The Bitcoin hash rate appears to be migrating west after the percentage of BTC mining taking place in the United States increased by 78%, leading into 2020.That’s according to the latest data from the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance (CCAF), presented in a report by TokenInsight, which shows the US-based Bitcoin hash rate rose from 4.06% to 7.24% between September of 2019 and April of 2020.US-Based Bitcoin Hash Rate Climbs 78%While that moved the US into second place in CCAFs global...
Read More »Renewable Energy Startup Using Blockchain Raises $3 Million in Funding
Blockchain-based renewable energy startup SunExchange has raised $3 million in a recent funding round to expand its services. The funding highlights the increasing demand in South Africa and the region for solar power and alternative investment options.SunExchange Raises $3MThe announcement from Reuters calculated that the South African-based blockchain company had increased the total amount it has raised in Series A funding rounds since 2019 to $4 million. The latest funding for $3 million...
Read More »Does gold come from outer space?
Asteroid mining is the exploitation of raw materials from asteroids and other minor planets, including near-Earth objects. Historically, gold has always been extremely valuable. It was used to honour the Gods and has always been associated with wealth. But how secure is gold as a financial investment and where exactly does gold come from? At times, alchemy was even used as a science dedicated solely to the yellow-coloured metal with the...
Read More »Analysis: Miners Selling Less Bitcoin But That’s Not Necessarily Positive
According to an analysis by the popular blockchain data company Glassnode, Bitcoin miners are selling a lot less at the current price rate. While this might look like a positive sign at a glance, it might also suggest that the current rate simply doesn’t satisfy their profitability criteria.Bitcoin Miners Selling LessData from the well-known cryptocurrency monitoring resource Glassnode reveals that Bitcoin miners have been selling substantially less BTC at the current rates.In fact, after the...
Read More »Bitcoin Rally bei 10.500 US-Dollar Marke
In den letzten 48 Stunden verhielt sich der Markt relativ ruhig. Die gesunkene Mining Difficulty des BTC hat den Kurs bisher offensichtlich nur gebremst, nicht aber in den Keller geschickt. Auf Twitter meldet sich nun ein Analyst, der allgemein für seine Prognose viel Rückenwind erhält.Bitcoin News: Bitcoin Rally bei 10.500 US-Dollar MarkeEs handelt sich dabei um @thrillmex, der unter anderem auch von Ex-Goldman Sachs Analyst Kelvin Koh unterstützt wird. Er veröffentlichte folgende Analyse...
Read More »Beware: Cryptojacking Attempts Surge 300% In Q1 of 2020, Kaspersky Reports
According to the Russian-based cybersecurity firm Kaspersky, the first three months of 2020 have seen an increased number of cryptojacking of computers for cryptocurrency mining.A report from the company said that the highest percentage surge had been spotted in South-east Asia.Cryptojacking Attempts On The RiseThe term cryptojacking is used when an attacker gains unauthorized access to a computer or mobile device to mine (or mint) cryptocurrencies. Typically, the perpetrator plants a...
Read More »Der BTC Preis könnte durch Mining Difficulty kurzfristig absinken
Die sogenannte Mining Difficulty steht kurz vor einem Drop. Traditionell sinkt mit einem Drop auch der BTC-Preis, so dass trotz des Bullenmarktes eine kurzfristige Preiskorrektur für den BTC zu erwarten ist. Der Drop der Difficulty ist der größte seit dem Bitcoin Halving am 11. Mai.Bitcoin News: Der BTC Preis könnte durch Mining Difficulty kurzfristig absinkenDas Bitcoin Netzwerk unterläuft einer automatischen Korrektur, die entscheidet, wie schwer es ist, einen BTC-Block zu minen. Bei hohen...
Read More »Bitmain’s Co-Founder Reportedly Storms The Company’s Beijing Office Using ‘Brute Force’
The drama surrounding one of the world’s largest Bitcoin mining equipment manufacturers, Bitmain, continues. According to recent reports, exiled co-founder Micree Ketuan Zhan used private guards to storm in the company’s Beijing offices today.Using ‘Brute Force’ To Enter Bitmain’s OfficesThe controversy around Bitmain’s leadership continues with full force. A video showing several uniformed men marching in an office building is all over crypto Twitter.According to Dovey Wan, a popular...
Read More »Adam Back: Bitcoin Price Could Skyrocket To $300,000 By 2025
Co-Founder and CEO of Blockstream Adam Back believes that Bitcoin could reach $300,000 in five years due to the current economic situation worldwide. In an interview, he also refuted the recent claims that he is the mysterious person behind BTC – Satoshi Nakamoto.Bitcoin To $300,000 By 2025?In his recent interview with Bloomberg, the popular cryptocurrency proponent admitted that he is mining bitcoins, but he’s not selling them. The reason why Back is not disposing of his coins could be...
Read More »China: Grabhügel entpuppen sich als Bitcoin Mining
Diese Meldung, so skurril sie tönt, ist wahr und erschien tatsächlich gestern in der South China Post. Eine Ölfirma in der nordchinesischen Stadt Daqin hatte die Polizei gerufen, nachdem die Stromzufuhr nicht konstant funktionierte. Die lokale Polizei entdeckte dann auf einem Feld mysteriöse Grabhügel.Die findigen Beamten entdeckten dann Zugänge zu diesen Hügeln und darin Bitcoin Mining Geräte, welche...
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