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Crypto news

Aerum Is to Become Fuchsia Network

Founded in 2017, ASR Cryptotechnology is a blockchain startup that is building a result-driven smart contract platform. It is headquartered in Czech Republic, and the main aim of its activity is to offer business solutions that can satisfy the modern needs of the world that is now focused on such processes as tokenization and blockchain adoption.Aerum BlockchainThe company has introduced blockchain that is named Aerum. It is driven by the ATMOS 1.0 protocol which is a special cross-chain...

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Blockchain-Gesetz: Liechtenstein legalisiert Bitcoin, Token und Smart Contracts!

Dorfplatz und das Landtagsgebäude in Vaduz, Liechtenstein Gute Nachrichten aus dem Ländle: Der Liechtensteinische Landtag hat dem sogenannten „Blockchain-Gesetz“ zugestimmt. Damit kann das Token- und VT-Dienstleistergesetz (TVTG) per 1. Januar 2020 in Kraft treten. Dieser Blockchain-Act legalisiert einen grossen Teil der Token-Ökonomie und bietet daher endlich eine...

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CryptoExpo – Singapore 2019

When – October 26, 2019Where – Marina Bay Sands Convention CentreThe world of mysterious and extremely popular topic – crypto – is going to be opened to the world during Crypto Expo Asia, Singapore which is going to take place at Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre on the 26th of October. This huge expo-forum is not just about building network between crypto companies and gurus from all over the world but more so about getting to know what crypto world is actually about.This event is a great...

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Bayerische Landesbank prognostiziert einen Bitcoin-Preis von 90’000 im Jahr 2020!

Die Bayerische Landesbank (..eine Bank!) hat eine Studie veröffentlicht, in der sie prognostiziert, dass Bitcoin Gold den Rang ablaufen wird. Am 30. September veröffentlichte die Bayrische Landesbank einen Marktforschungsbericht, laut dem Bitcoin Gold überholen wird. Die Vermutung der Studie besteht darin, dass der momentane Bitcoin-Kurs von 8’300 US-Dollar die bevorstehende...

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Niedersachsen verdient in 2019 mehr als in den letzten 8 Jahren zusammen dank Bitcoin-Beschlagnahmungen

Neben dem legalen Handel werden Kryptowährungen auch gerne für kriminelle Zwecke verwendet. Werden die Täter bei Geldwäsche, Erpressung oder illegalem Handel im Darknet erwischt, profitieren nicht nur ehrliche Krypto-Interessenten, sondern ebenfalls der staatliche Geldbeutel. Bundesland Niedersachsen profitiert von beschlagnahmter Kryptowährung Während die Jahre 2010 bis 2018 Einnahme von rund 410.000...

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Deutschland: Finanzminister will E-Euro statt Libra

Stenografen dokumentieren eine Rede der Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel im Deutschen Bundestag. Foto: CC 3.0 by Tobias Koch, Wikipedia Facebooks Digitalwährung Libra ist in aller Munde. Doch es gibt auch eine Menge Gegenwind für die private Kryptowährung. Der deutsche Finanzminister Scholz hat seine Kritik an den Plänen von Libra erneuert und deutlich gemacht, dass eine europäische Libra-Alternative kommen muss. Scholz fordert die...

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How Blockchain Can Bring Sustainability to the Energy Industry

Photo: LCG Energy / TwitterThe International Energy Agency keeps warning us that our current energy system is absolutely unsustainable. Renewable energy seems like the only solution – but only if the whole framework of energy trading and consumption is overhauled. Blockchain technology can provide the missing element to achieve that.The growth of GDP and prosperity across the world brings a constant rise in demand for energy. The figures are alarming: According to the World Economic Outlook...

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Jared Kenna Thinks the Crypto Industry Hasn’t Changed for the Better

Some people don’t seem to enjoy bitcoin no matter how far it goes, but when one of those people is Jared Kenna – a man who ultimately got rich off of it – the odds don’t look too great.Jared Kenna Discusses His “Bitcoin Plight”Kenna is one of bitcoin’s earliest millionaires, but his presence within the crypto tech world has ultimately faded over the past three years. This has been for several reasons, the biggest one being that he’s lost his “love for the industry,” according to a recent...

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Russian Hotel and Credits are launching Loyalty Program on Blockchain

On the 2nd of October 2019, Credits announced the launch of the implementation of a loyalty program for Sevastopol Hotel customers. The project includes the use of blockchain technology and the development of a mobile application to accumulate loyalty bonuses.The negotiations between representatives of one of the largest Moscow hotel “Sevastopol” and the team of Credits Blockchain company led to an agreement on the implementation of a joint project to introduce innovative technology in the...

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Bitcoin-Rabid Japan Gleefully Cheers Facebook’s ‘Killer App’ Libra

Facebook’s plans to launch a cryptocurrency are an indication that blockchain technology has come of age and is ready for prime time, especially in Japan. According to the chairperson of the Japan Security Token Association, Go Masuda, Libra is blockchain’s second “killer app,” after Bitcoin: “The industry lacked a good use case of blockchain technology. There have been no killer apps since bitcoin … the industry is now entering a new phase of commercial adoption.” With Japan being one of...

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