ISE Wealth Technologies GmbH Teamfoto RISE Wealth Technologies ist ein FinTech-Start-up mit Sitz in Grünwald bei München. RISE Wealth Tech baut eine Software für die Implementierung von Handelsstrategien auf der Basis von Maschinellem Lernen (ML) und Künstlicher Intelligenz (AI). Soeben gab RISE Wealth Technologies den Fahrplan für das bevorstehende Security Token Offering (STO) bekannt. Eine ideale Gelegenheit für ein Interview mit...
Read More »Bitcoin Can Drop to Anywhere from $7,000 to $0 Say Experts
Bitcoin’s fall from grace over the last few days has emboldened bears to come out of hiding. Calls for a plunge to $7,000 and below are overwhelming social media channels. It appears that in one bearish push, all the hard work that the bulls put in this year has gone out of the window. The CIO of Redacted Capital sees bitcoin dropping by another 15%. | Source: TwitterTo get a better sense of where bitcoin is headed in the near-term, we asked several experts on what they think would be the...
Read More »‘Excited’ Block.One Settles $24 Million SEC Penalty for Naughty EOS ICO
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has brought down the hammer on crypto once again, announcing a $24 million penalty on blockchain company Yesterday brought equal measures of hope and despair for the cryptocurrency market. A new rating system for cryptocurrency classification sprung up, looking to bolster self-regulation efforts; at the same time, the SEC pounced on EOS‘ parent company,, for its supposedly unregistered ICO. The company had tried to subvert...
Read More »First Week Performance of Bakkt’s Bitcoin Futures Remains Disappointing
Last week, the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) launched its regulated Bitcoin Futures contracts. While there was a lot of buzz before the launch, Bakkt failed to make an impact on the market.The Bakkt futures contracts saw very lukewarm response from investors. With one week since its launch, the Bakkt futures contracts have just $5 million in total trading. Bakkt’s Bitcoin futures contracts come in two options – daily and monthly settlement. The daily contracts settlements have received an...
Read More »Unabhängiges Ratings Council für Cryptocoins gegründet
Große Cryptocoin Börsen haben sich zusammengeschlossen, um ein unabhängiges Ratingssystem für Crypto Token zu kreieren. Als Crypto Ratings Council (CRC) hat diese Partnerschaft der Crypto Börsen eine Bewertungsplattform geformt, die uns ein unabhängiges System für die Seriosität von Cryptocoins liefern soll.Crypto News: Unabhängiges Ratings Council für Cryptocoins gegründetCoinbase, Circle, Bittrex, Kraken und weitere US Crypto Börsen sind Teil des Zusammenschlusses, der den CRC bildet. Schon...
Read More »Online Challenger Bank ‘Bunq’ Has Now Expanded Throughout the EU
Bunq, a fintech startup mobile bank that provides accounts and other financial services, will be spreading its services to another 22 regions, pushing the number of countries it operates in, all the way to 30. The company, based in Amsterdam, will also be supporting both Apple Pay and Google Pay for all of its customers with Travel Cards in certain countries including Spain, Italy, Belgium, France, Ireland, and the Netherlands.The Bunq company, which already operates in the above countries,...
Read More »Could Tether Be the World’s Most Used Cryptocurrency Ahead of Bitcoin?
What is the most used crypto in the world today? Many may think that it is Bitcoin since it accounts for over 67% of the digital-asset world’s market value. They could be wrong. Although dependable figures on trading volumes are rare to come by in the unpredictable crypto finance world, data shows some interesting reports.The token that has the highest daily and monthly trading volume is Tether that has a market capitalization that is over 30 times smaller than Bitcoin....
Read More »WeWork Retraces Steps On IPO and Postpones It Indefinitely
The We Company, WeWork’s parent company, has officially moved to withdraw its S-1 filing, with the intention of postponing its earlier announced and widely talked about initial public offering (IPO). The company’s intention to go public was initially announced on the 14th of August but has gotten a lot of backlash since then, especially because of the company’s governance structure.WeWork has been consistently criticized for not just its governance structure, but also the company’s staggering...
Read More »Terra’s Blockchain Payment Network Eyes Mass Adoption Through Payments dApp CHAI
Terra is an algorithmic stablecoin that aims to become the first mass adopted cryptocurrency globally. Terra is collateralized by a second native token called Luna (LUNA). Luna is already listed on a lot of Korean exchanges as well as global exchanges like Bitrue, KuCoin, and Bittrex.Terra has already garnered over 25 partners who push over $50 billion in annual transaction volume. The startup has signed multiple partnership agreements to integrate Terra’s payment system to their platforms,...
Read More »Revolut Expands Into 24 New Markets Through the Deal With Visa
Revolut, a British financial technology company that offers banking services, has signed a new deal with payments giant Visa. As a result, Revolut will expand its services to 24 new markets, or a total of 56 around the world, and hire 3500 employees.Under the terms of the agreement, Revolut will primarily issue Visa-branded cards in the global expansion. As Reuters reports, Visa will initially enable Revolut to launch in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore and the...
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