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Crypto news

Jared Kenna Thinks the Crypto Industry Hasn’t Changed for the Better

Some people don’t seem to enjoy bitcoin no matter how far it goes, but when one of those people is Jared Kenna – a man who ultimately got rich off of it – the odds don’t look too great.Jared Kenna Discusses His “Bitcoin Plight”Kenna is one of bitcoin’s earliest millionaires, but his presence within the crypto tech world has ultimately faded over the past three years. This has been for several reasons, the biggest one being that he’s lost his “love for the industry,” according to a recent...

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Russian Hotel and Credits are launching Loyalty Program on Blockchain

On the 2nd of October 2019, Credits announced the launch of the implementation of a loyalty program for Sevastopol Hotel customers. The project includes the use of blockchain technology and the development of a mobile application to accumulate loyalty bonuses.The negotiations between representatives of one of the largest Moscow hotel “Sevastopol” and the team of Credits Blockchain company led to an agreement on the implementation of a joint project to introduce innovative technology in the...

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Bitcoin-Rabid Japan Gleefully Cheers Facebook’s ‘Killer App’ Libra

Facebook’s plans to launch a cryptocurrency are an indication that blockchain technology has come of age and is ready for prime time, especially in Japan. According to the chairperson of the Japan Security Token Association, Go Masuda, Libra is blockchain’s second “killer app,” after Bitcoin: “The industry lacked a good use case of blockchain technology. There have been no killer apps since bitcoin … the industry is now entering a new phase of commercial adoption.” With Japan being one of...

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Réunion trimestrielle du Cercle du Coin

Le Cercle du Coin tiendra mardi 15 octobre à 18 heures sa réunion trimestrielle ouverte à tous les membres à jour de leur cotisation. La réunion se déroulera aux Écuries,  8 rue Bachaumont, à Paris. Pour faciliter la tâche des organisateurs il est demandé de s’inscrire sur le lien Plusieurs points devraient être abordés, dont le support à aborder à certains...

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Zinsen aufs Coinbase Konto erhalten

Aktuell ist es nur ein gültiges Programm für ausgewählte US-Kunden der Cryptobörse, allerdings könnte Coinbase bei Erfolg das Angebot international ausweiten. Seit gestern sind auf der Cryptobörse tatsächlich die Zinsen drin, die uns Tagesgeld und Sparbuch schon lange nicht mehr liefern.Crypto News: Zinsen aufs Coinbase Konto erhalten1,25 % Jährliche Rendite erhalten US-Nutzer von Coinbase auf alle Einlagen in USD Coin. Der Cryptocoin wächst beständig und ist innerhalb der Gruppe der...

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U.K. Report Suggests Institutional Investors Very Interested in Crypto

Perhaps institutional players aren’t that hard to come by. Perhaps they are interested in crypto after all, and perhaps they do want to diversify their portfolios with new technology.Institutional Investors Are More “Forgiving” Than We ThoughtThat’s the sentiment of a London-based OTC firm known as BCB Group. According to a new report issued by the organization, institutional investors are still intrigued by bitcoin and its crypto cousins despite the nasty price falls we’ve been witnessing as...

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For Dummies: Why Was Only Penalized $24 Million by the SEC?

The SEC recently slapped, the company behind EOS, with a $24 million penalty for not registering its Initial Coin Offering (ICO) properly as a security offering.Almost immediately, SIA Network also announced that it had come to a settlement with the SEC over a similar issue regarding the Nebulous project, which raised around $120,000 in a token sale back in 2014. The company was fined $225,000.These events left a lot of unanswered questions within the cryptocurrency community as to...

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Visa and Mastercard Run Away From Libra; Here’s the Real Reason

According to the Wall Street Journal, Visa and MasterCard are getting cold feet about helping build payment infrastructure for Facebook’s Libra project. The Wall Street Journal said that a number of financial partners were starting to back away from Libra because of regulatory concerns. This comes on the heels of a September 9 meeting in Switzerland in which financial regulators from across the globe questioned members of Libra. It also follows the skepticism expressed by Congress in July,...

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U.S. Congressmen Want the Federal Reserve to Consider a Digital Dollar

Even as the U.S. Congress bites down hard on Facebook and the social media giant’s grand plans of issuing its own digital currency, a recent event has corroborated the general idea that the problem with the Libra might not be the fact that it’s a digital currency itself, but that it’s being issued by Facebook. This is because, two Rep members have revealed concerns about the inevitability of digital currencies in the near future, suggesting that the United States should start getting used to...

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Philly Fed President Says Bank Cryptos are ‘Inevitable,’ but the U.S Won’t Take the Lead

It seems Patrick Harker, the president of the Philadelphia Fed, has finally got the memo, accepting that central bank digital currencies (CBDC) are “inevitable.” Still, that isn’t enough for America to take the lead on them. Harker, although extremely late to the party, made an important caveat on the U.S plans to create a CBDC. According to Reuters, speaking at a community banking conference on Wednesday, the Fed president addressed the unavoidable adoption of CBDCs. “It is inevitable I...

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