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Hydra Dark Web Set to Begin Its ICO This Coming Monday

Russian dark web marketplace Hydra says it is seeking nearly $150 million in bitcoin to continue its operations.Hydra Is Looking to Become GlobalThe platform has announced an initial coin offering (ICO) set to begin next Monday on December 16. This is odd in the sense that most dark web marketplaces are looking to potentially hide or limit their presences, whereas an ICO with such a large goal is likely to let everyone in on the secret.This, according to the Russian media, is a giveaway that...

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Mark Yusko: BTC Will Reach $100K Within Two Years

Mark Yusko, a former bitcoin and crypto skeptic, thinks the BTC price is likely to hit $100,000 by the time 2021 rolls along.Mark Yusko Has Gone From Hater to BelieverAs the chief executive and chief investment officer at Morgan Creek Capital, Yusko was – at one time – not a believer in crypto and held more faith in traditional fiat. At the time of writing, however, some of that sentiment seems to have switched, with Yusko showing a little more interest in the digital asset and acknowledging...

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December Nightmare: Bitcoin Price Plunges Below $7,000

After trading in a tight range between $7,300 and $7,150 for several days, Bitcoin might be on the move again, heading south this time. The price of the largest cryptocurrency dropped to $6,994 on the largest margin trading exchange, BitMEX. Bitcoin managed to recover slightly and is currently trading at around $7,050.Cryptopotato reported today that BTC could be facing a potentially huge move shortly, according to the Bollinger Bands. Dropping below $7,000 could bring the question if there’s...

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Tania Amador Foils Crypto Scammer Through Some Very Simple Steps

Crypto scammers are wrought throughout the space, and people are consistently on edge hoping they don’t fall victim to these malicious individuals, but when a thief’s plans go awry, the victim is likely to get a nice feeling inside. Such feelings are likely being experienced by Tania Amador, a 28-year-old resident of Grand Prairie, Texas.Tania Amador Stops a Hacker in His TracksAmador claims that her Ring security system was hacked by a cryptocurrency scammer who demanded a bitcoin ransom of...

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Vitalik Buterin: The Ethereum Foundation Sold 70,000 ETH At The All-Time High

The co-founder of the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, Vitalik Buterin, recently admitted that the Ethereum Foundation (EF) has sold 70,000 ETH almost at the all-time high. Today, it seems like the right decision, as Ethereum’s price has plunged with over 90% since then.To Sell 70,000 ETH At The TopVitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, recently appeared in an interview, and naturally, his blockchain project was the most discussed topic. Besides the upcoming updates from the...

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A Wild Ride: Ethereum (ETH) Price Is Down 90% From ATH, But Up 5000% Since Inception

Cryptocurrencies, being relatively new, are getting more and more attention as potential investing tools. People within the community are often discussing prices and how each coin they have invested in could skyrocket, thus providing them good returns.While some might be thinking that ETH’s current price is around $145 and its all-time high was at close to $1400 – that’s a devaluation of 90% in less than two years. However, by checking Ethereum’s launch, it actually provides a return...

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Bitcoin Price Analysis: Bollinger Suggests HUGE BTC Move Coming Up Very Shortly

The BTC consolidation continues: for the past four days, Bitcoin’s price range had been shrunk to $150 only. From above $7300, from below $7150. This is coming after almost two weeks, since December began, of nearly zero volatility.The only people who benefit from such a market are those who run crypto margin exchanges. However, they can’t be that happy since the trading volume is also declining.Following price consolidation, declining volume, and on top – Bollinger Bands, which are very...

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NYOAG Plainly Says It Will Blow Up Bitfinex for Defrauding Investors

According to the documents released by the New York Office of the Attorney General, the judgment day finally comes to the castle of Bitfinex and the tower of Tether. Both companies were cheating with financial laws. And the development of their case only shows that Bitfinex is having some major troubles.The U.S. Supreme Court has destroyed Bitfinex, now it is the time to start packaging the inner functionaries.While examining the document, we can see that the Attorney General wants to dig...

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xx Coin: Verkauf beginnt am 7. Januar 23 Uhr Greenwich Mean Time

xx Coin: Der erste öffentliche Verkauf beginnt am 7. Januar um 23:00 Uhr GMT und endet, wenn die Zielobergrenze von 15 Mio. USD erreicht ist oder am 7. Februar. xx Coin, so heisst der neue Token, mit welchem David Chaum nichts geringeres will, als die gesamte Bitcoin und Kryptowährungs-Community zu disruptieren. Besser soll sie ein, schneller und vor allem auch in der Praxis nutzbar, seine neuen Token. Ein ganz besonderes Merkmal zeichnet...

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1Inch Dex Aggregator – DEX Exchange Talk mit Sergej und Thor

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show. Heute spreche ich wieder mit Thor Alexander und dem Entwickler Sergej von 1Inch DEX Aggrator über dezentrale Exchanges uvm. [embedded content] 5.) Bitcoin Informant bei iTunes als Podcast 6.) Der Bitcoin Informant Inside Telegram Kanal Sonnige GrüsseDennis “Bitcoin-Informant” Koray

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