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La question à mille satoshis

Quelles sont vos plateformes d’échange euro/bitcoin préférées ? Répondez à cette question dans les commentaires de cet article en indiquant votre adresse Tippin et gagnez mille satoshis. Attention, les plateformes crypto/crypto ne font pas partie du sondage. En savoir plus sur Article précédentBaltic Honeybadger,...

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Bitcoin Is ‘The Most Extraordinary Bubble of Our Generation’ Says Trader

The next bitcoin bull market is only getting started, analyst claims. | Source: Shutterstock Bitcoin is up by almost 180% year-to-date. To some, the disbelief rally has run its course, and it is now time to short the market. Trade Tosser Tweet | Source: TwitterWhile a quick short might be profitable now, one trader believes that the rally from $3,000 to almost...

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ConsenSys announces Codefi: Blockchain OS for commerce and finance

Press ReleaseTel Aviv, Israel – September 15, 2019: Today, ConsenSys unveiled ConsenSys Codefi, an “operating system” comprised of tools and services to help anyone— from financial institutions and large enterprises, to entrepreneurs, developers, and decentralized networks— benefit from the digital transformation of the infrastructure, manufacturing, and distribution value chains in commerce and finance. Built on Ethereum, Codefi provides the ability to digitize business processes, payments,...

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Vitalik Buterin in Ethereal: This Is How I Eliminate Scams In ICOs

The Ethereal Summit is currently taking place in Tel Aviv, Israel. One of the more interesting panels was that of Ethereum’s co-founder, Vitalik Buterin. Titled “Q&A On Ethereum 2.0 With Vitalik,” the discussion revolved around plenty of things concerning the future of the network, including scalability solutions. Discussing one of the hottest trends in the past months, namely, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Buterin touched upon a matter which concerned plenty of people since back in 2017:...

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Meetup Crypto Alsace

« Après l’hiver crypto, les meetups reprennent avec de nombreux nouveaux projets à vous présenter. » Où ? – Epitech, 4 Rue du Dôme à Strasbourg Quand ? – mardi 17 septembre 2019 de 18h45 à 20h45 S’inscrire :  Le programme de la soirée : DEEFI – – Plateforme de gestion de titres financiers digitalisés (Security Tokens) ADMCS – – Alsace Digital...

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Record Bitcoin Trade in Venezuela as Top Bank Launches Petro Services

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is pushing for Petro adoption, but locals are buying bitcoin in record amounts. | Image: Shutterstock The largest bank in Venezuela, the state-owned Bank of Venezuela, appears to have launched services to facilitate transactions in the country’s state-issued oil-backed virtual currency, the Petro. According to Decrypt, Bank of...

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Ripple Co-Founder Keeps Getting More and More XRP

Hey, Ripple: if you want to continue to anger your fans and customers, just keep doing what you’re doing! The company has now moved more than $26 million USD in XRP units to a wallet held by one of the company’s founders, Jed McCaleb, the same man who co-founded Stellar and the now defunct Mt. Gox exchange in Japan in 2011.Ripple Keeps Making Questionable MovesMt. Gox is one of the most notorious platforms in cryptocurrency history. The company lost more than $400 million USD in BTC units in...

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Is China Finally Easing Up on Cryptocurrencies?

It looks like some people (or entities) can change their minds after all. Despite a mixed relationship with cryptocurrency in the past, the People’s Bank of China (PBC) appears to finally be easing up to it. Is China Becoming “Friendlier?”As China’s central bank, the financial institution is looking to release its own digital currency in the future. This is not the same digital currency that China had initially announced weeks ago as a means of combating Libra. This would be an entirely...

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How the E.U. Plans to Battle Against Libra

It appears Libra doesn’t have that many fans. The new digital currency from Facebook is stemming controversy and dislike everywhere it goes, and now the European Central Bank (ECB) is taking what it deems to be necessary action by building its own national digital coin as a means of competing with it. Libra Just Can’t Find FriendsThis isn’t the first time a country (or in this case, continent) has emerged with a new digital currency to fight Libra’s alleged attacks. The first is China, who...

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