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Tag Archives: xmr

Finnish Authorities Connect Monero (XMR) Transactions to Vastaamo Data Breach

CoinspeakerFinnish Authorities Connect Monero (XMR) Transactions to Vastaamo Data Breach Although the Finnish authorities did not reveal the method used in analyzing Monero, Julius Aleksanteri Kivimäki has been confirmed as the key figure behind the Vastaamo data breach. Finnish Authorities Connect Monero (XMR) Transactions to Vastaamo Data Breach

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OKX Delisting Privacy Tokens in 2024

OKX has announced that it is deleting 11 trading pairs. These changes will go into effect from early January 2024. For years, privacy tokens have been controversial in the crypto industry. Privacy tokens are cryptos that cannot be traced and offer complete anonymity for those who use them. Some see them as useful and necessary for preserving the privacy of users and others see them as dangerous. Now, the popular crypto exchange OKX has announced that it will be delisting several privacy...

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Binance Rescinds Decision to Delist Privacy Coins as It Complies with EU Regulations

Binance will not delist privacy coins in Europe, opting instead to review its classification of assets in line with EU law. Binance has reviewed its decision to delist several privacy coins in Europe. The exchange will no longer delist these coins as it works to comply with regulations stipulated by European authorities. Binance will now reclassify privacy coins to satisfy regulations. In a recent comment, Binance said: “After carefully considering feedback from our community and...

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New EU Money Laundering Law Will Not Ban Crypto Payments

As far as the EU is concerned, it is gradually advancing in its crackdowns on the crypto industry through functional regulation. The European Union (EU) is set to vote on a new set of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws that may impose some significant restrictions on transactions involving the crypto market. According to recent clarifications given by Damien Carême, a French lawmaker from the Green party, the new restrictions will be based on scenarios where the sender cannot be identified....

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#1019 ETH 2.0 Countdown, CipherTrace Patent Monero Verfolgung & Paypal Bitcoin Treiber

Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 1019. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: Countdown für ETH 2.0, CipherTrace Patent zur Monero Transaktion Verfolgung & Bitcoin wird knapp – Paypal treibt die Rallye. 1.) Countdown für ETH 2.0: Nur wenige Tage bis zum Start – doch es gibt immer noch Hürden 2.) CipherTrace files patents for...

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#939 Joe Rogan Bitcoin Werbung, Monero (XMR) auf Erfolgskurs & Basler Kantonalbank Krypto Service

Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 939. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Joe Rogan hat mal wieder Bitcoin gesagt, XMR auf Erfolgskurs, Monero Ökosystem wächst weiter & Basler Kantonalbank startet Crypto Dienstleistungen. 1.) Joe Rogan hat mal wieder Bitcoin gesagt 2.) Das Monero Ökosystem wächst weiter – XMR auf...

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Houbi entfernt Privacy Coin Monero aus dem Sortiment

Einfache Alltagszahlungen sind kein Zukunftsmodell für Bitcoin, zumindest nicht, solange das Lightning-Netzwerk nicht steht. Ist Monero ist schneller und privater als Bitcoin; eine Alternative? Wegen illegaler Verwendung: Houbi entfernt Monero aus dem Sortiment: Huobi Korea hat Monero (XMR) aus seinem Portfolio genommen. Ursächlich soll der südkoreanische „Nth Room“-Skandal...

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Could Quantum Computing Be Used to Crack Cryptocurrency?

The theory goes that quantum computing could be used to crack out cryptocurrency wallets. Is this true?What could quantum computing do to web services? Currently, there are supercomputers already in existence. They are so smart that they can find your Bitcoins by brute-forcing the seed phrases. The computers are so smart now that they can distinguish between two persons entering the same login and password on a login page, serving different e-mail inboxes. This is not a matter of what...

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Why Bitcoin Can Be Good Crypto Vaccine against Financial Crisis

From the beginning of its inception, Bitcoin was worth cents but had indestructible inner value. In the darkest days of humanity, only rare things will have value. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can become the vaccine from the financial crisis.Due to the coronavirus attack and democracy constant fail across the globe, banks now can dump your data to anyone. The corporations and governments are taking away more rights under the cover of safety measures. However, total exposure to social...

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