisionsfreie Inverstieren in Aktien, ETFs, Derivate und neu auch in digitale Währungen wie Bitcoin an. Der Berliner Bitcoin-Broker hat ein Problem: Mehr als 20’000 Kundenanfragen sind seit mehr als 30 Tagen unbeantwortet. Menschliche Dummheit? Der Kundensupport setzte auf künstliche Intelligenz. Der Finanzblog Finance Forward aus Deutschland schreibt: Der milliardenschwere Neobroker Trade Republic hat vor wenigen Tagen seinen eigenen Kundenservice...

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VanEck will ersten Solana-ETF an die Börse bringen

VanEck Digital-Assets-Produkte überschreiten halbe Milliarde verwaltetes Vermögen. Der Fondsanbieter VanEck hat bei der SEC einen Antrag für den ersten Spot-basierten Solana-ETF in den USA eingereicht. Die Chancen stehen gemäss Experte nicht allzu gut. Der Markt reagierte auch verhalten, der Kurs der Kryptowährung Solana bleibt praktisch unverändert. Another one. First to file for a Solana exchange-traded fund. — VanEck (@vaneck_us) June 27, 2024...

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Bitcoin-Rückzahlungen: Bitcoin-Börse Mt. Gox beginnt heute mit Rückzahlungen

Die Kryptobörse Mt.Gox wickelte 2013 knapp 60 Prozent des globalen Bitcoin-Handels ab. Die Bitcoin-Börse Mt. Gox war einst der dominanteste Handelsplatz für Kryptowährungen. 2010 als erste Börse gegründet, wurde zeitweise über 70% des Bitcoin-Volumens über Mt. Gox abgewickelt. Die plötzliche Insolvenzanmeldung im Jahr 2014 traf die damals junge Krypto-Branche deshalb tief. Die Börse gab an, dass ein Angreifer etwa 850’000 Bitcoin (BTC) stahl. 150’000 Bitcoin – heute neun...

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Deutschland: Polizei verkauft 44.692 Bitcoins

Verfassungsgerichtshof und Landgericht Leipzig Foto CC 3.0 by L.E.rewi-sor, Wikipedia Die deutsche Polizei verkauft derzeit offenbar Bitcoins, die sie von Movie2k beschlagnahmt hat: Auf den Wallets des Bundeskriminalamtes passiert derzeit einiges. Gemäss der Webseite Arkham Intelligence liegen dort noch 44.692 Bitcoins. Das ist ein heftiger Betrag, aktuell rund 2.6 Milliarden Euro. Der Rest von den 50’000 Bitcoins, die das LKA Sachsen von den Entwicklern von Movie2k...

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Julian Assange Receives $500,000 Donation Through Bitcoin, Flown to Australia Debt Free

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange received a donation of 8.07 bitcoins from a single wallet, an amount helping him fly back to his home country—Australia. No commercial flights would take him to Australia, so the Australian government arranged a private jet with a steep cost of $520,000 that Julian was liable for. He was freed after spending five years in a UK prison, preceded by a five-year living arrangement at the Ecuadorean embassy in London. Julian pled guilty to a single charge of...

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Is Cryptoqueen Ruja Ignatova Alive? US Govt Raises Reward Offer to $5M

The United States government has increased the reward offered for information on OneCoin co-founder Ruja Ignatova’s whereabouts to $5 million. According to an official release from the U.S. Department of State spokesperson in conjunction with the U.S. Embassy in Bulgaria, anyone who brings information leading to the arrest or conviction of Ignatova, popularly known as Cryptoqueen, would be rewarded with $5 million. This new reward represents a significant increase from the...

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The Australian Tax Office Implements New Measures to Weed Crypto Tax Evaders

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has implemented a new tracking program that will allow it to identify cheaters every tax season starting this year. As 30 June marks the last day to file taxes in the country down under, those cashing out on their crypto and not reporting the gains will receive responses from the ATO, at best. Repeated failures to report gains will attract enforcement action. Crypto users must start reporting and paying their taxes despite the exchange they use to sell their...

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Coinbase Brings Lawsuit Against the SEC and FDIC

Coinbase has sued the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) over their reluctance to release crucial information covered by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The suits against the federal agencies were filed in the District Court for the District of Columbia on 27 June. The dispute arises from these agencies, mainly the SEC, going out of their way to blackball the crypto industry from the larger financial ecosystem. Fox Business...

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Marathon Digital Mines $15M in Kaspa Tokens for Revenue Diversification

Marathon Digital Holdings, a global crypto-focused platform, announced that its mining operations for Kaspa have yielded approximately $15 million worth of KAS since they commenced last September. The company states that the decision to mine Kaspa was part of its strategy to diversify its mining operations. Marathon Mining Kapsa In the statement released on Wednesday, Marathon Digital mentioned that since the dawn of their Kaspa mining operations, they have already mined...

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