Wie funktioniert Reinvest24? Nach der Anmeldung auf der Plattform hast du generell 2 Möglichkeiten dein Geld zu investieren. Du kannst dein Geld auf dem Primärmarkt investieren. Oder du investierst auf dem Sekundärmarkt. In den letzten Jahren hat sich die Immobilienbranche als eine der attraktivsten Möglichkeiten für Investitionen erwiesen. Die steigende Nachfrage nach Immobilien und der Wunsch, passives Einkommen zu generieren, haben Investoren...
Read More »So funktioniert Robocash: Automatisiertes Investieren im P2P-Kreditmarkt
Robocash ist eine Investitionenplattform innerhalb der internationalen Finanzholding Robocash Group, die Verbraucherkreditgeber aus Europa und Asien umfasst. Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit war es für private Anleger eine mühsame und zeitaufwändige Aufgabe, in den P2P-Kreditmarkt zu investieren. Doch mit dem Aufkommen neuer Technologien und innovativer Plattformen hat sich das geändert. Eine solche Plattform ist Robocash, die das automatisierte...
Read More »BlackFort Exchange Network is Changing the Layer 1 Narrative with a Nodular Blockchain that is EVM Compatible
[PRESS RELEASE – Dubai, United Arab Emirates, July 28th, 2023] BlackFort Exchange Network (BXN), a trailblazer in blockchain technology, is making waves in the industry with the introduction of its nodular blockchain. This cutting-edge innovation offers unprecedented speed, scalability, and compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), reshaping the landscape of decentralized finance and smart contract execution. BXN’s nodular blockchain architecture represents a...
Read More »P2P-Lending-Plattform: So funktioniert Debitum
Was ist Debitum? Debitum ist eine P2P-Lending-Plattform aus Riga, Lettland. Derzeit sind etwas mehr als 3.000 Anleger auf der Plattform aktiv. Rund 68 Millionen Euro Anlegergelder wurden bereits vermittelt. Das Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending, also die Kreditvergabe von Privatpersonen an andere Privatpersonen oder Unternehmen über Online-Plattformen, hat in den letzten Jahren stark an Beliebtheit gewonnen. Eine solche Plattform, die sich in diesem...
Read More »P2P-Kredite: So funktioniert Swaper
Swaper ist eine P2P Kredit Plattform aus Lettland, die jedoch in Estland firmiert ist. Das Konzept hier ist ähnlich dem von Moncera, Lendermarket oder Esketit. Denn hinter der Plattform steckt eine größere Firmengruppe, welche die Geschicke maßgeblich lenkt. Im Falle von Swaper ist das die Wandoo Finance Group. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Kredite haben in den letzten Jahren stark an Beliebtheit gewonnen. Swaper ist eine Plattform, die es Anlegern ermöglicht,...
Read More »Here’s How Much Crypto Ukraine Raised to Fight Russia: Report
Supporters of war-torn Ukraine have reportedly donated over $225 million worth of crypto to the country in its fight against Russia. Prominent companies and figures part of the digital asset industry, such as the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance and Tron’s founder Justin Sun, have also contributed to the nation’s efforts. The Strong Start Followed by Stagnation According to a Crystal Blockchain report (seen by CoinDesk), Ukraine has received almost a quarter...
Read More »Crypto.com Expands its European Presence by Registering in the Netherlands
The popular cryptocurrency exchange – Crypto.com – secured regulatory approval from the central bank of the Netherlands to register as a provider of digital asset services. The company previously received certain types of authorization from numerous other European nations, including the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, and more. Crypto.com announced it has complied with the Netherlands’ Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act to obtain a green light...
Read More »Beware Crypto Firms Using Proof of Reserves “Audits”, Warns SEC
Paul Munter – principal advisor to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on accounting and auditing matters – issued a warning on Thursday to crypto accounting firms whose work is inappropriately marketed as a substitute for “audits.” The statement, titled “The Potential Pitfalls of Purported Crypto “Assurance” Work”, claimed that clients of such firms often promote their work as being at “parity” with a financial statement audit. “Such suggestions are false,” he...
Read More »Kyrgyzstan to Spend $20 Million to Build a Hydropowered Crypto Mine (Report)
The President of the Kyrgyz Republic – Sadyr Japarov – has reportedly approved the building of a cryptocurrency mining farm at a hydropower plant near the country’s biggest river – the Naryn. The political leader believes this development will allow the hydroelectric station to use its excessive energy since it can not sell it anywhere. Permission Granted According to a local media outlet, President Japarov has allowed the construction of a crypto mining farm at the...
Read More »Grayscale Claims Coinbase Won’t Work As A Bitcoin ETF Surveillance Partner
Grayscale wrote a letter to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Thursday calling for the agency to simultaneously approve any qualifying Bitcoin spot ETF applications, so as to not “pick winners and losers.” However, the firm also argued that Coinbase shouldn’t qualify as a surveillance partner to launch such a product, under the SEC’s pre-established rules. Why Coinbase Isn’t Good Enough Per the comment letter, the SEC has already questioned the pricing data...
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