BRICS PAY und das dezentrale Nachrichtensystem DCMS: Eine Revolution im grenzüberschreitenden Zahlungsverkehr Die Entwicklung eines fairen und dezentralen Finanzsystems ist längst überfällig. Die BRICS-Staaten – Brasilien, Russland, Indien, China und Südafrika – haben erkannt, dass finanzielle Souveränität essenziell ist, um nationale und internationale Finanzressourcen unabhängig und nachhaltig zu verwalten. Mit BRICS Pay entsteht eine...
Read More »Ripple Pushes Its Cross-Border Agenda Following SEC Win
Ripple is feeling very confident following its recent SEC victory. So confident, in fact, that in a recent interview, representatives said they think many banks will want to use XRP (the official cryptocurrency of Ripple) to aid in cross-border payments. Ripple Wants XRP to Be a Primary Cross-Border Tool The company stated it’s already engaged in several talks with banks and other traditional financial institutions throughout the U.S. about the use of XRP in...
Read More »New Wirex Survey Suggests More People Are Turning to Crypto
A new survey conducted by Wirex – a crypto payments platform in the United Kingdom – and the Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) shows that more and more people are becoming aware of digital currencies, and usage is at an all-time high. Wirex and SDF Join Hands for Crypto Survey The survey also shows that cross-border payments involving crypto are occurring heavily in four distinct markets: the United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and Singapore. It appears many...
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