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Bitcoin (BTC)

Taproot sur les rails

Une nouvelle période de signalement de Taproot [1] a démarré cette nuit. Avec plus de 97% de signalisation à l’issue de la période précédente (sur les 90% requis), Taproot devrait être verrouillé autour du 13 juin, pour une activation en décembre. Les 50 premiers blocs du nouveau cycle signalent tous Taproot à l’exception d’un seul, miné par MARA, la pool de minage « entièrement conforme à la...

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‘Long Only’ Stategy Most Profitable for Crypto Hedge Funds: PwC Survey

Cryptocurrency-focused hedge funds have increased their assets under management by nearly 100% in 2020 compared to the previous year, estimated a recent report compiled by PwC. On average, the funds returned more than 120% in 2020, while the percentage was just 30% in 2019. Growing Involvement of Crypto Hedge Funds In their third annual Global Crypto Hedge Fund Report, PwC and the Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) reviewed the performance of actively...

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Reprise des CryptoPintes à Strasbourg

Les CryptoPintes, rencontres autour des cryptomonnaies à Strasbourg, se déroulent habituellement tous les 1er mercredi du mois au Blue Moon qui accepte les paiements en cryptos. Le bar étant complet, la prochaine rencontre aura lieu à la Péniche Mécanique. Où ? – Péniche Mécanique, Presqu’île André Malraux à Strasbourg Quand ? – Mercredi 2 juin à partir de 18h00 ...

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Bitrefill: Interview mit Marc Steiner

Der Beste Bitcoin-Service ever? So funktioniert Bitrefill! Ich hatte hier schon einige Artikel über den Bitcoin-Service Bitrefill geschrieben. Bitrefill ist für mich einer der genialsten Bitcoin-Dienste ever und die Funktionalität geht weit über ein herkömmliches Gutschein-Portal hinaus. Zudem ist Bitrefill nicht ‚just another Wallet-Service‘ oder irgendeine angehänge Debitkarte, welche viel verspricht aber dann doch nicht funktioniert....

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The SEC Is Again Looking at Bitcoin ETF Applications

We are back at it again, folks. The bitcoin-based exchange-traded fund (ETF) game is in play all over again in the United States as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is now reviewing bitcoin ETF applications submitted by companies such as Fidelity and Sky Bridge Capital, led by Anthony Scaramucci. There Are Still Questions Surrounding a Bitcoin ETF The big question is not whether these products are good or useful in some way, but rather if the SEC finally has...

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Kursanstieg wie bei Bitcoin? Elektroautos sorgen für Silberboom!

Zusätzliche 40'000 Stück: Grosses Interesse an Roger-Federer-Münze Als Anleger sind wir immer auf der Suche nach dem nächsten Megatrend. Kursanstiege von mehreren 1000% haben wir in der Vergangenheit beispielsweise bei der Kryptowährung Bitcoin beobachten können. Es muss aber nicht immer zwingend eine komplizierte und neuartige Kryptowährung sein, die den Markt aufmischt. Der...

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BullishGlobal: Peter Thiel startet Bitcoin-Börse

BullishGlobal Peter Thiel gründet gemeinsam mit anderen Milliardenschweren Investoren eine neue Bitcoin-Börse. Dabei stellen Sie ein Startkapital von 10 Milliarden US Dollar zur Verfügung, und wollen damit die Marktführer Binance und Coinbase angreifen. Die neue Krypto Börse soll den Namen BullishGlobal tragen. Zu den Investoren zählen Christian Angermayer, Nomura, Mike...

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Flight Attendant Andrew Dawood Is Now a Millionaire, and His Journey Began with BTC

Andrew Dawood started out as a simple flight attendant, but his savvy investing has made him a millionaire, and he has things like bitcoin and GameStop shares to thank. Andrew Dawood Is Reaching for the Top Born in Egypt, Dawood relocated to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates with about $50,000 to his name. A solid amount for someone so young, but he was ready to make his move and turn that small fortune into a big fortune. Naturally, he turned his attention to bitcoin,...

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Volatility Incoming: Bitcoins On Derivatives Exchanges At Its Highest Since May 19

Bitcoins on derivatives exchanges are at their highest level since May 19, signaling a volatile weekend ahead. Historically, derivatives exchanges like Binance Futures, BitFinex, and BitMEX are able to create massive price movements (a single entity or group of entities can create huge swings using a relatively low number of coins) thanks to the provision of massive amounts of leverage. These exchanges allow margin trading of even over 100X leverage. Bitcoin had already seen...

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PayPal Users Can Soon Move Their Crypto to Other Outlets

Crypto fans around the world were excited to hear last October that PayPal would soon be allowing users to purchase and store cryptocurrencies through the trading platform. In addition, PayPal said that it was on the verge of allowing customers to pay for items and services with digital currencies. PayPal Is Changing Things Up a Bit This got things hopping up and down and the bitcoin boom ultimately began, though things came with a catch as users soon began to find out...

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