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Crypto news

Bitcoin Price Facing Its Crucial Decision Point – Next Target $9,000 Or $7,200? BTC Analysis & Overview

September was a tough month for Bitcoin. The famous cryptocurrency reached a high of nearly $11K before the end of the month’ plunge down to $7,700. Over the past days, the first days of October, we saw Bitcoin price trying to recover in a continues consolidation between the marked descending trend-line on the following 4-hour chart and $8,200 from below.This seems like another mini bearish triangle. These kinds of formations tend to breakdown; however, there’s always the possibility to...

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Litecoin (LTC) Price Analysis: Bulls Facing Uphill Task Near $60

Litecoin price declined recently and traded below the $55.00 support against the US Dollar.LTC price is currently consolidating losses near the $55.00 level, with many hurdles on the upside.There is a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $60.00 on the 4-hours chart of the LTC/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase).The pair could recover in the short term, but $60.00 and $62.00 are likely to protect gains.Litecoin price is currently in a negative zone against the US Dollar and...

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Korea’s Biggest Bitcoin Exchange Embarks on a Major Challenge – India

Bithumb, South Korea’s largest bitcoin exchange alongside UPbit, is trying to convince the government of India to allow cryptocurrency trading. Javier Sim, co-founder and managing director of Bithumb, said that the company is planning to expand into the Indian cryptocurrency market through local partnerships, funding cryptocurrency startups in the region. In remarks reported by Indian business daily The Economic Times, Sim stated: “We are open to talking to regulators, working with them to...

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#720 Zerbricht Libra von innen, nationale Digitalwährung USA & macht dicht

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 720. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Vier große Partner der Facebook Coin Libra bekommen kalte Füße, Nationale digitale Währunge in den USA & macht aus finanziellen Gründen dicht 1.) Zerbricht Libra von innen? Vier große Partner der Facebook Coin bekommen kalte Füße 2.) US...

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Revolut: Ab sofort kostenlose Business Accounts!

Revolut: Ab sofort kostenlosesGeschäfts-Bankkonto für Unternehmen, GmbHs, Vereine, Freelancer usw. Exakt zum 2-jährigen Jubiläum lässt Revolut die Katze aus dem Sack: Es gibt kostenlose Business Accounts für Unternehmen. Dabei kann jeder der ein registriertes Unternehmen hat wie beispielsweise eine GmbH oder in Deutschland ein Freelancer mit Steuernummer, einen Account...

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Google’s Supercomputer Puts Fear in Crypto Miners’ Hearts

Last month, Google made a shocking announcement: that it had developed a supercomputer that could potentially solve very long and complicated mathematical equations. For some analysts, this meant only one thing: that bitcoin was about to become obsolete.A Supercomputer that Makes BTC Obsolete?Data pertaining to the computer was eventually published to NASA’s website, though the information was ultimately taken down potentially because it had not yet been confirmed.As we all know, bitcoin...

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Mit dem Security Token Offering der ezzy AG in einen Mega-Trend investieren

ezzy will den Online-Handel revolutionieren, ihn schneller, günstiger und interaktiver machen. Seit Anfang September führt die Liechtensteiner ezzy AG eine Finanzierungsrunde im Rahmen eines Security Token Offering (STO) für einen völlig neuartigen E-Commerce-Marktplatz durch. Mit zahlreichen technischen Innovationen und dem konsequenten Einsatz der Blockchain-Technologie wird das bislang 19-köpfige Expertenteam aus dem Fürstentum...

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School Looks to Lower Emissions from Bitcoin Mining

There’s no denying that bitcoin has great promise. Since it first emerged on the financial plane roughly ten years ago, the currency has come a long way and is changing the world of monetary trading as we know it.Bitcoin and Its Carbon EmissionsUnfortunately, not everyone is convinced that it has something to offer. One of the big problems with bitcoin that continually gets in the way is its carbon footprint, which according to some analysts is bigger than one might expect. In the past, it’s...

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German Serial Entrepreneur Marvin Steinberg Discusses the Benefits of STOs

Photo: ShutterstockAn abbreviation STO stands for Security Token Offering. STOs are similar to ICOs but have some fundamental differences. For instance, security tokens are regulated offering like traditional securities and are subject to the same legal compliance requirements. Their key difference is that a security token records the ownership of the investment product on a blockchain.The interest in STO lists has grown recently as startups and established companies are looking for new...

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Revolut will Visa-Karten ausgeben

Das Londoner Fintech-Start-Up Revolut ist auf Expansionskurs und hat angekündigt, bald neben den bislang angebotenen Mastercard-Kreditkarten auch Visa-Karten ausgeben zu wollen. Eine entsprechende Vereinbarung zwischen dem Kreditkartennetzwerk und dem Start-Up erlaubt das. Die Erschließung der nord- und lateinamerikanischen Märkte sowie Asiens ist für Revolut der primäre Grund für diese Partnerschaft....

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